
Mischief & Dai-Jin

AnnGuslavia · Ciudad
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39 Chs


"To give such a power to an arsonist? Oh, I pity whoever messes with you."

"Arsonist, that's such a powerful title," she beamed.

"Nah, it ain't," I chuckled.

"How does it feels to go from graduating in MIT to back to school?"

"It feels... weird," to say the least. "I never really got to experience school like you, my school years were all incredibly rushed, so maybe it's an opportunity to live the school life like a normal kid. But I got used to extremely advanced subjects, so I think my focus will fully be on the whole magical training. The rest will be easy peasy."

"Ugh, I'm envious. You must be a genius in numbers."

"I could… help you with what you need, in normal subjects."

Her eyes widened, "Really?"

"You're my youngest sister, Ari, I'll do my best to try catching up with our… 18 years of lost relationship," I said softly. "I see no problem in helping with what I can. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and all."

"Oh my God, you'll be such an ace," she jumped. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Ari," I chuckled. "It's the least I can do to make it up for being such a bitch at first moment."

"I'll help you with what you need on the neatherworld stuff then," she winked. "That will only be fair. I also want to catch up. Though you will end up being tutored by Dai-Jin for sure," she rolled her eyes jealous. "He is the best in the academy, with the most destructive power, and he's good at everything, even if he's a troublemaker with a nasty temper. Well, at least I feel better that you know how to handle him, and you're immune to him since he's not your type. Though I think you might be his."

HE will tutor me????? What? Oh, no, this won't end well.

"Me? Why would you say that?" I gasped, feigning being offended.

"He never gave two shits to anyone, eonni. Anyone. No girls, no boys. He flirts with us, friendly, both us girls and the boys, by bickering, but it never really was the type of meaningful flirt, more like joking. He never looked at any of us like he looks at you, and he also never reacted to any of us like he does to us. And," she jumped from the bed, "he is letting you use his bike! He NEVER let us even touch his bikes or cars, Sera. He's straight up possessive with them, and he's letting you drive one."

Is that why appa looked so shocked? "Maybe he pits me because I'm suicidal. Maybe he's reaching out because he saved me."

"Eonni, Dai saved all of us at least once. He's already a professional in killing the beasts, because the stronger you are, the more beasts haunt you, more try to kill you, and he's been through that more than any of us. More than me, and I have three bonds, three Soul powers, and I'm a water elementalist. And even then, he didn't let us touch his bikes."

"I told you," uncle jumped, "he has a crush on you."

"No, he doesn't," I denied.

"Fine, if you say so," my sister mumbled side-eying me. "Now let's talk about romance. Tell me, eonni, do you plan on dating someone in the Academy? If yes, what's gonna be? Girls or boys?"

"Did Jiah teach you how to call me or something?" I chuckled.

"Oh? No, I saw in a Kdrama, I was just too shy to try earlier," she grinned mischievously. "Kazuha just got me jealous enough of her calling you that to make me do it too."

Cute. "Mmhm," I bounced my head, suppressing a smile. "I have no intention in dating again, I've had enough of love deceptions for a life time, being cheated on four times was enough. I don't think I can trust another person with my heart, so I'm in a men and women ban. Well, a human ban."

"You're not a virgin, right?"

"She lost her virginity at 14," uncle chuckled. "She called me that day freaking out, scared of her grandparents going insane, asking me to mark a gynecologist consult for her in secret."

"Damn, 14?" She gasped. "What a savage. What do you like more? Pussy or cock?" Jesus Christ.

I gasped, "You look so innocent, but you definitely ain't."

"Looks can be deceiving," she purred.

"I have a preference in cock, I'm not gonna lie," I confessed.

"She likes the big ones, tree-like cocks," uncle chuckled. "I could never. I like my organs the way they are, while Missy likes those who touch her heart from the inside."

"Damn, uncle, you know a lot," Ari's jaw dropped.

"I had nobody else to talk about this stuff," I defended myself, my skin burning again. "So, ahjussi was the one. It helps that he's gay and has lots of relationship advices."

"I have no idea how you like cock, I could never enjoy something like that inside me," she cringed. "Definitely not a huge one. Fingers are enough for me, but tongues are the best. Cocks sound overwhelming and uncomfortable. Painful."

"That pain is what makes it good," I grinned.

Her eyes widened, "Are you a masochist of something?"

