
Mine Yes! : Forced to be yours Mr.Devil

"Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" In the cutthroat world of business, Rudra Singhaniya, a powerful and enigmatic CEO, is known for his cold demeanor and ruthless decisions. But behind the successful facade lies a man burdened by past wounds and a life dictated by duty. Unbeknownst to the world, Rudra enters into a secret marriage with Anaya Malhotra, a young and innocent woman caught in the web of family expectations and societal pressure. Anaya, just twenty years old, finds herself thrust into a life she never imagined. Her marriage to Rudra is shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few, and kept hidden from the prying eyes of the public. While Rudra maintains a cold distance, Anaya struggles to navigate her new reality, torn between the fear of her husband’s icy exterior and the growing confusion of her feelings. As the media frenzy erupts over Rudra’s supposed single status and the shocking revelation of his broken engagement with Nisha Ahuja, the Singhaniya family must navigate the delicate balance of protecting their reputation while managing the fallout. The situation becomes even more complex as it is revealed that Nisha herself is secretly married to another man, Raj Chauhan, adding another layer of scandal to the already chaotic narrative. Within the walls of the Singhaniya estate, family dynamics shift as secrets are unearthed and alliances are tested. Komal Singhaniya, the matriarch, strives to maintain order, insisting that Anaya embrace her new role and move into Rudra’s room—a symbolic step towards accepting her marriage. However, not everyone is on board with this union. Aarav, Rudra’s younger brother, openly rejects the marriage, while Mr. Dev Singhaniya, the family patriarch, and Rudra’s grandmother stand firmly in support of the decision, believing in the strength of family unity. As the couple begins their life together, Anaya and Rudra are forced to confront the reality of their marriage. Sharing a room but not a bed, their interactions are marked by a tense coldness and unspoken emotions. Yet, beneath Rudra’s frosty exterior, there are glimpses of vulnerability and a hidden attraction towards Anaya that he refuses to acknowledge. Anaya, on the other hand, is confused and intimidated by Rudra’s aloofness, yet she finds herself drawn to him in ways she cannot explain. Amidst the turmoil, Anaya must find her footing in a world of power plays and hidden agendas. Will Rudra ever open up to her, or will his dark past keep him locked in a world of solitude? And can Anaya break through the barriers that surround her husband’s heart, or will their marriage remain a hollow contract bound by duty and secrecy? "Forced to Be Yours, Mr. Devil" is a gripping tale of love, power, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against the backdrop of high society and corporate intrigue, it explores the journey of two souls bound by circumstances, yet yearning for something more—a love that can heal old wounds and bring light to even the darkest of hearts.

PenolaS · Adolescente
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46 Chs

"Unspoken Tensions"

Rubi gave a humble smile, though it was clear she enjoyed the attention. "I've been keeping busy," she said lightly, glancing at Anaya. "I'm actually thinking of branching into tech myself. I heard Rudra's been expanding Singhaniya Enterprises into some interesting areas."

Ria, who had been leaning back in her seat, perked up at the mention of Rudra and the company's ventures. She couldn't help but smirk at the obvious angle Rubi was playing. "Oh? Branching into tech, Rubi? I thought you were more into fashion and events," Ria said, her tone casual but with an unmistakable edge of teasing.

Rubi's smile faltered slightly, but she recovered quickly, keeping her tone light. "Well, a girl can have more than one interest, can't she?" She turned to Anaya with a knowing smile. "I'm sure Rudra keeps you updated on all his latest business moves, right, Anaya?"

Anaya hesitated, feeling the weight of the eyes on her. She wasn't sure if this was a veiled attempt to challenge her or just small talk, but she sensed Rubi's words carried a sharper meaning. "Rudra is very focused on his work," Anaya said, keeping her voice even. "He's been busy expanding into new projects, but I trust his judgment completely."

