
For Paris

3rd POV

At the one muttered word from Sir Noir, Ladybug flinched and realized everything she'd been uneager to face about this night become reality. 'The reason Bridgette gave herself up that night, why Master Fu didn't have us attack Gabriel Agreste when he least expected it and why he told me to make the right decision before I left. He knew that this would happen again and he made it a point not to let Sir Noir hear our conversation.' She looked up to see a black cat once again being overprotective of her. She grimaced at the thought of putting him through such an event again but realized she's been thinking out other plans the entire night but they've all come up short. With every plan she thought out, they all came to the same dead end of actually taking the miraculous from Hawkmoth. 'Sir Noir could've tried to take it with the peacock but that would risk not taking either of them. If he did succeed I'd think it would've been a miracle.' She looked down at her yo-yo and clenched it, making up her mind about things.

Jumping forward, she tries to make her way closer to Hawkmoth but Sir Noir kept himself between the two at all times. They kept going like this before Ladybug yanked him up a level and pulled him close. He stumbled a bit but caught himself and agitatedly asked, "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm helping you with Hawkmoth, like you said, we have to get him today." He pushed away from her and went to jump back down so that Hawkmoth didn't have time to call for more backup but Ladybug grabbed him by the arm.

She pulled him back and whispered in his ear, "don't you wanna heat my plan?"

His head lifted up to see her blue eyes staring right back at his sea green ones. He sighed of relief, "I thought we were going to just go for it when the time felt right because you didn't say anything." He grabbed her shoulder as the weight lifted from his conscience only to fall in Ladybug's.

On the outside she looked determined but on the inside she knew she was betraying his trust by lying to him. 'I don't want you to get hurt trying to protect me. I need you to be able to grab the miraculous when I go down.' She thought up a quick lie or a plan for him to follow without fail.

"First, we need to corner him and get his staff away from him again. If you've noticed, he only throws it when he's frustrated so we should throw stuff about Adrien his way to make him falter." Sir Noir bossed along while keeping watch for any butterflies. She kept explaining, "when he throws his staff, I'll catch it and with the shock of what he's done I need you to rip the miraculous off of him and put it in the box I gave you."

Sir Noir pulled it out and asked, "is that why you gave it to me before?"

She laughed awkwardly, "yeah. I just didn't think of the whole plan until now..." She turned around lost in thought, 'it's a flimsy plan seeing Gabriel lost in his own madness he won't stop just after throwing his cane at me. Hopefully knocking me out in civilian form will be enough to bring him back to his senses that he's fighting high schoolers.' With the beeping of her earrings, she turned back around.

"One minute," he muttered under his breath for only the two of them to hear.

They jumped back down to Hawkmoth and didn't give him a chance to say anything. Ladybug yelled at him, "and father of the year award goes to, Gabriel Agreste! Congratulations on putting your son's life at risk over you're own greed." She bore her teeth for him to see without any subtility. Like a lioness protecting what was hers, she sprang on him again, "he'll be so disappointed in you when he finds out. But I guess that hasn't mattered to you," She roared through her antagonistic smile.

Hawkmoth gritted his teeth while swinging his staff with all his might, "I'm doing this for the both of us! You know nothing! You're just a tiny bug I could squish with my toe."

Sir Noir blocked the hit and chuckled with a deep sneer, "doing what? Destroying both of your lives for greed and power? I'm sure he won't want it once he finds out how you gained it!" He extended his staff and sacked his masked uncle in the head making him stumble back.

"All he's ever wanted was to get close to you but all you did was push him away!"

"He'll understand," Hawkmoth tried to push back.

But the cat scratched back, "oh? Like he'll understand you akumatized he all of his friends?"

"Or still attacking him after finding out he was Tarragon?"

The two heroes kept pelting Hawkmoth with discerning comments about his son until his face was blaring red. He raised his hand and staff high into the air and yelled, "shut up!"

Sir Noir smiled as Hawkmoth let his staff fly towards Ladybug. He sprung into action as the staff flew past him and out of sight.

While Ladybug's earrings beeped for the last time making her detransform into Marinette. She tried dodging the blow, making it just miss her forehead but struck above her ear.

As the butterflies disappear, Tarragon jumps up just in time to catch the limp, young girl in his arms, "Marinette?!"

Sir Noir stood up triumphantly holding the butterfly miraculous in his hand while staring down at his uncle. He steps above him and notices that Gabriel's eyes are shaking at the sight of something behind him. Turning around, Sir Noir's smile drops to the floor as he stumbles over to see Marinette unconscious in Tarragon's arms.

Carapace knelt down and whispered, "what the hell happened?"

Sir Noir tucked the miraculous away and grabbed Marinette out of his cousins arms. Before jumping away he turned to his uncle and sneered, "I've known since London, Gabriel."

As the sun started to rise, police sirens blared down the streets of Paris towards the tower. The night-long fight was over, the tyranny reigning over the city had been stopped by a couple of teenagers dressed up as animals. The infamous Hawkmoth would never be able to akumatise another citizen again, having been stripped of his miraculous, he had become powerless.

Sir Noir stood above him showing both pride and disgust. Before Gabriel could refute him, Sir Noir jumped from the roof as blood dropped from Marinette's pigtail. Her eyes laid shut the whole time to the hospital and in it.

At the sound of machines beeping and birds chirping, a new morning arrived with Marinette still asleep in her hospital bed. Felix clutched the small box she gave him that night with the butterfly miraculous safely tucked inside. He didn't leave her side for the last three days and by the way he was slouched over her lap asleep, it showed.

The door to her room slowly creaked open and softly closed. As silent as a leaf falling upon a pond, Master Fu crept beside the two while they slept and sighed. He nodded his head and watched as Wayzz flew around to each of Marinette's ears and plucked out her earrings. He, himself, slipped the miraculous box away from Felix and opened it to see both the peacock and butterfly miraculous to be inside.

He motioned for Wayzz to not bother with waking up Plagg and leave with him. He opened the door to leave but quickly shifted back over to the small bedside table and placed a letter there addressed to Marinette. He solemnly smiled and quietly closed the door on the two heroes of Paris sleeping side by side each other.

As Master Fu put on his hat to leave he muttered, "what a brave child."

"Did you say something, Master?"

He shook his head and left the hospital while stuffing the three miraculous in his pocket. The wind blew the old leaves up around the air as time flew by to reveal an empty hospital bed and an abandoned cat.

The end is near

SoFrancreators' thoughts