
Ming Liao

Everyone was curious about the appearance of the princess. Who princess? She is the protagonist of this story. Being sent to a neighbouring country for a political marriage, she was not very thrilled about it. Was she the only one unhappy? No, there was also her bodyguard who had been protecting her since childhood. He was in a difficult situation as he had to choose between the King and his saviour, i.e. the secret organization he worked at. There was also a fool prince who believed that the princess was older than him and ugly. So, he was dead set on sending the princess back to her country in the same way she came here, with all his tricks. Anyone could marry her, but he wouldn't. Would she be sent back to her kingdom or marry someone there?

Stinkypinky29 · Historia
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16 Chs

3. Content inside box

The room fell into a profound silence as the box was opened, and the content inside the box was revealed. All eyes were riveted to the gift that had been presented to the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Jing.

The King's eyes sparkled with delight and wonder as he beheld the rare and radiant object nestled within the box. It was a sight to behold, and he could hardly contain his amazement.

In the front row, Zhang Mingze, the young and formidable general of Jing, squinted his eyes for the briefest of moments, a flicker of surprise passing across his usually composed countenance. The courtiers and soldiers who served under him knew him as a man of unwavering composure, a fearless warrior who had faced insurmountable odds on the battlefield without batting an eye. The fact that he had shown a hint of astonishment in the face of the gift presented by the abandoned princess was a testament to the rarity and value of the offering.

Seeing the exasperated expression of King and those in front rows, the interest of ministers behind was piqued.

The king slowly lifted the object for everyone to see.

At the hand of the king was a single, ethereal flower—the Rafoofil Flower, renowned for its exceptional rarity and profound significance. This delicate and translucent bloom possessed a unique and awe-inspiring quality. When touched by a living being, its petals emitted a soft, radiant glow.

The Rafoofil Flower was not merely a botanical wonder; it held immense medicinal and mystical properties. Legends spoke of its ability to cure even the deadliest of poisons, heal the gravest of diseases, and bestow eternal youth and beauty upon those who possessed it. However, its powers could only be harnessed through a complex and delicate processing method, a knowledge held by only a select few.

Given the scarcity of this miraculous plant and the intricacy of its processing, the Rafoofil Flower had been designated as a "World Treasure," coveted by monarchs and rulers across the globe. Every king and queen yearned for its miraculous abilities, desiring to preserve their youth and vitality for all time.

The King could hardly believe that the most coveted World Treasure now resided in his kingdom. Its radiant petals seemed to pulse with life as it nestled in his hand, casting a spell of enchantment upon all who gazed upon it.

"The flower which blooms at the touch by living thing, isn't that a Rafoofil?"

"Wait, is that real?"

"Idiot, look at the king's hand. It is glowing. How can it not be real?"

"But how can a princess of a small kingdom possess such a treasure?"

The murmurs of doubts sounded in the courtroom.

The King's face changed from joy to doubt and then annoyance as he commanded, "Quiet."

The courtroom instantly quieted down.

All eyes were on princesses including those of princes, king and queen.

The princess, standing before the King and Queen, spoke with a serene and humble demeanor, her words carrying a weight that matched the significance of her gift, "Your Majesty, the king. This is a cherished heirloom passed down through generations in her mother's family—the illustrious Jiang clan."

Everyone instantly understood.

Her mother, the late Queen Jiang Lian Hua, had been the last living descendant of the Jiang clan. She must have entrusted the precious treasure to her daughter.

For years, the world had believed that the Jiang clan's treasure was nothing more than a legend, a rumor that had led to the massacre of the entire family. It was a tragic tale of a peaceful and reclusive clan whose unrevealed secret treasure had cost them their lives.

The revelation that the fabled treasure was, in fact, the Rafoofil Flower, and that it had been in the possession of the late Queen Jiang Lian Hua and her abandoned daughter all along, was astonishing.

No wonder, the Jiang clan had met its end. It was just a small clan. If anyone knew it possessed a treasure, it would surely attract bandits. And here, we are not talking about any insignificant treasure but a world treasure: Rafoofil.

The King of Jing found himself in a peculiar predicament. As he listened to the princess's explanation, a maelstrom of conflicting emotions swirled within him.

Part of him wanted to laugh with joy, for he was now the fortunate custodian of an unparalleled treasure—the Rafoofil Flower.

Yet, this newfound wealth also brought with it a sense of unease and foreboding. The Rafoofil Flower was no ordinary gift. It was a double-edged sword, capable of bestowing unparalleled blessings, but also harboring the potential for immense trouble and strife. The king understood that the possession of such a rare and powerful artifact could attract the attention of rivals, opportunists, and those who sought to exploit it for their own gain.

In his heart, he grappled with a dilemma. On one hand, he wished to safeguard this treasure and harness its potential to bring fame and prosperity to his kingdom. The knowledge that the Kingdom of Jing possessed such a legendary artifact would undoubtedly elevate its status on the world stage. The allure of eternal youth and boundless vitality held the power to attract scholars, traders, and seekers from far and wide.