

PROLOGUE : Hey who are you ? why are you blindfold me ? please leave me " A girl is screaming while she is tied in a chair with handcuffs and blind folds . She is crying and tears are stained in her eyes . The door opened sound is heard by her. She alerted and start screaming . " JAAN ! why are you wasting your energy by screaming?" , a man is speaking to her . " Who are you ? " , she asked him " Don't you recognise me JAAN ?" " I can't recognize you ? Who are you ? Why are you doing this to me ?" He removed her blindfold and she saw him . " Have you remembered me JAAN?", he asked her " Who are you ? , I can't recognise you ?", she told him . She didn't understand . Who is he ? why he kidnapped her . What are the consequences are to be going to faced by her " JAAN , Have you not remembered me ? How can you so reckless . I am the one who proposed you 3 years back . You rejected me that day " " Sorry , I can't remember you " " Your rejection made me this JAAN , I waited for you for 3 years . I have changed for you into complete ruthless and arrogant . I need you . You are my life JAAN . I can made you mine with any extent " " This is wrong sir . I already engaged to someone . So please leave me " she pleaded him . " JAAN ! you are mine . I can't let you to meet him . I will kill him don't worry " he told her " How rubbish you are talking . I will kill you If you touch him ." she shouted at him . " O my JAAN , you are so brave but be aware of the situation . Do you know who am I ? " she nodded her head negatively . " Jaan , I am Aarav Singhania , CEO of Singhania industries . The most eligible bachelor in India " She shocked at his relevation . '' JAAN , NEXT WEEK IS OUR MARRIAGE . BE READY TO BE WIFE "

Arthi_S_6992 · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Wedding night ( part-2)

Aarav pov,

How dare she tell me that I am a psycho .

" Jaan , do you know what the psycho will do. "

" Let's see"

Author pov ,

Ryan tears her bras and panty forcefully and pushed her on the floor . She awakes the beast

He made her sit on her knees . She is crying hysteriously . She removed his shirt and pants and unbuckled the belt . He take her veil and handcuff her to the bed poster and tied her leg to the bedpost and went away . He too much frustrated if he see her he will do something regret . So he went outside the room but he wanted to punish her for calling him a psycho . How can she tell his love as a psyhotic. He brings a vibrator and whip to his room . She is sleeping while handcuffing . He placed the vibrator in her vagina and starts with full speed . She is moaning and shaked forcefully

She cursed him , " What the fuck is this Aarav . Please remove this "

Aarav, " Jaan language , you awaken the beast Jaan . Now bear the consequence "

Preethy , " Aarav please leave me , it is so much irritating and paining "

Aarav , " This is punishment Jaan "

Then after 30 minutes he removed the vibrator and whip her .

Aarav , " Let's play a game "

" Jaan , I am going to ask questions , you will truly say the answer and then I am going to tell some rules . You should say yes otherwise I whip you "

" Jaan 1 st question : Have any chance will you love me in future ?

She replied no . " Aarav , I will never love you for what you are doing to me "

He whipped her forcefully on her tummy and said one .

She is crying and pleading him to leave her .

2 nd question : When will you accept our relationship and me as your husband ?

She replied , " You are a fucking psycho and monster . I will never ever considered you as my husband "

Wrong answer Jaan

He whipped her very forcefully and then got to bleeds . The blood is covering her stomach

3 rd question : Do you have a boyfriend or fucking relationship other than that bastard .

She nodded her negatively

A smirk form on his face . He kissed her lips and neck .

" Jaan this is reward when you answered correctly "

4 th question : Jaan , I know you don't love me,it is ok but you don't love any man except me . My love is enough for both

She nodded her head positively

He smiles at her .

" Thank you jaan " He kissed her ass with love .

" Ok jaan questions enough , now rules "

Rule 1 : You have to behave as my wife in front of public . Don't you disobey me "

Rule 2 : You have to satisfy my all needs both physically and emotionally

Rule 3 : You have to do your duties as Mrs.Singhania

Rule 4 : Don't hide anything from me . If I find suspicious , consequence will not be good .

