
Miss Violetta

After traveling to New York City in search of the person she had been looking for for the past four years, Violetta did not expect to experience some certain situations in her life. In short, things were not going as planned. But what can she do? She must play along until her job is done, that is until he came. "I like you." She stared at him for a long time without any change in her expression. Her blank eyes staring at him intently without giving anything away. He was nervous, really nervous. He was expecting an emotion in her eyes or a reaction but all he got was silence, heavy silence. After the suffocating silence he watched her open her mouth to say " I'm sure you remember I made it clear in the beginning  Mr Reed, "Dont Fall For Me" Love wasn't her cup of tea and that made his task difficult. How could he win over this woman who had two identities and was hardheaded on not bending her will? Will he end up succeeding or just give up?

Midter_summer · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

"You're impossible." Jennifer waved her white flag. She was tired of trying. Thinking of the reason why she came to meet Violetta her eyes lit up.

Violetta became wary as she saw that sharp glint in Jennifer's eyes. Her brain was giving the warning CODE RED.

"V..." The launch of the missile."Can you go shopping with me?" Missile exploded

"I believe you and I know for the nineth time that I will not go." Violetta deadpanned. Her and shopping didn't rhyme.

"Please, just go with me. I love you." Jennifer smiled and made a heart with her fingers hoping to win Violetta over.

Violetta sighed at Jennifer's cute antics and pinched the space between her brows. " No matter how sweet you are acting the answer is no."

The smile on Jennifer's face dropped and she bent her head like a sad puppy.

The walls around Violetta's emotions cracked. Why does this puppy always use her innocent and cute actions against me? Looking at Jennifer Violetta could no longer take in the sad atmosphere and sighed. This girl is going to be the death of me.

"Alright fine, I'll go with you."


"But on one condition."

"Anything." Jennifer beamed widely making her phoenix eyes dazzle.

"You will not force me to try on any thing that you think will look go on me." Violetta stated with a serious gaze. She shivered as she remembered how she became Jennifer's model everytime they went to the mall. It was horror.

"But I can buy them for you."

"No! My wardrobe looks like a tiny dress shop with hardly any space. If you want to buy me anything, how about something other than a dress?"


Violetta was skeptical of the way Jennifer answered her happily. It was like she already had something in mind.

"So when are we going?" Violetta asked hoping to prepare her self for what was to come.

"Tomorrow afternoon!" Jennifer exclaimed with a bright smile that could light up an entire room. Violetta may not know but Jennifer valued her alot. She felt safe and happy in Violetta's presence and couldn't help but stick to her every now and then. Maybe because she was an orphan and yearned for love from someone she could call family, and Violetta seemed to make up for that yearning, she was like a sister she never had.

"V" Jennifer called out after her facial expression had gone back to normal. Her expression was complicated and her eyes were...Sad.

Violetta turned around and looked at the expression on Jennifer's face. She didn't understand why the jovial cry baby was sad all of a sudden. "Is everything okay?"

"If anything happens, promise you won't abandon me."

Violetta frowned at the sad and scared tone that Jennifer used. What brought about this promise? "Jeniffer-"

"Promise me, please." A sad smile settled on Jennifer's pink lips.

Violetta kept quiet for a while and observed the little girl in front of her. This was the first time she saw Jennifer like this. The happy-go-lucky girl was no longer there instead a sad child who yearned for affection was staring at her. Violetta didn't know what to say. She wasn't one to promise things easily without thinking of the pros and cons. But she didn't like seeing Jennifer like this so she said "I can't promise I'll always be there for you but I will do my best to protect you."

Jennifer hazel eyes shone with happiness. She was happy with Violetta's response, at least it was better than being rejected. She quickly wrapped her chubby hands around Violetta and let out a small "Thank you" before releasing her and skipping off.

Violetta watched Jennifer with a complicated look on her face. She thought of the future and what will happen when the time comes. What will happen to this cry baby by then? She tossed the thought aside and stood behind the register ready to take orders from the customers that were now trooping in like flies.

It wasn't even fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang and a figure entered making the cafe silent as a graveyard. Violetta frowned at the silence that occupied the air and turned to the door to see what caused this reaction.

There by the door stood a tall man with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes with a handsome face. His eyes scanned the cafe and then stopped at Violetta who was staring at him blankly. He stared at her for a minute and then walked into the cafe majestically like a King. His aura emitted dominance and his expression stoic. With every stride his muscles flexed showing how muscular he was under the suit. He sat down on the chair close to the window a little bit far from the others making him look secluded.  After the enchanting moment everyone returned back to their business not forgetting to sneak glances at the man in royal blue.

Violetta blinked and went back to taking charge of the register. Cecilia gave her this position after an ugly accident that happened between Violetta and a customer. Since then she was always behind the register.

Violetta got a peek of a figure dashing towards her and sighed. "Till the day you break your teeth that's when you will learn how to walk"

Jennifer ignored Violetta's statement and panted. "Did you see that handsome man that came in just now?"

"No I didn't. My eyes were closed." Violetta's tone dripped with sarcasm as she stared at Jenny who pouted

"Stop messing with me. By the way, can't you see the way he's looking at you?"

Violetta shifted her gaze to the man in royal blue to see that he was indeed looking at her, but after a few minutes he averted his gaze to his phone.

"I saw that. Anything special?"

"I don't know maybe he likes you, or maybe love at first sight!" Jennifer squealed loudly gaining the attentions of some  customers close by who gave them weird looks.

Violetta sighed and shook her head. "Jennifer this isn't one of your romance novels and besides he might not be looking at me but at the time." Violetta gestured to the clock on the wall above their heads.

"But what if it is?" Jennifer pouted

"It isn't. Why are you here instead of taking orders? Or are you free?"

"Oh yes! That handsome Prince Charming placed his order and I was heading towards the kitchen and I thought I should just drop by and ask how you are doing." Jennifer said innocently with her big round eyes sparkling.

Violetta stared blankly at Jennifer and then shooed her away. She didn't know what goes through this girl's head.

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