"Nah, but it's good. I made the mistake to date two guys because of their funny personality, because they made me laugh and comfortable, I didn't date them for beauty, money, intelligence, or their sizes. That was my mistake, it was why I got so bitter with the cheating. I gave them a chance, I put up with them being dumb, horrible in bed, and not beautiful, and that hot me two pair of horns on my head," now I'm like Asta in Devil Union mode. "The guys I slept with casually when I wasn't dating, those I picked for the beauty, the size, and the intelligence, but they weren't the type of bearable enough to date, or worthy of that. Just shitty guys I wanted to fuck," I rolled my shoulders.

"Who was your biggest guy?" She asked curiously.

I smiled at the memory, "Grégory LeBeau Hayami, black French from his mom's side, Japanese from his father's, he was sun-kissed with curly brown hair, honey eyes, about a head taller than me with heels, strong, and huge. I was about to leave the US, and I went to this night club in Boston where I met him, I was with my fake ID that said I was 21 years old, and he was 25," both their eyes widened, since I hadn't told uncle that yet. "It was in December 5th, last year, and I slept at his place. He was a neurology student. He was almost the size of my forearm, and as thick as my clenched fist, and I confess we did it with no protection."

"Mischieeeeeeef!" Uncle gasped. "That was dangerous."

I like it better raw, what can I do? "He didn't cum inside me, I took him in my mouth, it was alright," I chuckled embarrassed. "We stayed a full weekend together, from Friday to Sunday. I played him like an actress, my name was Katerina Choi, I was 21 years old, a Mechanical Engineering student at MIT, daughter of Australian-Korean parents, I did the accent like a native," then I mimicked the accent. "I was born in Perth, Australia. In December 5th, I'm a Sagittarius. Only child, my mom is a judge, my father is a neurosurgeon, both currently living in Seoul, South Korea. My favorite color is purple, I love silver, Chanel, orchids, and I have a black Maine Coon cat called Violet."

"No one can say you don't own your name, Mischief," uncle let out a loud giggle, clapping his hands together.

"My sister is female Loki, oh my God," Ari chuckled. "That was perfect, eonni. Now who was your best casual girl?"

I clicked my tongue, "Oh? It was around the time I turned 17, I got on a train and left Cambridge and went to New York for the weekend. I went to a club and met this Greek Goddess, Desdemona Nerine Kontogouri, she was literally from Greece but she moved to New York at 16 to finish high school there and go to NYU. Waist-length wavy deep orange hair, light green eyes, pale skin, freckles, full heart-shaped red lips, snub small nose, curvy with big boobs and the prettiest ass, she was in red, I was in golden. And she smelled like Chanel Coco Noir, a mix of jasmine, bourbon vanilla, and roses. Her hair smelled like jasmine too."

"She was 26 years old, working as a criminal lawyer, her mom was the owner of a bakery and her dad was a banker, she was the youngest sister of five, all the others being boys. Taller than me by 10cm I think, and she held me as if I was featherweight. Man, she ate me as if I was made of nectar and ambrosia and she was a starving Goddess, she worked her tongue on me like she was born for that. She got me shaking and trembling like a lamb, I was so weak my legs wouldn't hold me up," I chuckled. "I end up sleeping in her place, and staying from the Friday to the Sunday. And God, if she didn't ravage me all the time, she was insatiable like me, a savage, I couldn't show her an ounce of energy and she would make me use it up."

"I played her too," I grinned mischievously, "I was 22 years old this time, my name was Emmanuelle Lorenzetti, half Italian and half Korean. My dad was an Italian fashion designer, and my mom was an archeologist, while I was an Architect student at MIT. I was born in Milan, Italy, in June 6th, I'm a Gemini. The oldest daughter of seven, all girls, and they all still live in Milan. My favorite color is yellow, I love gold, Yves Saint Laurent, sunflowers, I'm addicted to caramel macchiato, and I have a fat orange cat called Shakira," I said it all adding a fancy Italian accent to it.

"Damn, you lived a fucking lot," she groaned. "How many people have you been with?"

I tilted my head, "12 girls, 17 boys, all casually. Dating? 2 of each."

"19 boys and 14 girls?" Her jaw dropped, "Damn, you're ho."

That made me break laughing, "I need to discover."

"Do you remember all their names?" She blinked.

I nodded, "All of them."

"Recite them then," she grinned. "Name, age, race, and a rate."

"In order of action," uncle added, loving this.

