
Misfortune [SOM NEW]

Amai’s transfer to a new school makes her think her life will be easier. But only if she knew her life was going to get more hell like than before. Cover drawn by me Lmao I hate this so much but felt like it was necessary to rewrite

OceanClouds · Adolescente
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18 Chs

Author Thoughts (for the hell of it)

This whole thing is just about ideas, original things, or just somethings that just happened while I was writing this story. This is all for fun~

Original story. Yes, this was heavily based off of Yandere Simulator at the beginning, let's not talk about it anymore.

Tbh when I wrote the very very first chapter, there was no planning and shit. I made it up as I went along with the story ;-;

Also when I was going back and forth from the original to get plot points for the rewrite, I often had thoughts of; "who the hell let me write this", "why is the time setting so messed up?", "ugghhhh the characters are written super weird".

When I was rewriting this story, I often went back to the original for the base. I did restructure the story though. When I read the original I also noticed how many god damn plot holes there was.


During this whole rewrite, I wrote it at night.

Specifically during 12am-4am, knowing I have school the next day.

This probably explains why some of this is written half way. I usually wrote the chapter, checked it using grammarly, then called it a night. I was often too tired to read the finals so if theres mistakes, that's why.

Not the best decision but I wanted to keep a more or less update schedule.


For the original ending, I don't actually remember the very first ending I was gonna go with.

The second ending I was thinking of was more or less of a "bad" ending.

The third ending was when I decided to introduce Haru to the story. It was gonna be an unrealistic ending.

But I decided on a simpler ending, nothing too special.

That's probably why I never wrote the ending for the original | (• ◡•)|


The characters themselves was kinda...well plain.

I know I didn't add any POC or LQBTQ+ characters. My main reason was I didn't know if I was going to offend someone or not, that's never my intention.

Second, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

Third, I wasn't too focused on the characters designs and stuff. I just gave them basic descriptions.

I just put in the basics of the hair color and maybe whether or not they were attractive. I kinda wanted everyone to have their own depiction of the characters.


Now for Amai. I never revealed any major backstory. I was way to lazy to and I wasn't sure when would be a good chance to do so.

But Amai was in the crash with her parents. And she did believe that she was the one at fault for the crash. It was caused by distracting her father, which was driving the car.

That's why I made Amai more or less vulnerable, when she feels guilty, it kinda eats her alive.

And the fear, she hates it. I was going to put in the time where she was actually awake and aware of what was happening after the crash. The fear she felt then is something that made her dislike feeling it at all.


Then there's the characters families. Amai has dead parents, but her aunt took her in.

But she was living alone in her apartment, so where was her aunt?

Her aunt is single, mother's side of Amai's family. But since she got expelled from her old school, which was in the same place where they had been staying, Amai had to transfer somewhere farther. But due to her aunts job, she can't move in with her.

Then Samuel's family, he's an only child. The only time I've mentioned them was one time just to give context for why they weren't there.

Haru's family on the other hand, I never really imagined...he was the last character to be in the story...

- - -

Well that's basically the end of this whole thing. The original first chapter was publish about 2 years ago, the rewrite starting last December, ending this April.

But now for something else. If you haven't seen already, which you most likely haven't, I already created a new book. There's no chapters in it yet but there will be in a few months.

The books name will be "Illusion of Dreams".

And just a warning, this isn't going to be super friendly. So there's most likely going to be loads of warnings.

But anyways, thank you so much for reading!

Hope you guys can read my next book when I start publishing chapters ♡︎

{Forgot to mention that the original version of Misfortune, being: "School of Misfortune", will be deleted soon}

☕︎︎ 𝙾𝚌𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚜

➪ 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏𝚏, 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟶𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷

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