
My Dad?

I am home. Finaly. Hope is asleep,and I'm confused. He realy told me that he love me. There is no way. He just want's to get under my skin. Aghhh. I need to rest.

Next morning:

Alarm woke me up. No,no,noo. Why does it have to be morning so quickly. "Momyy!Will aunt Minako take care of me today too?" "No. I will take you with me today." "Yayy! I will go with momy!" "Yes. Now go in your room and momy will come to dress you up." "Oki." After an hour we are finaly finished. We get in the car and i start driving. Every single time,whenever I take her to my work she pick clothes for an hour. The only thing I was picking so long in her age was ice cream. Actualy I do that even today..Hmm wich falvor is my favorit "Momy?" "Yes sweety?" "What are you thinking about?" "Ahh..some adults stuff." "Ohhh..then I don't care. When will we arrive." "Actualy..Here we are." "Wow! It so big." "Yap. It is. Come on let's go and great everyone." After we arrived at set,we walked in and Hope introduced herself to entire group. "Hello everyone. My name is Hope Fujihara. Nice to meet you all." "She is so sweet." " Like a little angel." I heard workers talking like that. Well they like her. That's good for a begining. "So she realy is your daughter." why does he need to alweys show up at great moment. "Hello Futamura. Yes she is my child. I think I alredy told you that." "You are raising her alone?" "Yes. Is that a problem?" "Akiii!!" "Oh God." Ohh is the actress from the last time. "Your girlfriend is werry cute." "She's not my girlfriend!!" "Realy?" "Yes!' "Aki?" "What now Kagome?" "Why did you break up with me." "I never loved you and..and the person I loved the most and still love is back." "What!?" "That's true." "But,but.. Aaaaghh. You bastard I hate you!" "Don't you think u were to harsh?" "Don't worry. Would you like to have luch with me today. I found kids resturant. Hope will love it." "I will think about it. It's my turn now." Hope and me stayed werry long time at set. I could see she was hungry,so I asked my boss to let me go earlier. Ofcourse he said yes and told me that child is alweys on the first place so he understands. What a good man. "Let's go Hope." "Did you decide." I did,I wanted to say no so bad but it tooks a longer time to go home and then cook a meal. So I.. "Yes. Hope this man will take us to eat." so I said yes. "Oki. Mister you seem familiar. Did I saw you somewhere before?" "You told me that your mom told you that all handsome guys are jerks." "Yes that. But I saw you somewhere else too." "Enough Hope let's go." We get into the car. Half of a ride was werry quiet. Hope didn't talk and neither did Futamura. I was realy suprised. But then Hope yelled something that I thought she could hide. "You are my dad!" "What?" "You are my daddy. My momy had your picture in America and told me that you are my daddy but that you wont be able to meet you." "And what did I tell you after that?" I say with werry embarrassing tone. "You told me if I ever meet and recognize him that I don't tell him anything...Ohhh." "She's my daughter!?" "No she just thinks so." "Why didn't you tell me that I had a daughter!?" "You told me to get out of your life and i found out couple of weeks later. What was I supposed to do!?!?" "I.." He can't say anything. He knowes that i'm right. "Fujihara I.." "Just...just drive." This will be terrible dinner.