
New Friend

"Fujihara,I see that you are back." Shit! "Yes sir, here is your drink." "Thank you. This is my friend, she also have part in this movie." "Hello, my name is Asato Kagome." "My name is Fujihara Chintasu. Nice to meet you." "Fujihara?" "Yes sir?" "Is the water room temperature?" "Yes." "From the company I alweys drink?" "Yes." "Was it in fridge for 15 minutes before it become room temperature?" "I.... I don't know." "Go and bring another one that was 15 minutes in fridge first." "Yes sir."

She is so pissed. She can act cold but I can see that she want to hit me so bad. This will be funn.

What a jerk, what a jerk, what a jeeeerkkk!! "Bring me another one that was 15 minutes in fridge first" blah. He think's because he is rich that he can control people. And what's the point of water being in fridge if in the end u drink it warm! At least I got some material. So famous actres Kagome. Interesting. Why does beauty like her wants a idiot like him?

Five minutes later:

"Here you go sir. I checked and made it sure that water was in fridge for 15 minutes." "Thank you. Did you made sure that everything is ready for tonights meating?" "Yes." "Great. You may go and sit there. If I need something, I'll call you." "Alright." I go and sit on the chair. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...He's gonna kill me. "Um, excuse me?" Ughh, what now?Ha.. " An angel.." "What?" Crap. "Oh nothing, nothing" "Is this chair free?" "Hm?" "I mean no one is sitting here. Right?" "Oh yeah,u can sit." "Thanks...My name is Yuuma..Hosaka Yuuma, if u wanted to know." "Nice name. I'm Fujihara Chinatsu. But u can call me Chinatsu ,it's okey. Nice to meet ya." "Same." "Is it ok if I call you Yuuma?" "Absolutly!" "Nice. So you are working here?" "Yes I'm a producer." "Realy?! Why are you sitting here then?" "I needed a brake from everything." "Makes sence." "What about you? Are you here for a role or?" "What? No, no. I'm the assistent of a male lead." "Futamura Akira,huh?" "Yap." "I hear he's a nice guy." I realy don't know. I only started today." "Oh." " Yeah." "What do you do in your free time?" " Most of the time i'm playing video games." "Cool. What's your favorite?" "Mortal Kombat 11." "Nice!! I love that one." "Realy?! Amazing!" "Yes it realy is."

Where is that girl. Break alredy stared i need my drink. Huh. Why is she with that guy.And smiling like that. She never smiles with me.Ugh..what the hell,what am I thinking. "Fujihara!" "Ugh, here comes the devil." "Haha." "What is so funny?" "We were just talking." "About what?" "That's my private metter sir, you don't have any right to know about if, if I don't tell you willingly!"

Huh,that realy suprised me. She's wild. "You two seem afuly close." "We only met today." "Well isn't that nice. We are going." "But the shooting..? " "I said we are going." he grabed my hand. "Stop it hurts." "Let her go. She's my assistent I will do what I wont. Now move." "Yuuma it's alright. See ya tomorow." He's such a nice guy. "You are not alowed to see him anymore." "What!? You can't forbid me that!" "Yes I can, if you don't listen you will get fired! Are we clear?" "But.." "Are we?" There is no point of arguing with him. "Yes, I promise." "Good." I promise I wont tell you when I'm with him. Jerk. Blah.

One hour later,at the dinner:

"I am so glad that you acepted our invatation." "No problem, mister Tachibana. Pleasure is mine." It looks like Tachibana guy also have good looking son. What's up with rich people and good looks. I thought it's suposed to be combination of rich and old fart, not combination of rich and angelic face. "Fujihara!!" "Yes!" "Bring the papers and stop day dreaming for God's sake." "Yes sir." I went to get documents and quickly got back. "Here you go sir." "Thank you. Now, sir Tachibana you just need to sign here,here and..here." "Done." "Thank you. Now you officaly agreed that I get 90% in every project." "What!? You scheming bastard!! You tricked me!!" "I didn't. Cameras here have proof that you willingly sign papers. You can deny it but that will mean that you have to give me a 1 000 000 000 000 yen's. I don't belive you have that kind of mony. Am I right?" "Graahhh..karma will get you! Belive me it will!!" "I'll be long dead when she catches me.Let's go." "Yes sir." What a scheming bastard. Well this is clearly bad for the old guy,but it's more information for me. Great. I need to send Yumma a text.


Will we meet tomorow?

Ofcourse! I bought a new game and i need to showe it to you.

Ahhhh this is great. "Who are texting to?" Like I would tell u you "My mom. She wants me to come over tomorow. Is that alright?" "Ofcourse it is." Bingo. "Thank you." I can't wait to see game that Yuuma bought. Tomorow will be great.