
| Four |

- this is not edited, please take that into consideration! -

Ken was staring at himself in the boys' bathroom. The smell of musk filled the room. Ken looked at the boy in front of him, he looked away. Disgusting, Ken thought while walking out of the bathroom.

"I was waiting for you! Why we're you taking so long, Ken where you masturbating!" Misty asked. She flaunts her arms, moving them to her forehead while making the dramatic stance that Romeo did in the play that Ken watched about a year ago.

He walked passed misty, she quickly noticed and followed behind in suit. Misty has been attached to Ken ever since she saw him, it wasn't anything like attraction. It was more like...

"Where is B's cafeteria?" Ken questions, Looking around with invasive eyes.

Let's just say, misty was surprised. The unexpected question coming from Ken's mouth made her smile. She told Ken to follow her, and that's just what he did- followed. It made misty skip to the cafeteria while humming a song uncontrollably.

Suddenly misty stopped, she looked down at her feet. Noticing she was wearing flip-flops. A sudden memory started to flood in her brain:

"Mommy, mommy! Sing me a song!" The little girl lisped while jumping into her mother's embrace.

The mother grabbed her daughter while sitting the little girl onto her lap. Her fingers went through the little one's hair. She looked down at her daughter while saying: "your hair is soft"

Breathing lightly, knowing her daughter was safe in her arms, she began to sing a song to her daughter-

Don't lie, don't lie, my sweet daughter,

I smile when you're here with me

Please don't become a monster, like your ancestors.

I want you to be safe with me

Dear oh dear, it's almost time-

Once I'm gone I hope you understand it was for the best.

Don't lie, don't lie my sweet daughter.

Don't be like everyone else.

One day you'll find someone who'll tell you the truth

But that won't be today

Until that day, be innocent from this glorifying world.

We'll meet again I promise, but remember one thing tonight,

Find a boy named dawn,

He will show you the way-

Please, oh please don't lie.

Goodnight tonight, it'll be the last you'll hear my voice.

I hope you remember me for the years to come,

Don't hate your momma for what she's about to do-

Everything happens for a reason-

Misty felt as though she was being shaken, looking up she saw Ken staring at her. while touching her softly-

"Ooo, Ken's touching me! He's also talking to me. I could just faint," misty sings, smiling at Ken who was at the hight of five-five. The same height as misty.

Now that misty think's about, Ken is probably one of the shortest guys here. Most of them are taller than Ken by afoot. It's kinda cute, Misty thought.

That's when she suddenly remembers that Its lunchtime, so she continues walking to find the cafeteria.

Ken frowned, he didn't understand why Misty looked so sad, just a few seconds ago. Now she's all bubbly and happy, Ken didn't wanna ask her, so he followed her, he just wanted to get to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

"Found it!" Bubbled misty as she excitedly enters the cafeteria-

Once Ken enters the cafeteria, He looks around to find an empty table. He locates one close to the cafeteria door, hit feet began to patter again the floor. He was almost there until someone plopped themselves down at the table that Ken wanted to sit at.

Noticing that there were no tables where vacant, ken almost walked out of the cafeteria. Until he heard someone screaming out his name, Ken almost ignored it. But being reminded of the past, he looked to see who it was.

Figured, Ken thought. While Seeing Misty Franticly move her arms. It made everyone in the cafeteria look between Misty and Ken. Noticing all the people staring at him, he walked away. Acting as though he didn't know the girl screaming out his name.

"Who was that," Misty heard someone ask, she looked up to see Crow staring down at her.

Knowing the boy, she smiled while telling the boy to sit down. It made misty happy knowing that someone wanted to sit with her.

She told the boy that Ken was a friend of hers and that he was just not ready to be friends.

"Mmm, can I tell you something?" Crow led on.

Misty shook her head up and down. Waiting for Crow, to tell her the information that he wanted to say.

"If you wanna fit in, I'd stop talking to him.-" before he could continue his sentence. Misty stood up, glared at him, and walked away.

Crow mumbled, so nobody could hear him: "she'll be mine, soon enough"

Misty's heart was beating, the feeling of everyone watching her corrupted her mind. She needed to find the closest bathroom, fast. Her hands became clammy, everything was spinning. Nothing seemed right. She didn't understand why-

Finding the bathroom, she walked inside. looking to her left, she found a mirror.

Misty smiled at her reflection, she thought it was raining inside.

Misty touched her face, her knees buckled, Giving out on her.

She looked down, to see a dirty ground.

Blood, blood was everywhere.

Waking up, noticing that her mama was not in bed. She looked around trying to find her. Throwing the blanket that was neatly on top of her aside. The little girl got out of bed. She started to Frown, she couldn't find her mamma anywhere.

The little girl starts to remember that she hasn't checked the bathroom.

She was Smiling happily, knowing that she was finally going to see her momma.

Getting on her tippy toes, opening the bathroom door. Smiling, knowing her mother was on the other side of the door.







She could only see blood, all misty could see was blood.

The little girl backed away from her mothers' corpse, while her small body was shaking.


Misty looked around, she was still in the girls' bathroom. Misty begans to rise, once her two feet hit the bathroom floor, she stared at herself in the mirror.

Not Recognizing the girl that was staring at her, the only words that could come out of Misty's mouth were:

"Mama left me all alone"

All misty could see in the reflection was a crying girl screaming for help. 




