
Happy Day

What should I do? Should I play a cute character? No, he knows that that isn't my style. What about inocent? Nah, to fake. Maybe just being myself will be alright. Right now, I am in the center of city. Where is he? Maybe he was kidding with me. Mybe he realy don't love me. Aghhhh..I hate my head. "Chintasu!" Huh. I turn around and see Akira running towards me. Ahh, he is so damn handsome. I realy want to hug him. No.You gotta be calm. Don't screw things up Chinatsu. "Hi Akira." "Did you wait long?" "Nah." I arrived here 10 minutes ago you jerk..Ok in situations like this I can call him jerk. "Shall we go?" "Yes. Let's go." I wonder where will he take me. I bet is something fancy again. "We are here." When I looked up it wasn't fancy resturant, ice cream shop. Amazing. I think my life just got better. "Do u like it?" "I love it! How did you know." "Secret." "Hope told you didn't she?" "Yeah she did." Pft, he's so cute. "Take any flavor u want." "Don't worry, I will." After we took some ice cream, we went to the mall. He buyed me a dress. Dress is beautiful but I didn't want it. "Wasn't this dress a little to expancive?" "No." "Ok." Whole day went great. In the evning we went to the beach for a walk. "Hey. I need to tell you something." "Ok. Sure. Anything." "I love you." "What?" "Yeah. Sorry for not telling u earlier. I actualy first loved u 5 years ago and I started love u again now." "That's.." I wonder how will he react. "That's amazing!" He suddenly lifted me up and spined in the air. "Is this true?" "Yes." Kiss. He kissed me. His kiss is so warm. "So you will be my girlfriend." "Yes. Yes I will." "Ha I can't belive.My dream came true." Hah. "Let me take you home alright. He talked whole time in the car. Talked about how I made his dream come true and how he will never let go of me. It was nice listening to it. But he was talking about that whole time untill wre arrived at my mansion. Aghhh..finaly he stoped. I start leaving the car. "What about kiss for goodnight." I kiss him. "How about that?" "Yeah I like it." I laughed. "What's funny? "Nothing. See you tomorow." As I start to leave I hear him yelling. "Dream about me!" What a fool, ofcourse I will.