

Next morning:

Hmmmmm..morning is beautiful. I put my clothes on and starts going downstairs. Huh? Yes I finaly get up before that jerk. Well, it looks like maid isn't here either. It looks like i will have to make my breakfast today. That's good point actualy, I don't realy like fancy food they serve here. Let's see..egs,ham, tomatoes.I start making omlet. "That smels beautiful!" Hm? Oh it's him. I can't even have my breakfast and peace. "What are you making?" "Omlet." "Oh. I want some too." I wish I could say no. "Alright. Here is my omlet, eat it and I will make myself a new one." "Alright." I finaly finished. This looks tasty. Well,let's eat. I wonder if he likes it. Ugh, why do I even care? "This is super tasty. Nice work miss Fujihara." "Thank you sir." "Why do you alweys call me sir?" Is this a trick question? "Uhhh. Because you are my boss." "But you could smile with that producer and call him by his name." "Yes. We are friends. That's totaly normal." "Why can't you call me by my name?" "Because you are my boss." "Why can't I be your friend?" Is this guy trying to act stupid or is he just naturaly stupid? "Sir please. Today you have so called "free day". You will be spending it with miss Aikava. Here is writen that she likes morning walks in park, then lunch at resturant, then before evening amusment park,she realy likes adrenalin and then in the evening walk on beach." this seams more complicates then all his previous meetings together. Media doesen't lie, she realy is like a princess. "Is that all?" "Yes. For this activities you don't need my help. I will go to see my mother again today, is that alright?" "Absolutly." "I'll leave then." I start going upstairs so I can change. I took my phone and call Yuumu.

On the phone:

"Hey,Fujihara. What's up?"

"I'm free today. Boss is having a "date"."

"That sounds interesting. With who?"

"The female leade in your movie."

"Oh my God. That's so funny."

"Hey I talked to you about my real job right?"

"No you didn't."

"Nevermind. Let's meet at center in about one hour. I'll explain to you everything."

"Alright, see you."


I put some other clothes and start leaving mansion. Today will again be lot's of fun. Yay!

An hour later:

"Chinatsu!" oh there he is. "Hey. Let's sit down so I can tell you everything." we sit on the nearest bench and I start explaining everything to him. Finaly after I finish I look at him and see him smile. "You arent mad because I lied to you?" that was only thing I could think of now. How can a pearson not be mad after someone lied to him. "It's alright. You told me truth now and that's important." Oh my God. He realy is an angel. "So are we here for funn or job?"he laughs. "Eh..kind of a mix. We will folow them trought day to see if there is something hapening and also do something fun. What do u think?" "Hmm..count me in!" "Great. Let's go, they should be here any minute now." Oh there they are. "Hide." I pull him down. "We can't lool suspicious." "Arent we looking suspicious right now?" I look around and see all people staring at us. "You have point." They started moving. "Let's go." "Yes." "Let's see..first on the list is walks in park. I hate those." "Why? You can see birds,dogs.." "Dogs hate me. Whenever they see me they start attacking me. Well, this is for job let's go." We start folowing them at the park. We walked for hours and hours trugh that green land. "Aggghhh!!!! Why is nothing hapening? We are walking for hours now and my legs hurt as hell!" "Actualy, we are walking for only an hour." "What!?" he laughs again "Don't laught at me." I covet my face. "Oh they are moving ,let's go." "Yes mam." We then drove over to the resturnat whete they will eat. "I don't realy like rich kids food and this place looks super expencive." "Don't worry it's not that bad. Come in." when we entered the resturant I saw the place that is empty right next to that jerk. "We will sit there." "But isn't that kinda to close?" "If we are close pictures will be better. Come on." i pull him "Woah." "They look close here. Great I can take picture and make hood gossip." Hehe,bye-bye jerk face. "Come here so it'will look like we are taking slefie." This will be awsome. "Hm? Futamura isn't that your new assitant?" "Where?" "Look? It looks like she is on date.How cute is that. Right?" "Yeah. Incredebly cute." We folowed them for the rest of the day and when they said their goodbyes, so are we. "Thatnk you so much for today. If u eved need help about anything, u can call me." "Thanks. I'll be sure of that." "See ya then." "Bye." I need to go home. I can't let him suspect anything.

I finaly got home and after I eneter the mansion I see him. "Goodevning." "Where were you. And you will answer me now." "At my mothers house. I told you." "I saw you with producer, taking pictures today." He stands up and put me aganst the wall. "I don't know what are you.." "Don't play dumb. You lied to me because of producer?" he grabes my hand realy hard. It starts to hurt. "Let me go it hurts." "Why did you lie?" "I don't have to tell you anything!!!You are just my boss. You can't control my life! I'm not your daoughter or sister. I'm not your girlfrie..." mhm.He is kissing me, why,how. No please make it stop. Stop. "Stop!" I kick him in belly and run outside.

"Ha..haha.hahah. I'm such a coward ,arent I? I forced kiss on girl." good for me.

No,no what just hapend. I can't, I can't anymore of this. Sudenly it starts to rain and all I can see is darkness and all I can feel it's cold. I had enough of it. I'm going home.