
Black Van

I woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I thought that I lost Hope. I took the phone to call Akira, but then I remembered that I left her at my parents place. I realy got scared. What is wrong with me. I couldn't sleep when I was I was fighting with Akira and I can't sleep now. This is terrible. After a while I finaly fall asleep.

When I woke up I made some breakfast and went to the set. I was realy excited to go but when I arrived there, Akira wasn't there. "What do you mean he isn't here?" "I don't know. You can go home. Without him, we can't do last scene." "That's true. I'll be leaving then." "I'm sorry miss Fujihara." "It's not your foult. Don't worry." As I went out I took my phone from my pocket and called Akira. Weird,he isn't picking up. I started to drive and then my phone started ringing. Here he is. "Hey." "Hey." "Why didn't you come today?" "I had realy urgent matter. Why? Were you worried about me? " "Who? Me? Pft, ofcourse not. What are you talking about." I heard him chuckle.Hmph, that realy wasn't funny. "What are you doing are you free?" "No." "Are you mad at me for not coming Chinatsu?" He chuckled again. "Noo!" "So do you want to.." "No, I'm not free. Bye." Agghhh, what a jerk. But I love him.What should I do now. Oh yeah. "Hello?" "Hey Minako." "Chintasu? I'm so glad that you called. Where is my little Hope?" "She will be staying with my parents for a while." "So you told them." "Let's go somewhere. I'll buy you coffee and tell you everything." "Ok. I'll meet you at the center in about 15 minutes." "Deal." I hung up and start driving towards center. After a 15 minutes, I was with Minako. "You arrived." "Yap." "Did you wait for me." "No actualy I just arrived as well." "Well that's great. Let's go I promised to buy you a coffee." "Yes you need to keep promises. I remember, 7 years ago I promised I would buy you and ice cream and I did." "Yes but you also ate that ice cream that you bought for me." "Oh yeah...I kept the promise and buyed the ice cream, it's not important who ate it." "Ofcourse, ofcourse." "We went to caffee shop that both of us realy liked, and I told her everything. "So you like that guy again,huh?" "Yeah. I realy don't know did I ever stoped loving him. The point is, we aren't fighting anymore." "So why did you left Hope with your parents." "I don't know how long will this "peace" last between two of us. You remeber how I was 5 years ago." "Yes I do. You were at your breaking point." "Excatly. If that happens again, I don't want Hope to witness that." "Well you do have good point. But you can't just leave her there. " "Oh no I will visit every day." "Oh. That's good then." "Yeah." "Tell me. Are you sure that you want to love him again." "Yes. I'm more sure then ever." "Alright. I will suport you then." "Thank you." "I realy need to go now it's getting late." "I agree it's already night outside." "Will you go and see Hope now." "Yes. I miss her." "I bet you do." "Bye." "Bye." I went to the parking where my car was. There was just mine car and one black van. I took my purse and started looking for keys in it. Where are they. Damn it. At that moment, I felt strong pressure and strong feeling of pain on the back of my head. I turned around and I saw man in black holding a something hard and long. I felt dizzy and 1 second later I was lying at the ground. I saw him closely coming towards me. I couldn't scream. No, get away from me. No. Suddenly, everything went blank.