Ria, catching the tension, shifted in her seat and gave Anaya a supportive glance before jumping into the conversation. "Rubi, don't you think the tech world might be a little... out of your usual scope? It's more complex than organizing charity galas, you know," she said with a sweet but pointed smile.

Misha cleared her throat gently, trying to steer the conversation away from the growing tension. "Speaking of tech, we were just talking about applying for internships ourselves," Misha said, her calm voice cutting through the subtle tension. "There are some great opportunities opening up in AI, automation, and software development. It's an exciting field to be in right now."

Jaya, not one to be left out of any conversation about success or career paths, clapped her hands together, her voice loud and exaggerated. "Oh, how wonderful! It's so good to see the young women of this family being so ambitious. Internships, you say? Well, Rubi has had her fair share of offers, of course. She's been approached by several top firms."

Ria shot Anaya a sideways glance, a clear sign that Jaya's self-promotion was grating on her nerves. Leaning in slightly, she whispered to Anaya, "Here we go. Jaya's about to list all of Rubi's so-called achievements. Brace yourself."

True to Ria's prediction, Jaya continued, "I mean, who wouldn't want Rubi on their team? She's smart, talented, and has the kind of presence that would make any company proud. She even had a meeting lined up with one of Rudra's business associates. He was very impressed with her."

At the mention of Rudra, Anaya stiffened slightly, but she kept her composure. It was obvious Jaya was trying to create some connection between Rubi and Rudra, and it wasn't sitting well with Anaya. Meanwhile, Ria's eyes were rolling so hard, Anaya thought they might get stuck.

Misha, ever the peacemaker, leaned forward and smiled politely. "That's great, Auntie Jaya. It's always good to hear about young women making a name for themselves in business."

Rubi, sensing that the conversation was moving back to her, added with a practiced air of modesty, "Well, it's all about finding the right connections and building relationships. Rudra's done an amazing job with Singhaniya Enterprises. It's inspiring, really."

Ria couldn't hold back anymore. "Oh yes, Rudra's inspiring all right. But don't get your hopes up, Rubi," she said with a smirk. "You might want to try another CEO. This one's taken."

The silence that followed Ria's comment was thick with unspoken tension. Rubi's face stiffened momentarily before she forced a tight smile. "Of course. Anaya's very lucky."

Anaya smiled politely, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Rubi's words carried a thinly veiled layer of resentment. It was clear Rubi wasn't the type to give up easily, and this probably wouldn't be the last time her name would come up in relation to Rudra.

Just as the conversation began to shift to other topics, the young man who had entered with Jaya and Rubi finally spoke up. He had been quietly observing the interaction, his posture relaxed but attentive. "I'm Rohan, by the way," he said, addressing Anaya and the sisters. "Jaya Auntie's nephew."

Anaya offered a polite nod. "Nice to meet you, Rohan."

Ria gave him a quick glance, as if only just noticing him. "Oh, right. I remember you from that event a couple of years ago. You're into real estate, right?"

Rohan smiled, his voice smooth and confident. "That's right. I've been working on some major developments in the city. Expanding into hospitality too, which is why I thought I'd tag along today. I've been wanting to speak with your family about potential collaborations."

Misha, ever polite and always on the lookout for family business opportunities, nodded. "That's interesting. The family does have ties in the hospitality sector."

Anaya listened to the exchange with interest, noting how easily Jaya and her entourage tried to weave themselves into every conversation about the family's businesses. It wasn't hard to see why Ria and Misha had such strong reactions to their presence. It seemed like every word out of Jaya's mouth was a subtle attempt to position her daughter, Rubi, and even Rohan, closer to the Singhaniya family and their wealth.

Before the conversation could go any further, Grandmother Singhaniya, who had been silently observing the entire interaction, finally spoke. Her voice was calm but firm, carrying the weight of authority in the room. "It's always good to have family visit and to hear about everyone's accomplishments. But let's not forget the importance of sincerity and humility in everything we do."

