
Chapter 4: Pharaoh.

A necklace dropped from the team mommy's body.

< Necklace of Durance: Unable any healing magic to not work ( Passive ). >

'This should do.' I put the amok on the necklace and put it on.

A sand monster appeared out of nowhere and it is the size of a pyramid.

'I just need to level up. This big guy should be an)e to help by a lot.' On the mouth of the sentimonster, a purple beam was launched at the ground.

< Exp... >

"Kill them all Sand God." Hurricanes appeared out of nowhere and huge tsunamis erupted from the ground.

< You have leveled up to 44 >

< You have leveled up to 45 >

< You have leveled up to 46 >


'I am not sure, but I hope, there would be other miraculous in this place.' I wanted to know if there were, but I could only create one sentimonster at a time.

"Sand God, see if there are any other miraculous," I ordered and number on his back.

I was sucked inside his body and I could everything he was seeing.

A huge plasma beam was launched into his mouth again.

I looked in a random direction and saw 3, S-rank users and Luis Suarez was also there.

The strongest hunter in Egypt and also the 4th ranked person in the world Luis Suarez.

"Sand God, transform back to sand and hide underneath the sand. Retreat and try to find any other miraculous." I still had my composer and the Sand God copied my order.

As we were traveling around the sand. I saw a similar necklace to the necklace of the duranace so I went there.

"Bring that necklace inside." The necklace dropped to the floor and I took it.

The necklace had a lion in black and yellow color.

Then as I analyzed it. A lion in black and white came out of the necklace.

"I was right. Your a miraculous aren't you." I asked and it started to use its powers.

I packed away seeing as it would attack me even though I was holding its miraculous. The space was too small so I said. "Make the room larger."

'I have to find out why his doing this.' I put on the jubilation miraculously and said.

"Duusu, Daizzi, unify." I felt my strength changed again and opened my fan to cover my face.

"This shall be your end. [ Sand Storm ]"( Please give me a new name for it. )

The sand around us started to form on his small right and left hands.

I jumped near him and stretched out my right hand and said "[ Gift ]" A pink light covered the entire room.

The sand around him fell and a picture appeared.

It was him, bowing to a stronger being and wanting to serve him.

After years of friendship, his holder became weaker and weaker so he killed him.

'It seems like this miraculous will only accept stronger beings and if you are weaker then you die.' I thought about countermeasures and came up with a single conclusion.

As the power of Gift vanished, He had his consciousness back.

"Do not test my authority and do not tempt my fury." With those words, a gush of aura came out of my body.

It was a breezy aura, like the winter snow, but much, much colder.

He then felt my massive strength and bowed down on the floor.

"What is your name?" I asked while keeping him at bay.

"I-I am... Pharaoh. " Pharaoh said as he shivered down his spine.

"What are your keywords?" I asked again and separated Duusu and Daizzi.

'Sand God, you know what to do.' Somewhere around Egypt, a basket of apples was stolen from the sand and dropped on the floor.

Daizzi went to the apples and started to eat them.

"I-Its..." Before he could even finish his sentence.

I said. "Duusu, Perou, unify." Pharaoh went inside me.

A huge blue ring appeared on my back and had eight points on it.

My right and left hands and feet had floating bracelets on them and a crown was also floating above my head.

There is also a hole in my chest and a ring is also in it. Inside the ring was a yellow crystal.

The rings were just floating on my body and I noticed a blue scarf with feathers on both ends covering my nose and mouth and then was raped around my neck like a scarf.

I floated one of the rings and it could also be used as a cell phone like the other weapons.

A blue hologram was showing on the middle of the floating bracelet.

I went to instructions on how to use this miraculous and read as much as I could.

'So the weapon this bracelet. They can also float around by my will and can change size.' I already knew how strong these weapons would be if mastered correctly.

'My power seems to be [ Sand Manipulation ]. The pointed stars are supposed to be how many times I could use my power until I transform back.'

I went out and saw a huge herd of monsters heading toward the S-rank hunters.

"They should be greater test subjects." I jumped up and rode one of the rings.

I could also float using the rings and I could see every single mommy running from a single direction.

'Let's use one of its skills. [ Sand Barrel ]' They rose and fell on the mommies, killing them off in a single attack.

There was still a large number of mommies and sand attacks would not work on them that much.

A spike vanished in thin air on my right bracelet. "I'm going to run out of moves if this keeps up. [ Sand Beam ]" 3 sand beams appeared on my right, left, and on top of me.

The beams turned on to pulverize every mommy it could hit. Another three spikes disappeared on my right bracelet.

'Seems like I can use its power more, but the more I use it the lesser the amount of power comes out.' I noticed the subtle change in strength and knew, it would be a bad idea no prolong a battle using this miraculous.

"Sand God, kill them all." A giant mouth is all the undead mommies in one fell swoop.

< You have leveled up to 76 >

'It seems like I am still around C-rank.' Originally I was supposed to be C-rank and I would have to level up by a lot, but with the help of the miraculous, I was able to make it so far.

I noticed a person was looking at me from my back, so I turned around and used the bracelets, as a telescope.

I saw a sharpshooter aiming for my head. He triggered the sniper and a magic bullet came rushing at me.

I immediately noticed that he was trying to buy time for the other S-rank hunters to come and kill me.

"[ Sand Wall ]" In three seconds, a huge wall of sand surrounded the vicinity, and talismans were protecting me.

The bullet was already inside the sand wall when it was created, but it was immediately disabled by the talismans.

"Let's escape." I then noticed my right and left bracelets were gone.

'I used too much power.' I jumped into a world pool of sand and escaped from the hunters who wanted to kill me or be my ally.