

"Futamura?" "Here." "Fujihara?"... "Fujihara!!" "I'm here. Sorry I'm late." "Don't worry you aren't late. Now quick go. We have lot's of work today." "Excuse me? Will I be able to go earlier today also,I need to look over Hope?" "We found someone to take care of her." "Realy?Will it be alright?" "Ofcourse. I told you child comes first." "Yeah" "Now go." Ahh I hope she will be alright. I can't belive I saw Yuuma. It's been realy long time. He is taller..and cuter. She is more mature. I guess after 5 years to become more mature. Ughh..I'm thinking of stupid things. "Why are you so happy?" Woah! Damn he scared me. "Should I be sad?" "No,I mean you always look so cold and today you look happy." "Wrong." "What?" "I don't always look cold. I just look cold when I am with you." "Ouch. That hurts." "I know. That's why I told u that." "Oh. Did you think about my sugestion?" "Yes." "And??" "No." "Come on. Why?" "I told you last time. I don't wanna to come live with u and that you wake up one morning saying to Hope and me to get out of your life." "There you go again. I explained that to you." "You said something nice and you thought that I will just give in?" "I.." "That's what I thought. You don't love me. You just can't get over the fact that girl is rejecting you." "No,that's not.." "True." "I realy love.." "You." "How did you.." "Know. It's always the same. Playboys like you always do and say same things." "But I realy like you." "That's weird?" "What?" "Minute ago you said that you love me." "I.." "First get your feelings right. Then we can talk. I have scene to shoot. See you." I can't do this anymore. Every night same stuff. You realy have to be jerk to tell every second person I love you. Pathetic. After that we had a lot of work to do. There was a lot of scenes that had to be done today. It was realy harsh. "Ok guys.You did good today. You will have break tomorow." "Thank you sir!!".Everyone did best that they could today. Aghh..I'm incredebly tired. I bet Hope is too. I have to go and find her....At that moment I saw Yuuma bringing Hope to me. "Yuuma? Again?" "Hi to you too." "I'm sorry. Hi. What are you doing here." "Uncle asked me for a favor. He said he has a great actress for female lead but she's to busy with her child so she can give her whole potencial." "Your uncle?" "Oh I didn't tell you?Producer of this film is my uncle." "What? That's amazing." This is incredeble. Only he can make me laugh and smile like this excatly thing hapend first time we met.

There she is. Is that producer from film I made 5 years ago. I need to go there. Why is she smiling like that. Oof!.That was bad deja vu. "Fujihara?" Ugh.Why he again. "What were you talking about?" "It's none of your buisness." Why do I get feeling that this happened before? Nah,I'm just paranoid. "Let's go Yuuma." "Yuuma?You call him by his name?" Ok,this now was real deja vu. "Yes she does and we are going." Second after Yuuma said that,Akira punched him. "Leave my women alone!" Yuuma get up furious. "Your woman?! I don't think she agreed to that!" "She will and until she doesen't agree,you can't be with her. "You can't forbid me that!" "Yes I can. I'm Hopes dad." "I know. But she's the mother and besides you have no aouthority. You are just guy that got rejected by girl for the first time and u don't want to admit that." "It's not true. I realy love Chintasu. You are just jelaous that she slept with me!" "I also love Chintasu.I'm not jelaous. You are jelaous because she smiles when she is with me!" "That's not true!" "It is!" "It's not!" "Chintastu tell him!" "Chintasu tell him!" "Huh?" "What the hell? Where is she?" "Hey lady, did you saw female lead here?" "Oh yeah. She left 10 minutes ago while you were fighting. She took child with her." "Thank you." "You scared her!" "No you did!"


What the hell happend back there. I'm lucky I did't stayed untill the end. I don't even want to emagine what hapend. I got scared when Akira punched Yuuma, I took Hope and got into the car. I will call producer and tell him that I will take break even after tomorow. I need it. God why me?