The room fell quiet for a moment, as everyone processed the elder's words. Jaya smiled, though it was clear the subtle rebuke had not gone unnoticed. "Of course, Didi. You're absolutely right."

Ria glanced at Anaya, giving her a knowing look that said, *Classic Grandma. Always putting people in their place without even raising her voice.* Anaya suppressed a smile, grateful for the support from her new family in these moments of subtle tension.

As the conversation continued, Rubi and Jaya seemed to pull back a little, though it was clear they were still keen on keeping themselves in the spotlight. They shared more stories of their so-called successes, though the energy in the room had shifted slightly—Grandmother Singhaniya's quiet command over the room making it clear that there were boundaries to be respected.

After a while, the conversation finally began to wind down. Jaya glanced at her watch and clapped her hands together with a bright smile. "Well, it's been lovely catching up with all of you. We should do this more often."

Rubi stood as well, her eyes briefly landing on Anaya before she smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Anaya. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other in the future."

Anaya offered a polite smile in return, though something about Rubi's words made her uneasy. As much as she wanted to brush it off, she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the last time Rubi would try to insert herself into the picture.

As Jaya, Rubi, and Rohan made their way toward the door, Ria leaned in close to Anaya and whispered with a smirk, "Don't let Rubi get under your skin. She's all talk and no action."

Anaya nodded, grateful for Ria's support, though she knew that dealing with Rubi—and Jaya, for that matter—was something she'd have to get used to. Being part of the Singhaniya family meant navigating these kinds of interactions, and while she had a lot to learn, she wasn't going to back down.

As the Kukrejas finally left, the tension in the room seemed to lift. Ria let out an exaggerated sigh of relief, flopping back onto the couch. "Finally! I thought they'd never leave."

Misha chuckled softly, shaking her head. "You could have been a little less obvious with your dislike, Ria."

Ria shrugged, still lounging back on the couch. "Oh, come on, Misha. You know as well as I do that Jaya and Rubi come here with an agenda every time. It's exhausting just being in the same room with them, watching them try to worm their way into our family's business."

Misha smiled softly, but there was no denying the truth in Ria's words. "I suppose you're right. They do always manage to bring the energy down. But Grandma handled it well, as always."

Anaya, who had been sitting quietly, processing everything, finally spoke. "I didn't realize there was so much... tension with them. I thought they were just family visiting."

Ria sat up, her expression serious now. "That's the thing, Anaya. They are family, but they're not here for the right reasons. Jaya's been after something from our family ever since I can remember. She's always talking about connections, about how Rubi can 'help' the family business, but really, it's about pushing her way in. And don't even get me started on Rubi's obsession with Rudra."

Anaya winced slightly at the mention of Rubi's interest in Rudra. She hadn't missed the way Rubi had spoken so casually about him, as if there was history between them. "Has she really been... that interested in Rudra for so long?"

Misha sighed, her tone more sympathetic than Ria's. "Unfortunately, yes. Rubi's always had this fantasy that she would marry someone like Rudra—a powerful businessman, someone who could elevate her status. And Jaya, well, she's fueled that dream for years. It's not like Rudra ever gave her any attention, but that hasn't stopped them from trying."

Anaya felt a wave of frustration rise within her, though she did her best to hide it. "I see. That must have been awkward for you all these years."

"It's been awkward for all of us," Ria chimed in, her tone lightening a little. "But now that Rudra's married to you, they'll just have to deal with it."

Anaya smiled weakly, though the thought of having to deal with Rubi and her mother's schemes made her uneasy. She was still adjusting to her new life, her new family, and her marriage to Rudra, and now she had to navigate the added complication of unwanted attention from Rubi. But there was a small comfort in knowing that Ria and Misha were on her side, always ready to support her.

"Thanks for the heads-up," Anaya said softly. "I'll try not to let them get to me."

Ria grinned, leaning over to give Anaya a friendly nudge. "Don't worry, Anaya. We've got your back. Besides, Grandma doesn't like them much either. You'll be fine."

