
5-The Snowflake That Touched my Heart

*unknowns point of view *

When I was only ten , I saw a beautiful woman who was helping some poor kids and playing with them. I could remember it like it was yesterday. She wore such a warm and beautiful smile, but I could tell that deep down she was so fragile. When I turned to say hi , the woman started at me disgusted , sickened,horrified. I just thought how could someone with the warmest smile be so cold. She reminded me of a the snowflakes I once saw with my dad . He's in jail now . He attempted to kill someone.

After that day, I wanted to work hard and someday be the one to protect her smile . When the day came , I found out she was married and had a child . It had been seventeen years. All I wanted was for her to love me . It's so disgusting,this thing called love. Out of everything, I lost my purpose to fight , so that "all" turned to nothing. I wanted to burn that "nothing" down.