
Miss Schizoid

{Sometimes, what people need all is someone who can believe and understand them even if it seems to be impossible. All someone wants is a shoulder to lean on, who says it's okay, I am there for you.} Rachana Joshi is a sixteen year old girl living with her maternal aunt under great care. Moving on from her horrific past, Rachana tries to live at peace. She has the ability to talk to things around her and the ability to understand animals. Unable to understand why she has this, she tries to make people around her realize her peculiar ability. No one seems to understand her and people call her a schizophrenic but she does not lose hope. Once, while visiting her late parents house she founds a book which appeals her to take a read. She finds the contents shocking and interesting, which if got in wrong hands would cause havocs. Will she make use of it? Will she make the world a better place or will create a chaos out of it? The book unfolded secrets about her power too. Meanwhile she resurfaces a chapter of her traumatic past. The picture seemed clearer with her powers. Will anyone believe her? Will she be able to make the person who destroyed her life pay for his/ her sins? Let's find out.

Medha_Krishna · Adolescente
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7 Chs

5. The Murder

"Good morning, Princess. " ,wished the clock.

"Good morning."

Rachana's morning starts with the alarm's ring but this time it was different. It wasn't easy for her to sleep in peace after what she had heard.

She gets herself washed, puts on her uniform- the grey blouse and red lined blue frock. She puts on a hairband for her small hairs.

"You look like an innocent girl.", the mirror asserted.

"Because, I am. "

"What a great joke to start with!", the towel exclaimed.

She ignored any more remarks and headed for a stomach nourishment.

"Aunt, Aunt!? "

She calls out. But no one is to be seen.

"What's this?"

Something got her attention.

"Is it blood?", her voice weakening with each word.

"Aunt , Snuffy.!?"

She could feel the the atmosphere getting colder.

She followed the blood drops. She stopped in front of her aunt's room.

She knocked," Aunty?"

The door opened with a creak. Slowly, she entered the room.


"Are you okay?" , asked an eerie voice from behind.

Infront of her was the body of her Aunt, blood continuously coming out of her hand.

The voice came closer, " This will now end for good, dear. Snuffy's dead and your aunt and now You."

It grabbed her hand and a sharp knife slit her throat. She took her hand towards her neck and saw blood gushing out of there. Before she could take a turn and see the source of the voice she fell with a thud.