
Reaches of the Eldritch (5)

"Hoo..." Resting his back against a fancy gem encrusted chair laden with various letters of unknown origin, the man rubbed his crown.

As the king of a country, there were many things that he was burdened by.

But, most recently despite the war plaguing his borders, he was now concerned more over another thing.

'My Niece... What has happened to you?'

And that was the matters of his niece.

Who was this niece you may ask?

Well does the name Rosetta ring a bell?


Then does a kingdom in the desert ring another bell?

Again no?

Then how about the fact that desert kingdom had been pressured by the corruption to the point of sending a delegation with the princess to pick up a band of mercenaries that were now making a name for themselves as they fought back against a contingent of invaders from the Nether all the while the Desert's local hegemons the Antlions fight against them in a three way?

Does that ring a bell?


Because, the King in this laned a continent apart from his brother was named Argen Rosetta, the younger brother of Oren Rosetta.

In other words, he was both a King on the Minaft continent and the uncle of Lucia Rosetta in the Aria Continent.

And he was fussing over his daughter that had taken a strange liking to... blood.

Rubbing his head and wondering where the hell it all went wrong.

The doors to his office were slammed open by a panting man with a monocle and a noticeably large nose that roughly took up a third of his face alongside a large and bald head.

But strange anatomy aside, the man dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief and slammed a series of papers onto the table.

"My King! We just received word that your son has discovered the capital of the sea, Atlantis!"


Clutching his forehead, Argen let out a sigh as he prepared to scold his son for not notifying him beforehand.

But before that, he would first need to deal with the inevitable gap left behind by his son and get rid of any corrupt... vultures who would aim for the nest he left behind.

That and he would need to make sure that his niece was im good hands of his brothers right hand man.

"...My king, is it a bad time to tell you that the magic tower has unearthed an ancient city?"


Letting out another sigh, Argen cracked his knuckles and picked up his quill before dipping it into the ink well.

It seemed that he would now have to deal with the state of affairs.

Oh how he missed the days when he was nothing more then an impulsive boy that would cause trouble to his mother by venturing wherever his heart desired.

It seemed that his son had sadly inherited that portion of his genes it seemed.

Sighing, ink spread out onto the paper as he began signing the neccesary documents.


In the past, before the apocalypse known as the age of ruin to most was the age of myth.

The twin continents of Minaft and Aria weren't always apart.

In fact, they were actually quite close to the point that they could be called one single super continent.

This continent was known as Axia, the same name that the planet they stood on was called.

And it was home.

Filled with bright lights from the myriad spirits that roamed the earth but were now in hiding, various races walked the planet and made it bloom with an unprecedented life.

It was this life that a certain outer God took notice to and acted to consume it.

Appearing on a gigantic rock that now hovered around the planet as a gentle reminder of the ancient outer god that plagued the world chaos reigned.

Thus ending the age of myth and beginning the age of ruin.

And although in the end, the age of ruin was forcefully ended by the age of heroes, the continent wasn't left unscathed.

Breaking apart into two larger pieces, the survivors of the great war named the continents, Minaft and Aria.

Unluckily enough, the continent of Minaft bore the brunt of the ancient Gods hunger thus purging the continent with hellish fire.

Burying various ancient civilizations underneath the rubble and making it so that they could never see the light of day.

Nowadays the continent had relatively recovered and through trade routes established between the two continents.

But through continued archaeological discoveries, each ancient civilization served as great reminder of what once was and the terrible consequences of war.

Well, that was the glorified purpose of the archaeological expeditions that covered the entire continent.

In reality, it was nothing more than a grab for power.

Since the ancient civilizations of old were remnants of the age of myth, every once in a while, they would come across ancient weapons, relics and artifacts.

Relics and artifacts that would grant them unnecessary confidence in taking over the entire continent.

Hell, that was exactly what the two major forces on the continent, the Empire and the Coalition had done.

Fighting against the Empire's Golems with Monsters created in laboratories, the grey skinned pillagers were the main forces of their armies that roamed across the continent.

But that was besides the point, the point was.

The city of Atlantis that the son of Argen Rosetta had just discovered and had sent a fleet to investigate?

Well it was the capital of country that fell into the sea and was a particularly famous ocean monument.

In other words, it was fraught with danger and filled with monsters galore.

Monsters that were although partially human like in appearance, were nothing more then enemies to be slaughtered by the Empire's powerful magic cannons.

But what's this?

Staring at the gigantic duo of sea monsters roughly twice the size of their flagship, Prince Argo, the son of King Argen turned pale.

Staring at the red skinned Guardian of the seas spoken of only in myth and the gigantic snail like monster that was reminiscent of the divine beast of the song of the end.

It was as if the seas were screaming.

Gigantic waves crashing against the ship and making it bob up and down helplessly in the undulating waves, the skies boiled as the black clouds converged in a certain point above the raised tentacles.

But that wasn't the worst of it.


In fact, it seemed to just be beginning.

Purple lightning crackling in the sky as a vortex seemed to open up, the seas broiled with new found life as monstrous looking fish burst out of the sea and clasped at the ship.

"What... the hell is happening?"

Clutching the railing to the point that his hands were white, a woman quickly swung her sword cutting down the tentacle heading his way.

"This isn't the time to mull your highness! We need to get you out of here!"

Sending out a blue arc of light to swiftly cut through a school of sharp toothed fish slamming their heads into the boat the woman shouted to the prince.

"Prince Argo!"

Raising her arm, she couldn't reach the prince as another wave hit the boat sending her flying to the side where she collided against another sailor.

Not that the prince could appreciate her efforts of trying to protect him.

In fact, he had bigger fish to fry.

Staring at the gigantic shelled squid like creature that was waving its tentacles in the air, in a way that no other but those belonging to the Rosetta lineage could do.

Prince Argo could see

He could see the magic power contained in those tentacles congregating in the clouds opening it

What was it?

Well it was revealing itself right now.

And it recognized a certain someone.

This made it very, very... Angry.


'Hmm... Now what the fuck do I do?'