
Meeting Parents

"Mommy are we going back to the oir house now?" "Yes..Hope?" "Yeah?" "Would you like to meet your grandparents?" "Yeees!!" "Alright. I will take u to meet them today." After a few minutes we arrived at mansion. "Finaly our home. Are u happy mommy?" "Ofcourse I am." "But, why is daddy not here?" "He had some buisness to do. Took what u need from clothes, we are going to see your grandparents." "Yaaayy!" She is such a cute kid. "Are u ready?" "Yap!" "Let's go." I start driving. I didn't have contact with them for 5 years. I wonder will they accept Hope and me.

After a 15 minutes.

Hah, we are already here. I never realised that our home was so close to them. "Hope, wake up. We are here." "We already arrived?" "Yes." "Let's go and meet my grandparents!" "Alright let's go." I took her hand as we leave the car. Oh God please help me now..We start going towards the door. "Can I knock?" "Sure, go ahead and knock." After she knocked I heard woman's voice yelling "Coming!" I bet that's mom. Few secundes later someone opened the door. It was realy her. It was my mom. She don't look that mad. "Hi mom. Umm..how are you?" Oh, please make everything go well. Soon after that my dad also came. I guess he was worried why no one is coming in. They were just standing there. I was prepared for yelling and breaking stuff, but excapt of that they smiled softly and started crying. They hugged me. I then, started crying myself while Hope was just holding my hand confusedly looking at us. "Chinatsu? Is that realy you?" "Oh my God, we missed you so much!" "Who is that?" "Mom, dad, this is my daughter Hope." "Your daughter?" "Yes. Can we come in, I need to tell you a lots of stuff." "Ofcourse." After we came in I told them my story. "You had husband?!" "Sorry I didn't told u, I just.." "Did you hear this dear out cute daughter who couldn't even find a proper job had a husband and now has 2 man fighting over her." "I agree with you. So tell me, wich one will be my son in law. Director or actor?" "Mom, stop!" "We are kidding, don't be to harsh on your mother." "So can Hope stay with you for a while. I will come every day if I have time. Is that alright?" "Ofcourse." "Hope what do you think about that? Would you like to stay here?" "Mommy, I am big girl now. I can take care of myself.So don't worry. You can leave me here." "Wow you are such a good girl. It won't be forever. " "I know." "Come here." I hug her tightly. "I'll miss you werry much." "But mommy will try and come every day." "Thank you." "Oh honey, you don't need to thank me." At that moment my phone started ringing. "Wait just a second." I leave kitchen. "Yes?" "Hey Chinatsu." "Akira? What do u want?" "I know I can't talk about this over the phone, but Kagome and I don't have anything going on. You have to belive me." "No, I don't have to belive you." But I will be fool again. I will love again. "But I will belive you." "Thank you. Thank you so much!" "You don't need to thank me. Do you want to eat together?" "R-realy?" "Yes" "Ofcourse." "Meet me in town in about 30 minutes,I need to tell you something." "Alright, see you." Ugh, she hung up.

I hung up. Huh..alright. I can do this. I have confidence. But maybe I don't. No I have ,I have. Let's go. "Hope I'm going!" "Waiiiiitt!!" Pft, she's to adorable. "I love you mommy." "I love you too." "Say hi to daddy." "I will." "We love you to Chinatsu,take care of yourself." "I will. I love you guys also." I start going to the car and I hear my mother. "Say hi to my son in law!!" "Momm!!" "What?" "Hah, see you mom." Ahhh, this is great. It looks like it isn't the same as 5 years ago. That's good. Well I will confess to him today. I guess it will be alright. Huh,let's go!