
Day 57 of Mining

The game of today is Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light, here is a description from fandom:

"In the small kingdom of Horne, Brandt awakes on the morning of his fourteenth birthday. Today is the day he becomes an adult, and the custom of the realm says that he must go to the castle to present himself to the king.

Yet when he arrives at the castle he finds the king distraught and the youngest princess missing, abducted by the Witch of the North. With no one else to turn to, the king makes a shocking request: will Brandt save the princess?

And thus Brandt's adventure begins...

Eventually he is joined by three other brave young souls. Together they will experience a journey full of joyous meetings and sad partings.

Though at first they don't always see eye-to-eye, these four Heroes of Light will build bonds of trust and affection so strong that, in the end, they may even save the world.

This is the tale of their legendary quest.


Main article: Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light characters

There are four playable characters who form the eponymous Heroes of Light, along with four characters who join the party temporarily. Players are allowed to choose names for the four Heroes at the start of the game.

Brandt - A carefree young boy who lives in the Kingdom of Horne with his mother Kuore. He has a strong sense of justice, yet still rough in manners.

Jusqua - A young boy with an air of mystery surrounding him. He doesn't like it when things get tough, and generally abandons the missions that do.

Yunita - A soldier from the Kingdom of Horne, sworn to protect and serve Princess Aire. She is a stoic and serious girl, but is nervous of her role.

Aire - The second daughter of King Horne. She is the cheerful mood-maker of the group, but is a spoiled princess and has little knowledge of the outside world.


Gameplay follows normal RPG fare, though Magic Points are replaced by Action Points. Random encounters return, and the Battle system is turn-based, reminiscent of the first three Final Fantasy games on the Famicom. Changing equipment changes the characters' appearance.

The game uses a new variation of the job system called the Crown System, where jobs are linked to hats, known as Crowns. Each crown contains four skills and various bonus attributes, but magic spells can be used by all crowns. There are twenty-eight crowns available in the game. Unlike past versions of the job system, where Jobs determined a character's entire appearance, crowns are only signified by what is worn on a character's head, and equipment provides the aesthetic changes for a character's appearance.


Battles take place in a turn-based format, with several twists from the rest of the series. Instead of MP, the game uses Action Points (AP). Each turn the players regenerate one AP, to a maximum of five. And also unlike other games in the series, the player cannot choose the targets of their attacks and abilities. Monsters choose the target of their attacks and abilities with an Enmity system. The player has four choices of action each turn; attack with the character's weapon, use an item, use one of the character's abilities or spells, or Boost, which will generate extra AP and make the character crouch and increase defense against damage from physical attacks.

Another factor affecting the battle is enthusiasm. When the heroes are Psyched Up they become surrounded by a yellow aura and get a stat boost. When the heroes are feeling down they become surrounded by a blue aura and get a corresponding decrease in stats.

When a battle is finished, surviving characters receive all the Experience Points gained. If any items are dropped they are distributed among characters with space to hold them. And, finally, any Gems found are added to the party's total."