
Ex Husband Is Here

"I'm going to pack our things. Can u wait just a little bit?" "Yes. Ofcourse. Take your time." I go upstairs. It looks like Hope is still sleeping. "Hope? Wake up sweety." "Hm? Mom, what's hapening?" "We are going to live with daddy." "What about uncle Yuuma?" Why, why does she need to ask that right away. " Uncle Yuuma needed to go somwhere for a while." "He did something bad to u, right?" Damn, she's smart. "No, no honey. He is just busy." "Oki." I take her downstairs. "Let's go." I nodded and we left the house. While we were driving, he started a conversation. " Are u alright?" "Yes." "Are u sure that u are alright?" "Yes, thank u for asking." He is so sweet. Maybe it wont be such truble living with him for a while. Pft..why am I complaning when I am the one that is in love. He can say that he likes me,but he doesen't think that way. Arghh, I am such a fool.

I wonder if everything is ok with her. Every time she's with me in the car she stops talking. I guess she still thinks I don't realy love her. I can't blame her though. I realy was a jerk at that time. I hope she will give me another chance.

Ten minutes later

"We are here. Will u take stuff or Hope?" "Can u take Hope please? We don't have much stuff but I can't cary both of them." "Ofcourse. I can take stuff if u want." "No, it's ok." "Alright." He takes Hope and bring us to his house. "It's still the same." "What did u say?" "Nothing." "Alright." "I will take Hope upstairs,it looks like she fell asleep again." "Is she alright? It's only 2pm." I check her forhead. "She doesen't have a fever. She is just tired." "Ok. Take her upstairs then. I will wait for u here." "Ok." I take Hope upstairs and put her on the bed. Sleep well. I change in something more comfortable and go downstairs. Something smells great. Is he cooking? "Wow." "Are u suprised?" "When did u make all of this?" "I had it prepered in case u come." "Realy? You had it prepared?" "No, I mean I prepared it." "In that case it looks wonderful." I say as I sit down. "Is everything going well with Kagome?" He suddenly spills his drink. "What are u talking about?" "I thought she is your girlfriend." "No! She never was." "Oh. I didn't know that." "Why did u think that?" "I don't know. When I saw u two together you looked werry good." "O-oh." "Is something the matter?" "No, it's nothing. Alright." This food is amazing. "You realy are great cook." "Realy?" "Yes. This is great. I like it better then in reaturants." I laugh and he laughs with me. "I don't remember seeing you laughing..ever." "Well, people change." "Yeah, I guess they do." I smile softly. "Does that mean you'll give me second chance?" What? This again? " I'm full now. I will go to my room." I get up from the table and leave the kitchen.

Damn it. Why did I ask her that again? Do I want to lose her for real. No, I can't allow that. She's only mine and she can only be mine. If it needs I will fight whoever wants her.

As I got back to my room, I lay down on the bed. Why does he keep asking me that? Why do I keep getting anoyed when I want to give him chance? What's wrong with me? At that momen I hear someone knocing on the door. "I will open it!" I yell from the room. I rush downstairs and open the door. No this is impossible. "A...AKIRA!!" "What's the matter?" He rushes to me. "Hello Chinatsu. We didn't see for a long time. How have u been?" "What are u doing here?" "I thought it would be rude of me not to come and greet guy that wants to stole u." "She is mine. So u can back off." "She belongs to me." "I don't belong to anyone. I'm not a toy." "Hmph..fair enough. I just came to say hi. We will see eachother again. I can guarantee u that." As soon as he starts leaving, he stops. "I am back and I will take what's mine. Remember that." He then leave mansion. "Are u ok? You are trembling." "No, I'm not ok anymore."