
The man behind the scenes....

''Prosecutor Oak was the one who made the police to drop the charges against you. He didn't want you to know but I thought you should know about this. Also, I think he might have made a deal with someone because of that. He would soon become the deputy district Prosecutor for Hans Island District. While you were unconscious, he has taken care of you and made sure that you didn't get a harsh punishment. He also protected you from the Prime Minister when he came here.'' Fiona said.

''What? He… Prosecutor Oak did all of that?''

''Yes, I don't think he hates you that much anymore. You must have grown on him.''

The door opened and Dr. Ozge walked in with another nurse. ''Who are you talking to?'' She asked.

''Huh?'' Avery immediately picked her phone on the table and said. ''I was speaking on the phone.''

''I see… your boyfriend said you were ready for the tests and scans. Follow the nurse and she will take you through.''

''Oh, thank you.''

''You have a good man by your side, detective. He was so worried about you that he didn't go home since he brought you here. He carried you in his arms and threatened to have the hospital sued if we didn't attend to you. He said we had to save you at all cost.''

'Reminded me of when I was dating my husband. He was also so crazy in love with me that he would threaten anyone who messed with me. That is just by the way.'' Dr. Ozge said and walked out.

Avery looked at Fiona and the latter said to her. ''I told you. You shouldn't have treated Prosecutor Oak in that manner.''

Kai's house.

''What? I will be disappointed? I should have just let her die there in the forest.'' Kai threw his coat on the bed and sat down. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down but the words of Avery kept replaying in his mind.

Kai stood up when the doorbell started ringing. He came out to the hall and opened the door and his mother rushed in.

''Where is she?'' Mrs. Oak asked.

''Who?'' Kai asked.

''That woman. That woman you have gotten entangled with. Let me tell you, I promised to not interfere in your private affairs but this woman must go. I will never accept a woman with two souls.'' Mrs. Oak said.

''What are you talking about, mother?'' Kai asked.

''The shaman said a particular woman with two souls was going to bring you down. She said that woman is dangerous and will make you lose everything you've worked hard for over the years. Kai, let tell you. The shaman said this lady has pretty eyes and will capture you with them. You have to be careful.''

Kai chuckled. ''Mother, there is no such woman in my life so you can be rest assured. No woman would bring me down.''


''Mother, I don't have such a woman in my life. You don't need to worry because there won't be for a while.''

''Then, I will arrange for a few dates for you. I will send you the list tomorrow. Make sure you attend them.'' Mrs. Oak said.

''Mother, I…''

''Son, you owe me this. I won't take no for an answer.'' Mrs. Kai snuck a paper under the sofa and picked her bag. ''I have a meeting. Let's talk later.'' She said and hurried out.

Kai sat on the single sofa and sighed. He felt tired and drained. He yawned and stood up, going to the kitchen.

Hope Hospital.

Avery finished with her check-up and came out with Dr. Ozge.

''Can I really go home now?'' Avery asked.

''Yes, you can. We will call you once the results are in.'' Dr. Ozge said.

''Alright! Thank you so much.''

''You are welcome.'' Dr. Ozge said and walked away.

''Don't you need to stay here and rest for a day? You woke up this morning and want to leave?'' Fiona asked as they walked towards the ward.

''I've been awake for 8 hours now. The doctor said I can go home. I hate hospitals.'' Avery replied and opened the door. When she entered she saw Mariah inside.

''You are here!'' Mariah said.

''Oh… Constable Sanchez, what brings you here?'' Avery asked.

''You look fine to me. When Kai called me to come and pick you up, I thought something had happened.'' Mariah said.

''Kai? Who is Kai?'' Avery asked.

''Prosecutor Kai. You didn't even know his full name? Kai Noah Oak, the full name of your fake boyfriend. You should know it by heart.'' Mariah said and pointed at Avery's bag. ''I finished packing your things already.''

''You don't have to. I can go home alone.'' Avery said.

''You can't go to your home for the meantime. I got you a room at the police apartment. You can stay there for a while. Your house is a little messy.''

''What happened to my house?'' Avery asked.

''Your house was raided. It is no longer a safe place for you.'' Mariah said.

''You can go to my place. I will send you there. You can pick the keys from Claudia at the café.'' Fiona spoke.

''Let's go!'' Mariah picked the bag.

''No! I… I have a place to stay. I don't want to stay at the police apartment.''

''Avery, we are trying to protect you. The Prime Minister won't let you off that easily. Until we have real evidence to nail him, you need to be careful.''

''I understand Constable but I really have somewhere to stay.''

''Okay, I will send you there. I won't take no for an answer.'' Mariah said.

''Alright! Let's go.'' Avery replied.


Fiona's gym house.

Mariah pulled over and got out of the car with Avery. She looked at the signpost and turned to Avery.

''Are you sure this is the place? This is a gym, not a house.'' Mariah asked as she brought Avery's bag from the backseat.

''It is a gym and an apartment.'' Avery turned and looked at the café shop across the gym and said to Mariah. ''Just a minute. I will get the keys from over there…''

Avery went towards the café and opened it. She went to the girl behind the counter. ''Hi, I am Avery and I'm here to take the keys to the gym. Fiona said I can pick them up from here.'' Avery said to the lady.

''Avery Sandas? You finally came. I almost thought you wouldn't come. Fiona left the keys here a few weeks ago.'' Claudia said and handed the keys to Avery.

''Well, I am here. Thank you!'' Avery said and walked out. When she got to the gym, she said to Mariah. 'You can leave me here. I will find my way around.''

Mariah smiled. ''This is hurtful. Why do I feel that you are trying to create a distance between us? Is it because of what I said that night?'' Mariah asked.


''Let's not do that, Avery. I told you, let's be professional. You don't have to like me back in that manner but don't push me away. I just want to be a friend to you. My feelings are mine to deal with.'' Mariah said.

Avery smiled awkwardly and nodded her head. ''My apologies for making things awkward.''

''It's alright! I will leave you to settle down first. We will meet tomorrow.'' Mariah placed the luggage by the door and walked to her car.

''Thank you.'' Avery turned and looked at Mariah as she got into the car and drove away.

Avery opened the gate and went inside. She locked it from the inside and went towards the gym.

''You have a beautiful gym, why did you close it up?'' Avery asked Fiona.

''I opened it because I wanted to train. Now it's all yours.'' Fiona said as she sat at the edge of the boxing ring.

''I'm good. Training, exercising is not really my fort. I am physically strong.'' Avery said. she dreaded using her body for any form of exercises or training.

''Show me to the room, I need to shower and get changed.''

''Let's go.'' Fiona stood up and showed Avery to the room at the top. They climbed the stairs and entered the room. There was a mental bed at the corner and a single wardrobe where Fiona's things were kept.

There was another door leading to the bathroom and an inner room. Avery placed her bag on the single couch and looked around.

''This place is a little smaller than mine but it's not bad.'' She said and checked the bathroom. ''You are quite clean.''

''What room is this? Whoa! What are all these?'' Avery entered the inner room where there was about three giant monitors on the wall, a board with people's photos stamped against it along with some investigation newspapers.

''What is this?'' Avery asked.

''This is what I was working on before I got busted.'' Fiona said. She pointed at the Prime Minister's photo. ''This man here is just a pawn. The real owner of the money is hidden behind the scenes. The Prime Minister only keeps the money and uses it to do the person's orders.''

''Who is this person?'' Avery asked.