
Come And Live With Me

We arrived at the resturant. After what Hope said earlier atmosphere became werry heavy. I realy wish she didn't say that. Oh my God. There is playground for children here. Yes!!I can talk with this jerk and Hope wont here it. Thank God something good. "Hope? Why don't you go and play there and momy will order your favorite pizza for you. How does that sound?" "Oki. Thank you momy. See you daddy!" Oof. That sure was harsh. We sat for the table that was closer to playground,so I can see Hope. He isn't talking? Maybe this wont be that terrible after all. "When did you plan on telling me?" And here we go. "Ok let's go like this. Give me just one reason why should've I told u about her?" Hoho I realy want to know his answer. "I..um.." I knew it. "Hmph.You are pathetic." "I would've been a good father if you gave me a chance. " "You mran give you a chance to say to her "Leave my life!" "When will you stop reminding me?" "Never." "Alright I was and bastard,but I told you it was a mistake. I mean I slept with the person I like. It was a shock to me." I just stay silent. What should I do. I wouldn't be here if I don't like him,but also I'm not sure that I like him? This is hard. "I realy love you. How many times should I say it?" I just look at him. I can't say anything. I don't know what to say. This is realy anoying situation. "Your order is here." "Thank you werry much. I will go and find Hope." After a few minutes I came back with Hope. "Sit down,eat and then you can go and play again." "Alrighg momy...Sooo..will he be my daddy now." "Hope please!" "What did I do." I scared her ,damn it. "Nothing hony,you did nothing wrong." After we finished our meal,I send Hope back to play and continue conversation with Futamura. "You can see her in my presence but not without me." "What the hell are u talking about. She's my daughter and you are my assistant." "Sorry to tell you this,but I'm not your assistant. Not anymore." I lower my head and take a sip of my coffee. He keeps looking at me. Stop looking at me,stop looking at me. Oh he stoped. There we go..no here he goes again. "Stop looking at me damn it. What do you want?" "Please be mine." "I'm not a doll, and I will never belong to anyone." I continue drinking my coffee. After 2 hours we finished. We got into the car and Hope fell asleep imidiatly. "She fell asleep." "Nice." He was awfully quiet this entire time. Maybe I was to harsh. "Come and live with me." No,no I wasn't harsh at all.."What!? No way." "But why?" "Are yiu kidding me?You are realy asking why?" "Yes." "I saw you maybe 5 times." "So?" "We didn't talk for 5 years!! Five years!!" "But I love you." "Right now, I realy don't care. Just shut up and drive." And ge realy did. He stoped talking again and took us home.When we arived he opened my door and help me get Hope out. He looked at me and smiled softly. "Please think about my offer. Bye." "Bye." I put Hope to to sleep,showered and got into bed. Finaly my comfortable bed. It was realy cold and it was raining. I remeber clearly. It was night like this when he told me to leave his life. I could never forget that darkness,rain that was pouring and cold air.And now he is asking me to go and live with him. Not a chance. I will not be fooled again. Never again.