
Kingdom of the Malaise (21)

A woman in armor of brown steel spun her Broadsword with incredible skill, the blue steel sword easily capable of slicing all forms of flesh and bone...

If the attack landed of course.

With equally prodigious skill formed from the experience of over an entire lifetime the target of the slashes that would all but kill the target continued to miss by a hairs breadth.

Nevertheless, the avalanche of bone breaking slashes continued without missing a beat.

Every time the blade seemed to miss the floor and should've continued to hit the ground the blade seemingly missed the floor before quickly returning as if nothing had happened.

"I see your skill in Revolving has improved"

A raspy voice left the Knight in Silver armora helmet, back stepping to avoid the edge of the blade that continued to get faster and faster.

Dodging a slice that would've cut off their head from the neck, the knight moved their hand and manifested a long silver sword.

"But still..." The knight moved their arm to twist the giant long sword in their hands that was the same length of the Broadsword.

As the slow moving silver blade met the incredibly fast moving spinning blade that had built up momentum from the missed attacks, it was seemingly obvious which one would win.

That was until it actually happened.

As the blades clashed head on, surprisingly the long sword withstood the impact and instead the Broadsword shattered into several thousand tiny pieces

And without missing a beat, Cherry quickly unsheathed the dagger on her waist with a reverse grip, the thin blade stopping the rest of the blade from cutting her.

"You are far from reaching my power without your soul armament"

The knight calmly brought their sword back and got into a proper fighting stance now that the deluge of attacks had stopped.

"Oh, I forgot" The Knight's voice turned mocking "I broke it didn't I."

Hearing that, the flame that was burning in her eyes burned hotter and she silently grit her teeth but wielded the Dagger nonetheless murmuring to herself.

"Also, You think you can harm me with that Cell Weapon?" The Silver knight scoffed as they widened their legs "It isn't even a proper Soul Armament"

"We shall see about that"

Silently lowering herself to take advantage of the speed of which the dagger allowed the user to make consecutive attacks.

Rose's eyes burnt brightly as she tensed her muscles.

If Slade was here he would've noticed that a deluge of the blue particles dubbed mana was congregating in both of their bodies in copious amounts.

The knight in silver armor more than Rose.

As they silently got into battle stances, all words exchanged were suddenly gone as the tense war of nerves began.

And as a droplet of water seeped through the cracks of the stone bricked roof accumulated and dropped to the ground.

When the droplet of water splashed against the ground they instantly attacked each other.

The Knight in Silver armor swung the longsword with terrifying ease that was unbefitting of someone their size.

The Silver edge of the blade cut through the air and caused small whiplashes as the wind whistled around the sword edge.

The same phenomenon appeared with Rose as she made sure to not meet the sword head on, changing her style that revolved from the usage of large powerful swords to the smaller much faster blades.

Deflecting the blade so that it would instead transfer the force of the blade somewhere else, just as quickly as it fell, the edge of the blade rose again.

Deftly spinning her dagger to block the rising blade Rose mentally recalled the time before the rise of the Kingdom of the Malaise that replaced the name of the fallen kingdom.

The Kingdom of Agarta


"Hey Uncle!"

"Call me older brother you brat!"

A much younger version of herself rushed up to the knight in silver armor that was slowly coming to the training grounds atop a white horse.

The Captain of Silver was that knight's official name, the silver order only being under the Golden order that guarded the royal family.

"Duel Me!"

The Knight paused for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Sure! Why not?"

Spinning their long silver claymore, the Captain of Silver faced off the Knight of Copper.


"Hey Uncle" the Royal Knight in the golden order named Rose called out to the Knight in silver that was constantly swinging their blade at a training dummy.

"...Greeting's Rose, I thought I told you to call me older brother and..." The knight chuckled as they rolled their shoulders "Are you here to ask for a duel again?"

"Of course!" Cherry had a wide grin on her face as she held a broadsword with two hands.

"Oh, when will you learn?" The Captain of Silver spun their blade after cutting through the training dummy with ease.

Brandishing their claymore, the Captain of Silver faced off the Captain of Copper.


"Uncle!" Rose appeared before the knight of silver in their own set of silver armor, a cheerful aura to their face.

