

It took me a while to go home by myself. I never realised it's so tiering to walk. I get infront of my building and start heading to my apartment. Finaly I ring a bell. "Just a minute!" I hear Minako yell. She opens the door. "Chinatsu? What are you doing here? I though you are staying at your boss place." "I will tell you everything. Can I come in?" "Ofcourse. This is still your apartment." I enter the apartment and we sit on the couch. She makes me a tea and I start talking. I explain her everything. "He kissed you?" "Yes..How can I go to work after that?" "Oh sweetie, it will be alright. You will be alright." "My first kiss was stolen by some jerk. This is crayzee." "I think you need a new target." "I think I need a break. I can't go like this anymore. Can I stay here?" "Absolutly. I alredy told u, this is still your home." "Thank you." "Go and rest. You need it." "Yeah." I go in my room and lie on bed. Why did this had to hapen to me. Everything was going so well. This is a disaster. I fall asleep thinking.

Next morning I woke up fresh for some reason. Probably the thought of not being able to see that devil was pleasurable. I go in the kitchen and find Minako making breakfast. "Goodmorning ,Minako?" "Morning." "Why are you up so early? You usualy sleep till noon." "Hey you were sad and needed a warm hug. Who can make that hug even warmer excapt the thing you love the most?" "You bought me a cheesecake? Realy?" "I meant me." "Haha, I'm kidding. Thank you bestie." "Hm,your welcome." she smiles happily. Soon after that we hear a doorbell. "Who could it be at this hour?" "I have no idea." Minako goes and opens door and she yells:"Devil!?" I knew it excatly who it was. He can't leave me alone even for a one night? "Devil?" "Sorry.That's..um I want to watch that movie but I can't forget it's name so I need to alweys yell it out of nowhere." I hit my forhead. Realy Minako?That is so stupid excuse. "Oh? Alright then. Did Fujihara come here yesterday at night?" she quickly looks at me. I whisper to her no. "No she didn't. Why, did something happen?" "No nothing happen. She just suddenly left." That lying bastard. "Well sorry. I hope you will find her." "Wait can't you call her." "No. Sorry." "But..." "Byee!" hah,she closed tge door. "You cloosed the door. Good girl." "Don't talk to me like I'm a dog." "Sorry." "Let's go." "Where?" "We are gonna have girl day!" we left apartment at 11 am. The day was crayzee. We went to amusment park,went to watch cinema, I left with her so she can puke because of a movie. Day went great.

After two months.

"Today was amazing. Thank you so much Minako. Last two months were amazing. " "I know what my friend likes." "You are briliant,I have to make it up to you somehow." "Get a boyfriend." "Seriously? Here you go again." "What? I can go on an on about it and nothing will ever change..." "I finaly found you." That voice. It..it can't be. I turn around and see him. Futamura Akira. Actor,my boss and...ang guy who stole my first kiss. "Minako let's go." We start to walk but he grabes my hand again. "Let me go..Let me go!" "Let her go Futamura. She doesen't want you right now." He pushes her on the ground, "Minako!!", and pulls me into his car. He drove over to the mansion and take me to the room."Why did you run away?" He asks that and kiss me. "Why did you lie?" he kisses me again. "Why is that guy? Why not me?Why?" He pushes me on the bed and starts undressing me. "No stop, Futamura stop!" "I will not." "I beg you,stop it." he just kept going,he kept going. I begged and cryed but he didn't listen. I woke up in the morning in bed next to him. "What the hell?" my back hurted like hell. I could remember everything clearly. He woke up after me. He stared at me and then just sighted and said "Get out." What does he mean? "What?" "I said get of my bed.Leave mine mansion.No, leave my life!!!!" I left the bed and run to the bathroom. I started to cry. Why? Why am I like this? Why am I crying over this jerk? At that moment i saw few words fly trough my head.Words Minako siad:"Mybe you like him?". I see..so I realy do like him. I realy like him. When he kissed me I waesent afraid. I just waesent sure if he had same feeling for me. I start crying even more. Why? Why did this happened to me? I pull myself together,put my clothes on and leave bathroom. I enter the room. He waesent there. He left the mansion. So I did same thing. I go over to Minakos place. I knock on the door and Minako opens them. "C-Chinatsu?" I enter the apartment and start crying. "I do like him Minako,I realy do! I like him so much, but....but he doesent like me back!" "Oh my God..did he?" "Yes, and in the morning he said to leave his life." "Oh poor thing. Here. I made this hit chocolate for me but you can have it." "Why did this happend? Why!?" "Shhhhh,calm down." I fell asleep soon after that. After that day,my life started going down. I got fired,I didn't leave the apartmant amd I was vomiting badly every day.I also vomited badly today. "Chinatsu?? Open up quckly!! Let me help you! Chinatsu!?" Suddenly,I opened door. "Thank God you are alright,I thought something happ...What's that?" i was holding pregnency test in my hands and:"Chinatsu,is this prank? Tell me this is a joke.", and it was positive. "Chinatsu say something!" "I.." "Huh?" "I will go to live abroad for a couple of years. I will settle myself and build stable life and then I will come back." "What are you talking about? You need to tell your parents about this and find that bastard!" "Are you crayzee?! If my parents find out that I'm pregnant they wont even look at me anymore. And I don't care about that jerk. I was a fool for loving him in the first place.This is my final decision.Are you with me?" "....Yes." I smile and go to my room to start preparing all things that I need. "You are going today?" "Yes." "But..." "There is no buts Minako." I take my stuff and go to the airport. Minako and I arived just on the time for a flight. "Will you be alright?" "Ofcourse." she starts crying. "I will miss you Fujihara." "Me too.But I will come back." "You promise?" "I promise." "Go." I hugged her and then,she left. Well..this is it. A new begining. America here I come.