

No,no..it can't be him. "Sorry. I think you got a wrong person." I need to leave right now.As I start to leave he grabes my hand. Why is it every time grabing hand. "I wouldn't make this big mistake. Why are you pretending that you don't know me?" What should I say. Oh right. "I have amnesia!" "Do you realy think I would belive in that?" True. I should've com up with better excuse. I need to go. "Producer I'm not feeling well is it alright If I go?" "Ofcourse. Can you go alone though?" "Yes.Ofcour.." "I will take her." You will what!? "Alright then. Get better soon." I need to leave quickly. "Bye." "You wont get away. Come here." He takes my hand and put me in his car. "Let me go you bastard!!" He gets in the car and starts driving. He wont do anything? Thank God. Why did he make all that fuss then. I hope he's in hes right mind now. "Where were you?" "I will not answer that question." "Yes you will." "No I wont! You aren't my boss anymore. Deal with it!"

Well,her attitude didn't change for sure. "So,um..how are you?" " Right now I'm furious. You will drop me home and that's it." "No. I wont." "What?" "I loved you,and you left me. You left me like I was nothing!" What!? Is he serious right now? "I left you!? Realy? After that night you told me that u want me to leave your life!" "Ofcourse I would tell you that!! I slept with a girl that I like! What was I suposed to say!?" "Obviusly not that!? I wont argue with u anymore. I will leave your car when we arrive at my old apartment." "You still live there. I can give you better life." "Just do as I say. Crap,I need to call Hope." "Who is Hope?" "Not your business!" I call Hope and she instantly pick up the phone. "Moooommmmyyyyyy!!!!Where are u!?" "Momy will be there soon. Be good girl and eat your dinner. Alright?" "But momy?" "Please Hope. For momy?" "Alright." I hung up.

Momy?Who in the world did Fujihara call just now? "Please tell me who was that." "No." Arghhhh.She is going to make me go insane.

We drove for a while before I arrived home.He drove werry slow. "Well thank you. I will go now." "Mooommyyy!!" "Hope?There you are my little girl."

Her little girl? Ok I need tk ask. "Fujihara. Is this little girl maybe your daughter?" "Yes." "So you have husband." "No.I don't." "Then who is her father?" "It's...It doesen't matter." "Hope where is Minako?" "She said to me when you come to lock her apartmant and then she fell asleep." "What a smart girl you are." Poor Minako. She must be realy tired. "Let's go home Hope." "Wait ,you don't live here?" "No I don't" "Well where do you li" "I don't have to answer that question. See you on work mister Futamura." "Fujihara?" "Hm?" "I will say this again, and this is from bottom of my heart. I love you Fujihara and that will never change." I don't know anymore. Are you lying to me again? I look at him and sigh. "Goodnight." "But I...hah. Goodnight Fujihara"