"Lia Lambrechts, my 1st relationship and we didn't fuck, she was 17 and I was 13, German, 0/10. Corrado Campedelli, lost my virginity with him, he was 17 and I was 14, Italian, 6/10. Amane Kurosawa, she was 18 and I was 14, Japanese, 8/10. Silvija Crankier, she was 17 and I was 14, Serbian, 3/10. Edgar Noir, my 2nd relationship, he was 17 and I was 14, French, 0/10. Kanetsugu Nabatame, he was 19 and I was 14, Japanese, 9/10. Marcos Paulo Serrano, he was 21 and I was 15, Brazilian, 8/10."

"Girl, you fucked that many people at 14?" My sister gasped.

"I like sex," I rolled my shoulders. "Then there's Emilia Gamberini, she was 16 and I was 15, Italian, 9/10. Konomi Hayashida, she was 20 and I was 15, Japanese, 2/10. Xiaosheng Mo, he was 19 and I was 15, Chinese, 7/10. Mie Van der Velden, she was 23 and I was 15, German, 8/10. Haruto Kitabayashi, he was 32 and I was 15, not mine but one of the professors at MIT from the Architecture school, Japanese, 10/10, takes the top 2 after Grégory." That made uncle's jaw drop.

"You fucked a professor? Oh my God, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because we went raw, and you would freak out, especially," oh his face is priceless, "because we kept fucking for like… three months, no compromise, I was fucking other people and he was too, but we kept on fucking until he resigned and moved back to Japan, because his father died. He did me good, let me tell you, the man was almost as big as Grégory, and he knew what he was doing. He had a daddy kink, and I was birth control, but we kept fucking without a condom," and he did come inside me like, five times, but it's not like I'm going to tell him. "It was addicting. And the best was that it was secret. We fucked in the school like, eight times, it was pure adrenaline."

"Mischief," uncle covered his mouth. "You are insane."

"He was 17 years older than you," my sister gasped.

"I know," I chuckled, "I like older people, he was the oldest I got, but I swear, he was incredible compared to the others."

"Sweet God, okay, continue," he brushed aside.

"Okay, so, Isabella Walker, she was 25 and I was 15, British, 8/10. Milan Šoškić, he was 23 and I was 15, Croatian, 5/10. Zinovy Slutsky, he was 27 and I was 16, Russian, 9/10. Jahaan Kirmani, he was 18 and I was 17, Egyptian, 1/10, man that was a horrible one. Kazuma Domori, he was 26 and I was 16, Japanese, 8/10. Francis De Ridder, he was 21 and I was 16, French, 3/10. Saya Gushiken, she was 28 and I was 16, Japanese, 7/10. Shantia Ghaznavi, she was 20 and I was 16, Saudi Arabian, 8/10. Stela Chinezu, my 3rd relationship, she was 19 and I was 16, Romanian, 0/10. Hideki Yoshizawa, he was 30 and I was 16, Japanese, 9/10."

"Then Desdemona Nerine Kontogouri, the Goddess I already told you about, I was 17, Greek, 10/10. Elijah Farrell, he was 29 and I was 17, British, 4/10. Vicente Eizaguirre, he was 21 and I was 17, Spanish, 6/10. Daisy Thomas, she was 20 and I was 17, British, 2/10. Ramsy Cunningham, he was 23 and I was 17, Canadian, 1/10. Camille Carpentier, she was 18 and I was 17, French, 3/10. Matthias Hauet, he was 28 and I was 17, French, 8/10. Grégory LeBeau Hayami, which you know already, I was 17, French-Japanese, 10/10. Dalila Morano, she was 18 and I was 17, Brazilian, 8/10. Yoshiyuki Iijima, he was 20 and I was 17, Japanese, 9/10. And the fucker, Drago Srećković, my 4th and last relationship, he was 22 and I was 17, Serbian-Croatian, 0/10."

"You are a maneater," uncle gasped. "All older than you. Jesus."

"She's a Japanese-eater," Ari mocked. "Nine of them and most with high ratings. And you said Dai-Jin wasn't your type."

"And he isn't," I lied.

"Well, neathers definitely fuck better than mundanes!"

I gasped, "That's not a thing."

"I think it is," she countered unbothered. "So, dear maneater, are you planning on fucking casually then? It's been almost 5 months since you got laid, no? I bet your body is begging for it when you used to be so active."

"What if I exploded and unlock my magic during sex?" I ponded. "Like Violet in Fourth Wing, when she was fucking Xaden," funny enough, she had lightning like Dai-Jin. "I can't risk it, so no sex, not even casual."