
Lost Friend

"Morning." "Goodmorning. Where is Yuuma?" "He went to get Hope's and your stuff." "Great.I will go and make dinner. U wait here." Boom! "What are u doing?" "What do u think?" Akira was holding me aganst the wall. "Please. Don't ruin our friendship." "I can't. I can't be only friends with u." "I loved u so much and I still do. Please I know u love me too. Just give me chance." What should I do. Why am I not yelling? Why don't I resist. I was scared of this. Maybe I fall in love with him again. I'm in love with guy that broke my heart in past. "Please Chinatsu?" I want to say yes. No,no I can't. Not now. When we finish shooting movie. That way if something happens I don't have to see him anymore. He keeps looking at me. But I just look away. At tha moment he grabs my face and..kiss me. This is so familiar. This already happend before. But..I am not resisting. I want to punch him, call him a devil, a jerk. But I can't. Tears start dripping down my face. What the hell? I realy became a crybaby. To bad. He stoped kissing me. I assume he saw me crying. He isn't doing anything? " Do u hate my kiss so much?" Hm? "Do u hate me that much!?" "No,I.." "Do u want me to give u to Yuuma, or maybe to your ex husband? Hm tell me" Slap! "You bastard." I did it. I slaped him. But why does my heart hurt so bad. What is wrong with me?

After an hour:

"Chinatsu!Akira! Are u here?!" Oh? It looks like Yuuma is back. I rushed down. "Hey. I think Akira went somewhere a while ago." "No, I'm here." "O-oh. Ok" "Here is your clothes." "Thank u." "Bring that to my room and then come to my room. I need to tell u something." "Alright." I go back and put our clothes on right place. Well this is good. Oh yeah. I need to go to Yuuma's room. I can't hear him. Hehe I will suprise him. "Aki.." "Yes everything is going good." Hm? I wonder what is je talking about. "I just need to get rid of Akira. Then I can make her fall in love with me and then destroy her." W-what? What the h-hel is he talking about? No,no. This can't be happening. I start moving back. "Chinatsu?" I bump in Akira. "He...he..he wants to get rid of you and destroy me." "What are u talking about?" "Yuuma. Yuuma want's to destroy me. I heard him talking with someone on the phone. Come listen." Both of us then lean towards door. "Yes. It will be realy easy. Akira is total idiot and she is naive. She realy thinks that I am her friend. Pathetic. She's only a stupid toy.When I get rid of her I will have everything for myslef. Alright goodbye." He hanged up the phone. We need to run. "No, stay here." What is he planning? "Oh hi guys.What are u.." "You son of a bitch!" He started hiting him. "You want to destroy her?! She is naive!? She's a stupid toy!!? "Akira stop!! You will kill him!" "He deserves to die. He deserves death." "Stoop." I pushed him away. "Why Yuuma? I thought that we were friends. Why did u do this to me? Why!?" "I needed money and it was fun. Don't u think?" He then passed out. No, why, why. "Don't worry. I wont betray u. Never again." His hug. It feels nice. It's warm. Little after that we called the ambulance amd they took Yuuma away..We didn't said that Akira beat him. "What now?" "What about u come and love with me?" I smile softly. "That sounds nice." He starts blushing. He's so cute. I guess I realy did fall in love with him again. This will maybe turn out great. Riiiing!! "Your phone." "Yes. Wait just a little. Yes?" "How did u liked my present?" "Morgan?" "It was pretty shocking I guess. To hear your friend saying those things." "How..how did u know?" "Hmph....money can do anything. I was able to buy your "friend"." " What do u want from me!!!??" "Be mine. Come back to me. Or I will make u lose all of your friends. Think about it." I hang up. I start trembling. "Great two bastards in one day. Come here."He lifts me up. "Promise u wont leave me." "What?" "Morgan buyed Yuuma's trust. Please don't let him buy u. Please stay by my side."

If this wasn't so sad and pathetic, I would so make a joke now. But.."I promise. I wont leave u ever again." "Thank u."