
Good Friends

I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late! "Why did I have to go to sleep so late? I am such an idiot. I hope producer isn't mad. "Mommy, don't worry ,everything will be alright." "Thanks Hope." I am so lucky to have her. "You will stay whit Minako today." "Yaaay." Pft..she is such a cutie. "You are here." "Thank God. I thought I will need to bring her to apartment. I am already late." "Hurry up then." "Thank you so much for helping me." "Goo!" "Ok,ok." Ahhhhh, I'm late! As soon as I turn off the car, I run towrds set. "I....am...here" "You are late." "I know, I am realy sorry produce...Yuuma!?" What is he doing here? Oh yeah, producer is his uncle. "Why are you here?" "My uncle wasn't able to come so I'm replacing him." "Ohh." "What are you guys talking about." I turn around and I see Akira lean on me. "Hi Akira." "Oh my God." "What? Is everything alright?" "You called me by my name." "Oh yeah." He suddenly lifts me up and hugs me. "I am so happy." "I'm glad. Let us 3 be good friends from now on. Do u agree?" "Ofcourse!" Both of them yelled at same time. I smile softly and as I open my eyes I saw two of them getting red. "Oh my God! What's happening? Are u alright?" "Oh yeah we are totally fine. Right Akira?" "Uh..wha..Yeah,yeah. Totally fine." "Huh, that's good.Now let's start filming." Yes mam!" "Yes mam!" They are so adorable when they are working together. We started filming. It was good. We didn't have to do many reshoots. But, time has come. Time for that scene. Kiss scene with Akira. I realy don't want to do it, but I don't have any choice. "Ok everyone, let's shoot last scene for today."

"Why do I have to watch this? You are just shameless bastard." I try to slap him, but he takes my hand and stop me. Here it is, here comes the kiss. I close my eyes, waitin for it to happen. "Stop!" Hm? Stop? I open my eyes and saw Akira standing infront of me. But he was standing 2 metres away. What the hell. "Is something wrong?" "Nothing. I..I just.. The emotions. Emotions weren't good. We need to start again." Well, I did close my eyes. Mybe I shouldn't close them at that time. I thought I was making mistakes, but soon I realised I wasn't one doing mistake. We took 20 retakes of the same scene. Something is clearly wrong. "Yuuma!What the hell dude!?" "Akira be calm. Yuuma, what's the matter?" "I'm sorry..I..I can't look at you while he kisses you!!" My God. "You are jelaous." "So what if I am. You told her to leave your life, you treared her like she was doll!" "Yes. But the key word is treated. I don't do that anymore!" "Stop.." "Oh shout up Akira. I know u." "Stop it please.." "I' ve changed" "Yeah right." "STOP!!" As I shouted, two of them become silent. "What the hell is this now? We were having great time and u do this shit? Why would u risk our friendship? Do u remember what happend last time when u did stupid thing like this one? I didn't want to talk to u!!!" I can't anymore. I thought we settled everything. Without even realising, tears start dripping from my face and I found myself sobing. "No please don't cry." "We are sorry." Both of them kneel down and hug me. "We will stay good friends forever, we can promise u that." "Thank you. Thank you so much."