
Eye of Cthulhu (2)

The Eye of Cthulhu belonged to what is now known as the moon lord.

A godly being of immense strength that was sealed on the moon with the sacrifice of several heroes wielding special weapons and 99 of the 100 dryads on the planet.

Each hero being one able to affect entire cities with their power, their weapons aiding them in their attacks.

Dryads being the embodiments of nature, each one being controllers of nature.

These two parties had to sacrifice their lives to seal the moon lord.

Of course it wasn't for only sealing the Moon lord that led to mass death of the powerful figures of the planet.

It was nearly killing the Moon lord that most of them died to fulfil, the body parts of the moon lord being sent to the far reaches of the planet.

For example, the current Eye of Cthulhu.


Looking at the monster made of flesh, red veins pulsing within the creature of white, Long and sharp teeth slowly growing out of the gaps where a large hole the Eye itself opened.

Horrifying in appearance, a jaw filled with sharp teeth half my height filled the mouth, the pupil being replaced by a mouth, slobber slowly gooped down the open mouth and fell to the ground.

The several servants of Cthulhu who were the more numerous but smaller Eye's of Cthulhu, closely related to the Demon Eyes weren't good for my confidence as well.

Now finished with it's transformation I gulped audibly and checked it's data, the Eye/ Mouth now turning to me.

[Eye of Cthulhu] [1585/3641]

'Well shit'

Running away almost immediately after the eye locked onto my body, the eye charged and began the hunt.

Disappearing right into the ground one moment after a charge it soon came back out, repeating this pattern three times.

Hunting me.

Dodging the several mini eyes, I stabbed my dagger at them whenever I had the time while thinking to myself.

And I would like to hurt it, but I was incredibly preoccupied with surviving at the moment, the moment I latched onto the beast it would phase through the ground.

The gel being the same.

It was a good thing that I had accumulated tons of gel from my time in the caves, eradicating the slime family and the newly arriving slimes.

Otherwise I would've ran out of ways to damage the beast.

Flipping over a puddle of fire, the Eye of Cthulhu following in close pursuit while now on fire.



A stray arrow nearly struck my neck if not for my quick reaction time that rolled through the flames, Invincibility frames being very helpful.

Glaring at the Goblin Archer at the side, I couldn't pay attention to it as I literally had a problem twice my height to pay attention to.

Not that I couldn't use the Eye of Cthulhu to kill them of course.

Vaulting a fallen log that was destroyed by a falling and burning Eye of Cthulhu, the splinters sticking into the Eye of Cthulhu as the fragments flew everywhere.

[1,258/ 3,641]

Spinning around, twin daggers in hand I left several cuts on the leftover Goblins while an angry flaming mouth full of teeth followed closely behind.

Roaring loudly and constantly the Mouth full of sharp teeth left the ground.

And it was as if time had slowed down, and if I thought about it, that might've actually been the case.

The upper half appeared first as the sharp teeth moved upwards with incredible speed, slamming into a nearby goblin at break neck speeds.

The upper half followed next as the sharp teeth pierced the goblin from the gut, making them a donut.

[912/ 3,641]

Green blood splattering in the air my body tensed as my mind ran at breakneck speeds.

'Should I mount it and deal a ton of damage?' Thinking back to the nutcracker that I left behind in my inventory, I did away with that thought.

I couldn't recover so quickly when smashing the giant hammer.

'Flaming gel to burn the rest of it's health?' Aiming my hand to the inventory still containing a small amount of gel and the many torches inside it.

I did that thought away once again. 'It'll take to long and the Eye seems to know how to deal with it now, I want to keep the rest of my footing for now'

'Why not use my arrows and shoot at the Eye of Cthulhu? Or throw the chain balls?' Hands changing their direction from the gel to the chain balls, the bow in my Terrarian hot bar.

That thought was then dumped in the trash.

'I can't deal enough damage and I'm running out of ammo'

The chain balls were dropped by the goblins, and their corpses were everywhere of course.

The rest of the goblins being dispatched as I made sure to hunt them down to the last one.

It was a bummer that I couldn't collect them as they were... covered in flaming gel!

'You Slade, are a genius'

Brain instantly making a connection to how I could now coat mobs with gel and burn them alive thanks to their being no restrictions by gameplay.

Why couldn't I do it with my weapons?

Of course their durability would rapidly fall.

And... Time speeding is up.

As my poor overheated mind healed itself, the sped up time returning to normal I instantly acted on my decision.

Grabbing all the remaining arrows in my inventory, all of which added up to a measly 50 I threw them all over the ground.

As the arrows instantly were lit alight, my bow manifested in my hands as I spun around and grabbed the flaming arrow.

Nocking it on my bow I fired the arrow right at the mouth of the Eye of Cthul...hu


Rolling out of the way at the last second, the flaming arrow landing in the middle of the Eye's open mouth.


"Gah!" Screaming in pain my leg was ripped off the place where a leg was supposed to be.

I hurriedly ate a jerky to heal myself.

[Dead cells - 11%]

'Not the time!' Screaming inwardly I rolled through the flames and grabbed the arrows within it.

Withstanding the burning pain on my skin I fired all the flaming arrows at empty air.

And just soon enough, the Eye of Cthulhu passed through the area where the arrows was just flying.

'The hell?' as I was imerssed in my surprise, my body instantly moved without my will.

Dodging the Eye of Cthulhu's increasingly common charges that were on the brink of constant into the flames.

I grabbed the arrows once again as my mind seemed to sublimate to a higher level.

'What the hell is happening?'

Enduring the flames as I instinctively ate all the food in my inventory to last even a single second longer.

The eye of Cthulhu continued it's charges before it was a blur, the spiked teeth now charging constantly.

Firing all arrows but one I nocked it on my bow and pulled back the string, to all the way the bow would allow.

And just on time the Eye of Cthulhu charged right at me.

Mouth wide open and filled with sharp teeth I pulled the arrow back and shot the flaming arrow at the charging Cthulhu head.


