

"This is crayzee. I came to Japan and he came also. Why? Why!? He knows that I want best for Hope...AND HE CAME AGAIN!!" "Don't worry. He can't do anything here." "No Akira. He can. He can do realy bad things and he did realy bad things in the bast. That was the main reason for me when I divorced him." Knock,knock. "Who the hell is now?" "I'm going to open. Calm down." "I wont calm down! Don't tell me to calm down." He opens the door. "Who is it?" He doesen't say anything. What is wrong now? I walk towards him and se girl kissing him. "What the hell is your problem?!" I push girl away. "Hey! How dare u touch my boyfriend u mistress." Mistress? "Girl, I think u get the wrong person." "No I did not. This is my Aki." Ugh..what.Hiw did she? "Akira? Who is this?" "Um..this is mine..mine." "His girlfriend. Just say it, why are u ashamed? I am Kagome, but you already know that." "You said to me that u don't have any conections with her." "I don't." "Then what is she talking about Akira?" "....." "I asked u something!!" "Gir chill. He's mine. So pick up your stuff and get out of his life." Get out of his life. "What a deja vu Akira. Don't u think?" "No, I didn't.." "Stop. Just stop. I knew it I shouldn't belive u." "Mommy what's wrong?" "Hope go pack your stuff, we are leaving this place now." "But I want daddy to be with us." "He can't." "Why?" "He is...busy." "Ugh..Chintasu you are going overboard." "I? I am going overboard?! Since u found out that I came back you've been chasing me, saying me that u love me, that u want another chance. And this happend?! Woah, I am such a fool." "What are u talking about?" "I was actualy planing to forgive you!! I realy wanted to start from the begining." 'You did? Why didn't you tell me!?" "Oh yeah it whould be realy easy to come to you and say "You know what Akira, I fell in love with u again and I forgive u." Did I needed to say that?" "No I just thought. Wait...in love with u again. So before you left you was jn love with me?" "Yes I was Akira. Are u happy now. Did u want to hear that?" "Chinatsu I am" "Sorry." "Ugh. It won't" "Happen again. We already did this before I went to America." "No. No please don't. Please don't go." "I won't. I won't do that only because of Hope." "I am still here." "Shut up!" "Shut up!" "She isn't my girlfriend." "Realy? Why didn't u tell that when she arrived? Hm? You are so pathetic." "Please stay. You love me also and I love u." "I...I'm not sure anymore. Don't contact me for a couple of days. Sorry for my tone before. Let's go Hope." I take Hopes hand and kiss him. "See you." Well this is it. All over again.