
Coming Home

Five years later:

Well here I am again. Japan didn't change. Not even a little bit. To bad, I realy wanted to have some fun while I am here. "Momy are we there yet?" "We will arive soon." "Will our new home realy be that pretty?" "Yes it will. It'll be even better than our home back in America. When we finish puting our stuff at home,do you want to go to visit moms old friend." "Realy? I can go?" "Ofcourse you can. Let's go." "Oki." "Miss I will drove you to your house. Please get in." Again in Japan. I wonder how will Minako react when she sees me. I didn't told her I'm coming after all. I hope everything goes well. After a few minutes we arived at our new home. We put our stuff in closet and eat lunch. "Are you still hungry?" "Nop." "Shall we go then?" "Yesss." "Hm.Let's go." "When will we come back home?" "We will go and see her and than momy will take you and her to buy a big ice cream. What do you think about that?" "Yaaay. I want a chocolate flavor ice cream." "Sure." I just want to see her again. "Okey Hope,we are here." "Wow this is so big. Is this all aunti Minakos house?" "No this is just building she lives in. Her apartment is next to many others here." "That sounds so cool." "I know right. Momy used to live here with her." "You mean before you lived with uncle Steven?" "Yes.Let's go." We climed up stairs and came to her apartment. I didn't see her for such a long time. I wonder how will she react. I knock on the door and she opens at same time. "Hi Minako. We didn't talk for a long time. I'm sorry I could't keep in touch with you I hope you can understand. Please don't be ma..." she suddenly hugged me. I could feel her tears on my shoulder. "I am not mad you silly girl. You are finaly here. You are here. I couldn't wait for this time. It's so good." I start crying also. "Momy why are you sad?" "Hm?Oh my God is that her? The chiled that made you go to America?" "Yes. Minako this is Hope. Hope this is Minako. Moms best friend." "Hello lady.My name is Hope. Nice to meet you." "She is adorable. She is totaly resembles u." "Haha. I know right." "Let's go inside and then you will tell me everything." And I did. I went inside and told her every single thing. Abou my ex husband, about my life, about my actor career. "So that's why." "Yes my actor career is the main reason why I am back here." "But you will stay. Right?" "Yes I will stay now. And I need to go again, this time I will bring u with me. " "Yay." "Momy, when will we go buy an ice cream. Hope is hungry." "Sorry I told her that I will take you two to eat an ice cream." "Then lets goooo!!" Hah she is still the same old Minako. I'm glad. "You realy didn't change." "Neither did you." "True." I didn't eat ice cream for a long time. I can wait. "Why are you just standing there. Come and pick a flavor." "Oh yeah. I will have cherry flavor and two chocolates flavors.Right girls?" "You still remember." " Ofcourse. Here you go Hope." "Yaaaaay. Can I go to play." "You can't go alone." "But Hope wants tooooo. Please momy." "Alright. But don't go to far. We will come soon so we will play together." "Oki.Wahhh look momy buttetfly." momy didn't saw, to bad. "No come back here. Pretty,pretty." wah. I bumped into something. "Are you alright kid?" "Yes I am. Thank you sir but please let me go now." "Don't worry I will help you find your parents. Come on. " "No!" "Hm? Why not?" "My momy says that I should never belive a pretty or handsome guy." "Oh,and why is that?" "Because they are heartless jerks." It's od for a kidd to say jerk. "Well alright then I under...." "Hope!!!" Ah there you are. Thank you so much sur for finding her" "Ofcourse no problem" Wait. This woman. Those eyes. No it can't be. "Alright sir. Goodbye" "Wait! Are you maybe.." "What?" " No. Nevermind. Goodbye."

That guy looked like..No that's absurd. Stop thinking Chinatsu. He's dead for u. "Momy are you alright." "Yes I am." "Where is auntie Minako?" "She had to go home.We should go home to." "Yes. Hope is tired.Let's go!!!" "Yeah,let's go."