Smiling she called out to the Knight of Silver that was riding his horse to the training grounds.

"Call me Older Brother!"

The Captain of Silver faced off the Knight of Silver.



She called out to the Knight of Silver that was harshly beating up a poor stone dummy with their claymore.

".... call me Older brother before you duel me"

The Captain of Silver faced off the Prospect of Gold.



She called out to the knight of Silver that was staring at the hand of theirs that was holding a claymore.

"... Okay"

The Captain of Silver faced off the Knight of Gold.



Rose called out to the knight that was staring at the cloudy sky that called for the start of rain.


The Captain of Silver faced off the Princess's Royal Guard.



Rose called out to the knight that was standing in the middle of the training grounds even as the rain continued to pour down.


The Captain of Silver faced off the Princess's Royal Knight.

And finally lost a duel.


"Uncle?" Rose trembled as she stared at the Knight of Silver that ran a claymore through the back of the Captain of Gold.

Quickly turning to behead the Captain of Copper and running away in the middle of the battlefield between the Invading kingdom of the Conqueror.


Cherry's eyes flamed brighter upon that memory of the Knight stabbing the Captain of Gold in the back and beheading the Captain of Copper.

Spinning their blade they accidentally made a gap in their defence.

A gap someone as trained and experienced as the Captain of Silver wouldn't miss at the least.

Thrusting their blade forwards at the gap, the sword slipped past her defenses and nicked the thighs of the Royal Bodyguard.

And as one attack slipped past.

A crack appeared in the dam of stone that was holding back the rushing ocean that was the Knight of Silver.

Spinning their sword and moving the edge of the blade like the currents of the ocean and like the flow of a river.

More attacks pierced through the unbreakable dam of stone as the cracks continued to pile up.

And soon enough.

The number of cracks that had appeared was large enough that the water finally burst.

The Giant Claymore the size of the Broadsword pierced the mistake in the defenses that appeared and thrust through Rose's Gut.

Crk! SHlurk!

With incredible ease, the Sword of Silver pierced the Copper armor mixed in with bits of gold and silver and parted the red flesh.

"Kugh!" Rose grunted as the blade sunk deep into her abdomen and left through her back.

"Ack Hah Hah Hah"

The captain of Silver stared through the slits of their helmet and allowed Rose to directly meet their gaze.

And the madness that she saw in their gaze was nothing short of frightening.

Panting with a mixture of fear and anger, she dropped the Dagger and held the edges of the blade to make sure that it wouldn't sink deeper through her body.

Her gloved hands getting torn apart by the sharp edge of the blade.

"Why do your eyes continue to burn with fire?"

The Man's eyes that were like pits of darkness choked her as the darkness continued to envelop her weakening body.



The Captain of Silver shouted that word out with the rest of their strength and paused as they felt something in their gut.

Rose was holding an incredibly sharp stiletto in their hands that pierced through the silver shell and parted through flesh.

"Kuk!" The Knight coughed out blood as the Rose twisted the dagger into his gut deeper and deeper, the blood seeping through the cracks in the helmet.

"You bastard! You made a new Soul Armament!?"

Pushing Rose away, he stumbled away holding his gut that continuously bled from the large wound and held the shaft of the dagger in their stomach.

Ripping out the soul armament that was stabbed into their gut and casting it away, they stumbled away as their blood continued to leave their body.

And was she imagining it but was the armor slowly losing it's gleam?

Not that it mattered.

Rose chuckled as blood bubbled up in her mouth and seeped out of her mouth.

She felt the strength in her body leave her slowly as she literally gave her all to end the life of the traitor that was the main cause of the downfall of the royal family. 

As her sight continued to blur continuously, the Man in silver armor stumbled away as more blood continued to leave their body.

And was she imagining it? 

Was Slade coming over here?

'I don't care... I just want to... sleep now..."

Darkness slowly crawled into her vision as her sight got blurrier and blurrier.

"I feel warm..."


Honestly thinking of re writing the entire novel due to how scuffed it all is.

Story is also kinda trash but writing is getting better.

Should I just rewrite this story?

I probably will.

On another note the reason I haven't been uploading is exams just finished and I spent the entire yesterday asleep and resting
