
First Target

After 20 minutes:

"Fujihara,you actualy came!". I look at her confused "I called u so ofcourse i would come." "Yeah but u hate clubs. I thought it was prank so I called more people". Oh God,here she go again. "How many idiots did u pick up now?" "Not a lot. And they are all hot as fuck." she starts laughing. "No..no, no,no, no, no..NO!!" "Oh come on you are 20 and still single you need to learn how to live." I hate when she starts to lecture me. "U know,just now you sounded like my mom." I sight. "Well someone should." "I'm going home" "No,you are coming with me." She puls my hand and lead the way. Alweys the same. She finds some good looking guys that are big idiots. I talk with them for a while and then leave. I just want a normal life with job,and free time so i can eat pizza and play games...is that bad? "What are u daydreaming about. Wake up. Here they are." Well..she didn't joke when she said hot as fuck. " Chinatsu this is, Futamura Akira, the blond one is Asano Takashi and last but not the least is Akamatsu Ryouta." I bow and introduce myself " My name is Fujihara Chinatsu.Nice to meet you." Well..let's get over this thing. "So Fujihara,what's your job" Realy blondy,straight to that,huh. "I get the job of jourlanist today,I need to bring good stuff for short amount of time" "Well I can help you with that." "Realy?! that would be awsome." It looks like this maybe finish good afterall. "It's about a guy. Actor to be precise." Hmm..seems interesting. "Alright. Tell me more." "I can't." Hm? What the hell is he telling me now? "What do u mean? "He's private time is mistery. No one knows anything about it. The only time they can see him is on work and that's it." Wow. I found myself a story. Yayy!This day realy is lucky. "How can i get informations?" "You need to think about that yourself." What? Damn and I thought this will be easy. "Ok..um..do u have picture of him?" I need to know with who am i dealing with. "Yeah. I have it right here actualy." Hehe, bingo. "Great let me see." He showes me photo. "Huh." "What's the metter." This guy... "I think I saw this guy before." "Ofcourse u did. He acts in every successful romantic movie." I look at Minako. "Oh,yeah. Takashi..Fujihara don't like romantic movies so she don't watch them." "Oh.Makes sence." Minako looks at me "How do u know him then?" I don't know but i'm sure I'v seen him before.Hmm...oh! "That's right..I remeberd!" "Realy where did u saw him?" "He bumped into me when I was leaving my workplace. I call him a jerk and walk away. He even laught at me." Yeah that jerk. I could never forget that stupid face. "You called Futamura Akiru jerk? Girl u sure have balls." "Yeah,yeah. So how do I get close to this guy?" "I told u, you have to do that alone." "Awww, come on. Don't be such kitty." He starts geting red. He's blushing how cute. I chuckle. "Well??" "I heard he's looking for new maids or something like that. But i'm not sure is the information good. U need to be carefull. Hm? Fujihara?" "She left 5 minutes ago." "Damn."

This is my life chance. I need to make this good. Hehe. My first and probably the most important target that I'll have in my whole life. Awsoome!!!! Half and hour later:

"I'm home at least." I lay in bed. Things will get interesting now....Zzzzz.