
The Kingdom of the Malaise (37)

Conjunctivis felt free.

For the first time in a long while.

The mutated monster that was birthed straight from the horrid sewers that circulated in the kingdom, being birthed from a corpse infected by the malaise.

By a twist of fate, the monster named Conjunctivis which was bound by thick chains of steel and captured by the guards of the kingdom after massive sacrifice was now free.

And it was hungry.

The green surface of her skin glistened as its purple eye stared off into the distance.

Using organs that were unseen, the boss monster 'felt' the life force of several strong beings that were clashing against each other, that alongside the absurd amounts of malaise which would most probably propel her to the next stage was located there.

Using its many large tentacles, Conjunctivis called all of her brood and flew straight towards the battlefield which was wreathed in a crown of smoke visible from all of the edges of the island.


Death rested within the necropolis belonging to the ancient kingdom that the kingdom of the malaise was built on top of.

Waking up from the ancient slumber upon which that he they had been sealed from the waking world, the figure and avatar of death slowly rose.

Feeling the ensuing slaughter which was occurring above their domain, the figure of death took up the twin headed scythe and broke through the feeble chains which had weakened over the course of millennia.

Floating, the long tattered cape of the grim reaper slowly fluttered as the figure of death moved its way to the surface where a slaughter was occurring.


Mama Tick blinked its myriad of blue pupils before using its myriad of sensory organs to smell the blood.

Using its semi-intelligent brain to formulate thoughts, the creature reached the conclusion.

'Food, Lots, feed, many, birth, more'

Turning its attention to one of its may eye stalks and opening them, a mental command was transmitted to the rest of her brood.

'Army, go surface, harvest.'


"This is what a boss rush truly is!" A giant of man wielding a sword that was even larger than the large man himself stabbed the blade into the wall and hung off of it.

Hanging off the side of the Caverns, the giant of a man used his specialized eyes to see that all of the boss levels that he had marked were starting to move.

From the army of the Mama Tick to the recently freed Conjunctivis to the also recently awakened figure of Death.

All these three players were moving around the board and were converging on the large battlefield where rivers of blood had been shed and mountains of corpses had been formed.

Adjusting the head band which stopped the locks of thick black hair from fluttering into his face with a large hand, the man flashed a pair of pearly whites and pushed off of the cave walls.

Falling from the sky like a meteor, the sky briefly lit up with a bright light which served as a call of reinforcements from one of the servants.


The Dryad quietly took care of the plants in her sanctum sanctorum, several of the life hearts growing up from the ground like vegetables starting to grow larger as if in full bloom.

Holding a light blue powder in her hands, the Dryad sprinkled the dust onto the garden and watched the plants greedily suck it all up.

Gently touching one of the vines which outstretched towards her she gently chided the plant.

"No no darling, you can't be greedy."

Touching the plant, her head snapped to the side as she sensed a power of nature of incredible purity and power.

Unlike the mages who claimed to control nature itself and only moved the trees that had already formed and sped up the growth of other plants.

This wave of power made those fake mages look like kid soldier in front of a real veteran.

'This power... Ezekiel?'

Having this thought, the Dryad quickly sunk into the ground and used the plant network to move straight towards the origin of the source of power.

Moving straight towards the Kingdom of the Malaise with a goal of reaching the figure named Ezekiel.

The man named Ezekiel himself also sensed the origin of the green power.


I spun around and stuffed blueprints into the crafting menu and crafted whatever the hell those things were and continued to fight a protracted battle.

The Deployable traps despite being effective in clearing enemies and were definitely great in defensive battles weren't as effective when in offensive battles.

If not for my idea of using my mana pool and dragging thick roots out of the ground and carrying the deployable traps, things wouldn't have been as easy.

'Although the mana cost is indeed worrying.'

Feeling the energy within me disappear at worryingly quick speeds, barely kept up by mana potions.

I also noted another problem in this stalemate of ours.

My quickly lowering potion supply.

A sword pierced my thighs which I promptly paid back by cleaving the Slashers head.

Throwing the blade away at the heads at another monster, the wound healed up quickly.

'That's another potion down.'

From my supply of two and a half stacks of healing potions, with each stack reaching up 999, I was already down one and a half stacks and was now on the last one.

Sending mana to my legs I stomped downwards and activated the ram rune, sending the stones around me cascading around in a circular formation.

Taking the gap where they were unbalanced by the attack, I spun the Oiled sword around and followed it up by using a torch to light the fire.

Lighting my surroundings in orange fire, the flames rose high as the monsters coated in oil charged at me.

Marking out the largest and most bulky one, I whipped out Valmont's whip and snapped it forwards causing the majority of the whip to wrap around the large armored beast called the Elite Disgusting Worm.

Tensing my legs which had sunk into the ground due to the ram rune, I pulled and swung the beast like wrecking ball.

Letting the whip fly into the crowd, it did what I intended for it to do and cleared out a large chunk of monsters both around me and in one direction.

Watching one of the monsters leap through the flames, I spun on my foot and kicked out with the Spartan's Sandles.

Playing with the small monster called a Bat but didn't look like one as if one would play with a soccer ball.

I kicked the bat and caused the head of a nearby zombie to cave in.

Staring at my surroundings with a tense appearance, I eyed the ring of fire which was covering all of my routes of sight with orange flames.

Dodging the thrown spear which pierced the curtain of fire, I glanced through the flames.

And I don't know whether or not I was hallucinating or not, but I think that there was a giant eye propelled by large tentacles coming to our location.

'Well shit.'


Deep underground underneath the battle which involved many of the key figures on the island.

A dried up figure that was no different from a corpse slowly felt the waves of battle tremble against the steel frame that kept the body pinned down.

"You... damn... Alchemist..."

Trembling fiercely, a harsh light burst from his blue eyes as the blue fluid continually pumped into the flesh of the man and permeated it in its fullest.

Struggling again for what the man felt like the thousandth time since he had been imprisoned into the device.

The several steel spikes which were driven through his limbs and placed against the chair and the various pipes pumping into him didn't allow him to escape easily however.

Struggling feebly against the restraints surrounding his body, the ceiling trembled again reminding him of the time when the kingdom wasn't infected by the malaise and was instead was at war with the conqueror.

It was at least better since at least he wasn't trapped here like some sort of science experiment, which at this point was most likely the case.



Yello there, I am a tree that is just doing tree things and studying for the exam.