Anaya smiled, feeling a little more at ease. It was good to know that she wasn't alone in dealing with the complexities of her new life. Ria and Misha had both been a constant source of support, and knowing they were there for her gave her the strength to face whatever challenges came her way.

Just then, one of the staff entered the room, addressing the three girls with a polite bow. "Madam, dinner will be served shortly. Mrs. Singhaniya has asked if you would like to join the family at the dining table."

Ria perked up at the mention of dinner, clearly ready to move on from the tense encounter with the Kukrejas. "Finally, some good news. I'm starving."

Misha chuckled softly, standing up from her seat. "Come on, let's go before Ria eats everything."

Anaya laughed, feeling the tension in her shoulders finally ease as they made their way to the dining room. As they walked, Ria looped her arm through Anaya's, giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't let people like Rubi and Jaya get under your skin. The Singhaniyas are your family now, and we're all here for you."

Anaya nodded, feeling a warmth settle in her chest. "I know. Thanks, Ria."

When they reached the dining room, the large table was already set with an array of delicious dishes, and the comforting smell of home-cooked food filled the air. Mrs. Singhaniya and Grandmother were already seated, chatting quietly as they waited for the rest of the family to join them. The atmosphere here was calm and peaceful, a stark contrast to the tension from earlier.

Anaya took her seat, and for the first time since the Kukrejas had arrived, she felt like she could finally breathe. As the family settled into their places, the conversation turned to lighter topics—university projects, plans for the weekend, and amusing stories from their childhood. The warmth and laughter around the table made Anaya feel more connected to the Singhaniya family than ever.

Grandmother Singhaniya, always the wise matriarch, turned to Anaya after a few moments of quiet observation. "Anaya, I'm glad you're adjusting well. You've handled yourself with grace today, even with... certain guests."

Anaya smiled, grateful for the compliment. "Thank you, Grandmother. It was a bit overwhelming, but I'm learning."

Grandmother Singhaniya gave her a gentle nod. "That's all we ask. Learning and growing is part of being in this family. And don't let the likes of Jaya or Rubi cloud your mind. You're a part of this family now, and that's what matters."

Anaya felt a surge of warmth at her words. It was a subtle but powerful reminder that no matter what challenges came her way—whether it was navigating her relationship with Rudra or dealing with difficult relatives—she had the support of the family behind her.

As dinner continued, Anaya found herself laughing and talking more freely, enjoying the sense of belonging she felt around the table. Ria, of course, kept the mood light with her playful teasing, while Misha chimed in with her calm and thoughtful insights. Even Aarav, who had joined them halfway through dinner, added his dry humor to the mix, keeping everyone entertained.

By the time dessert was served, Anaya's earlier worries about the Kukrejas had faded into the background. The lingering tension from Rubi's subtle jabs and Jaya's scheming remarks felt distant, overshadowed by the warmth and love that filled the room now.

As they finished their meal, Ria turned to Anaya with a grin. "So, any plans for tomorrow? I was thinking we could go check out some of those tech companies we were talking about earlier. We've got to get those internship applications in before everyone else!"

Anaya smiled, feeling excited about the idea. "That sounds great. I'd love to go with you."

Misha nodded in agreement. "Count me in. It's about time we started getting serious about this."

Ria's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Perfect! We'll head out first thing tomorrow. Time to take control of our futures, ladies!"

As they made plans for the next day, Anaya couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. Despite the challenges she faced—both personal and familial—she was surrounded by people who supported her. And that made all the difference.

The night ended on a high note, with laughter and plans for the future filling the air. As Anaya made her way back to her room later that night, she felt a quiet sense of determination. No matter what obstacles came her way, whether it was dealing with Rubi or finding her place in the Singhaniya family, she was ready to face them head-on.

Because now, more than ever, she knew she wasn't alone.

##To be continue....**

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