
Hosaka Yuuma

"Whaaaaaa!!!!Momyyyyy!!" Oh my God. I storm trough my door and quckly come to Hope's room. "Hope! What's the matter sweety?" "Whaa.Hope had a bad dream!Whaaaa!" I hug her and start comforting her. "Shhh.. It will be alright don't worry." "Wahh..ahhh!" "Shhh. Don't cry. I'm here." I huged and comforted her. Eventualy,she and I fell asleep together.

Next morning I didn't have to go on set early,so I got up from bed and went to make Hope brekfast. As I was making brekfast, someone knocked at the door. I quicky put on me some clothes and go to open the door. When I opend the door I stayed speachles. Yuuma was standing infront of me. "Hosaka Yuuma.." "I see you still remember me.Leaving without bye and not calling me for 5 years. I thought u hate me all this time." That's right. I didn't told him I was going away. "Are you just gona keep looking at me like that?" "Oh. Sorry. Please,come in." He came in and sat on the chair in the kitchen. "So how are u?" "You aren't mad?" "Mad? Why would I be mad?" "I didn't told you that I was going." "Haha." he starts laughing. He realy stared to laugh. I can't belive. "What's so funny?" "You thought that I was mad at u?" "Yeah?" "I thought that u were mad at me." "Ha.." We stared at eachother for few seconds and than we both started laughing. "Momy?" Oh no. We woke up Hope. "Who is that?" "That's my daughter. Come here." I put her on the chair and give her breakfast. "You have a daughter?" "I will explain everything later. Sweety,when u finish go upstairs and put your dress on. Alright?" "Yes momy." Hope finishes her meal quickly and go upstairs. "Sit down. I'll now tell u everything." We sat down and I started to explain everything to him. God, I feel the same way I felt when I was telling this to Minako. "That's it. Embarrassing,right?" He just stared at me. This is it. It's over. I thought my friend returned to me and then I pushed him away. I don't want this. At that moment he put his hands around me and hugged me tight. "Don't worry. I wont ever leave you." Tears start falling down my face. I hug him. "Thank you." "What is your job now? Are you still working as his secretary?" "No.I'm an actress now. But we are acting in same movie as female and male lead for it." "Oh. If he ever dares to do something to you or Hope. I swear to God I will break his arms." "No!He's actualy werry good to Hope and me. He cares about us. We go and eat dinner.." "Do you like him?" "What!?No..no,no,no,no. NO!" "Are you sure?" "Absolutly!" What was I thinking. Why did I start praising him all of a sudden. Aaahh. "Oh yeah. How did you know my adress?" "Minako told me." "Since when are u in touch with Minako?" "Since u left Japan 5 years ago." "Makes sence." "I'm gonna go now. This is my new adress. You can come any time and also bring Hope. She looks so sweet." "Thank you. I will." "Bye." "Bye" He realy didn't change. That's good. Oh. We need to go to the set. "Hope, are you ready?" "Yes momy. Does thos look good?" "Yes,you look great.Now let's go,momy will be late." "Oki." I start the car and head to the set.