Rule 5 : If any problem other than me , you should inform me .

Rule 6 : Don' t try to escape . I won't cage you . You can do whatever you want but the identity for you is Mrs.Singhania .

Rule 7 : You have to cook for me and look after my mansion

Rule 8 : If you not comfortable with anyone other than me , don't hesistate to fire them .

Rule 9 : Don't flirt with any other man

Rule 10 : Wearing outfits according to my taste .

Rule 11 : Don't speak bad words

You are the queen of Singhania in the front of the world , I love you with all my hearts but you are my submissive in our bed room , ok . If you dare to disobey my rule . I will break you to the extend .then you have no choice to live the life

The main rule is don't try to betray me . If I find anything . You will see the real devil . At that situation , you will beg me to kill you but I won't kill you .

He removed her handcuffs and tied legs and ordered her to clean herself and come .

She went inside the bathroom and cried loudly . After sometimes , she come outside

" Jaan now time for our wedding night . Come baby "

" Aarav, please today I am not feeling good . I am in pain . So please leave today please "

" Jaan , you broke the rule Jaan . Now see the consequence "

He called the doctor who treating Maya

" Doctor , I am Aarav Singhania . The patient name Maya . I paid the bills you know . "

" Yes Mr.Singhania . "

Aarav, " How is she ?"

" She is alive but she is suffering from heart disease . If we done operation , she will survive "

" Doctor stop the treatment and make her to die "

Preethy heart is paining . Her life is ruined . She won't allowed him to ruin Maya "

Preethy , " Aarav please , I will sleep with you . Please save her "

He nodded his head

" Doctor , you can start the operation "

Aarav smirks at Preethy .

She feels disgusted and pain but what can she do ?

She bit her lower lip to control her sob

" Don't bite that , it is mine "

He smashed the lips and invade the tongue inside her mouth and eat her mouth . He then kiss her neck and suck her boobs and bit her nibble

" You are fucking delicious baby "

Preethy , " Can I ask you something "

" Sure Jaan "

Preethy ," Do you really love me "

Aarav, " I am madly love with you my Jaan "

Preethy , " Then why are you forcing me "

Aarav, " I want to claim and mark you as mine "

Preethy , " Why are you doing this , Do you think I am an animal or thing "

Aarav, " No Jaan , you are my love . but that is for my satisfaction "

Preethy , " If you raped me then I will be yours . This is what you thought "

Aarav, " No Jaan , I am making love with you "

Preethy , " No Aarav , this is rape . Please understand me . I am not yet ready . You blackmailed me with my friend's life . Then how I oppose you . I am not willingly sleep with you "

Aarav, " Then I will kill her in front of your eyes , then you will sleep with me "

Preethy , " Why can't you understand what I am saying . Can you give me chance to speak "

Aarav , " Go ahead "

He asked her to wear dress and made her to sit on the bed and he sit near her .

Preethy , " Aarav . You know what we are married you obviously I am belonged to you . So there is no need to mark or claim me . Then you want to consummate our marriage . I know it is needed but I am not yet ready . You forced me and made my dignity , pride down in public and you made all think of me as a whore or slut . You ruined my career , my friend's accident . I want to forget these . You have more power on me then you can do whatever you want . You think that you love me but it is your obsession, lust something like that but one day you will understand the real love At that time , I don't know may be I am with you or not but you will regret what you are done to me . You know what in future may be I fall for you . At that time , I will forgive you for all the deeds but if you raped me , I won't forgive you . I want to give our marriage a chance . I know what you think but I have no respect for you but I have respect for our marriage . So please give me sometime . If you don't understand what I am saying or you want me now , I am ready "

Aarav stared at Preethy for sometimes and said sorry for his behaviour and give her some time to adjust for physical needs but rules are rules don't break until I said ok . Go and sleep Jaan , Good night and feel free to ask anything .

He left the room . ...........