
The Truth

"I told you to keep an eye on this sparrow. Why is it still flying around?"

"Chirp Chirp!(let me go!)"

His Majesty questioned his subordinate while Yun Mian was wasting effort trying to break out.

"I'm so sorry, your Majesty!"

"Forget about it. Get out of this place..."

His Majesty turned his back on the hoard of disappointed concubines, but he didn't forget to leave without sending a warning. A deathly dangerous look in his eyes, no tolerance in his voice.

"Right Now!"

"Yes, your Majesty! We are leaving right now!" All at once, all the concubines scrambled out the door for their life as if they were being chased by assassins. Some with tears in their eyes, some with gritted teeth, but all with panic in their souls. No concubine dared to stay in even the presence of the angry Emperor. Everyone evacuated the vicinity until it was just the Emperor and Yun Mian.

"Come on little birdy, I'm getting hungry."


In the Emperor's personal chamber, Yun Mian got tossed onto the his desk.

'This Emperor throws me around like I'm a plushy!'

"What a fat bird. I bet you will taste amazing" He smirked while saying to the sparrow.

"Chirp chirp chirp!!(who are you calling fat?! I would kill you if it were not for the mission!)

The emperor chuckled, "What are you chirping about? Are you cursing me again?" He playfully tapped Yun Mian on her forehead making her jump slightly with a rare content smile resting on his face.

'Holy cow! How did he know my language?' Yun Mian's eyes widened, she began to panic, and she hid her face into her wing hoping the Emperor couldn't read the shock on her face.

"I've got work to do. Don't bother me or I'll bake you into a pie."

Hearing his words, Yun Mian took a seat on the Emperor's scroll acting like a paper weight while he grinded ink preparing to write.

'This Emperor is so hard to handle... he wont even summon one of his concubines this late into the night'

"Chirp chirp chirp(stop working! Just find a pretty girl and go to bed already!!)"

"Do you have a death wish?"

"Chirp chirp chirp(I'm doing this for your good. Your wives are waiting for you.)" Yun Mian fluttered onto his hand looking determined to change his mind.

"You seem excited when you saw those concubines. You want me to summon them?"

Yun Mian heavily nodded with crescent eyes at the Emperor, very pleased with herself. "Chirp chirp(You're such a smart boy.)"

'This bird can understand human language? Maybe I can keep it...' He deeply thought, but then said something that shattered the Yun Mian's hope of getting the mission over with quickly. "Well... I probably won't ever summon any of them for the rest of your life..."

He then proceeded to put down his brush and take off his outer layer of clothing, leaving Yun Mian very confused. "Chirp chirp!?(But why!?)" She questioned.

"I'm impotent."

'What the...heck?' The expression on Yun Mian's face could not be expressed in one word. It screamed astounded and also disappointed but also 'that's hilarious'.

"Chirp chirp chirp(are you kidding me? How can you admit you're impotent as a man? Where is your pride?)" And she began to fly towards him, but was returned with a flick causing her fall and roll a distance on the floor.

"I'm going to sleep." He informed the sparrow and slid under the sheets to try and get some shut eye. And though the Emperor seemed to go to sleep on tranquil thoughts, Yun Mian was troubled by what had just happened. She remained on the ground and almost pouted while thinking, 'He sounded like he meant it...' Suddenly the anger hit her, 'How can I finish my mission if he can't get it up!?' With the extremely problematic situation, Yun Mian came to the conclusion that it was best to give up and just let her colleagues mock her. Grumbling to herself, she took off out of an open window.