

PROLOGUE : Hey who are you ? why are you blindfold me ? please leave me " A girl is screaming while she is tied in a chair with handcuffs and blind folds . She is crying and tears are stained in her eyes . The door opened sound is heard by her. She alerted and start screaming . " JAAN ! why are you wasting your energy by screaming?" , a man is speaking to her . " Who are you ? " , she asked him " Don't you recognise me JAAN ?" " I can't recognize you ? Who are you ? Why are you doing this to me ?" He removed her blindfold and she saw him . " Have you remembered me JAAN?", he asked her " Who are you ? , I can't recognise you ?", she told him . She didn't understand . Who is he ? why he kidnapped her . What are the consequences are to be going to faced by her " JAAN , Have you not remembered me ? How can you so reckless . I am the one who proposed you 3 years back . You rejected me that day " " Sorry , I can't remember you " " Your rejection made me this JAAN , I waited for you for 3 years . I have changed for you into complete ruthless and arrogant . I need you . You are my life JAAN . I can made you mine with any extent " " This is wrong sir . I already engaged to someone . So please leave me " she pleaded him . " JAAN ! you are mine . I can't let you to meet him . I will kill him don't worry " he told her " How rubbish you are talking . I will kill you If you touch him ." she shouted at him . " O my JAAN , you are so brave but be aware of the situation . Do you know who am I ? " she nodded her head negatively . " Jaan , I am Aarav Singhania , CEO of Singhania industries . The most eligible bachelor in India " She shocked at his relevation . '' JAAN , NEXT WEEK IS OUR MARRIAGE . BE READY TO BE WIFE "

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21 Chs

meeting the devil

Saranya ,

I am going to a hotel inaguration which is belonged to Singhania . I am not invited but I am assistant of Ms. Erina Sehal . She is the top most designer in Mumbai . I am her assistant . So I must go. She has two assistants me and my dear friend Maya . We are orphans but like sisters . I am getting ready my wearing saree . This is my boss order , I mean Erina mam . She asked me to wear saree . Actually I hate sarees . I love kurtis and salwars but she asked me to wear saree . I wore a dark yellow coloured saree which is simple . She asked me to come in traditional attire . Actually I am late to the function because of road accident . I managed to go there . I saw all are wearing modern outfits but I only wear saree why she made me wear this . I scold her in my friend . I wave my hands at her . She also wears kurti but in traditional manner . I internally scoff at her . I chitchat with her . She told me that she speaks with Aarav Singhania , the owner of this hotel . I missed that . The accident made me coming late . I have to meet him . He is a nice hardworking man . I only see him in photos and articles . I can't see him live . I scold myself . Then I saw many of them staring at me because I know I only wear some saree others are modern . Then after sometimes , I saw someone is continuously staring at me . Then I came to see Mr. Aarav Singhania , I don't know why he is staring at me . I hallunicating something . Then I continuously chitchat with Maya . I have to ask autograph to him but he is very busy . Then my boss called me and she is introduced us to that owner of the hotel Mr.Aarav Singhania . I formally smiled and greeted him. I introduced myself . He smiles at me . I don't know why but I feel some negative vibes . We are speaking to him in a nice way . He also speaking to me nicely . He asked us to join evening party . We nodded our head and left the place. Today evening party , I will wear something good . I hate sarees .

Aarav ,

In these 4 years , I am happy today . Today my heart , soul filled with happiness . My lovely angel is arrived for my inaguration and she speaks to me . She smiles at me . Wow ! what a lovely atmosphere . I don't know this is lust or love but I want her . I can get her either by hook or crook . She is my best guest in the inaguration . She asked me a autograph . I don't know but I am happy . She respected me a lot . If I proposed her now . She will definitely accept me . Before 4 yrs , she don't know me. She thought random guy will stalk her and proposed her . She rejected like that . She didn't see my face . So I am lucky . Know I am the successful business man , great politician . She has no way to reject me . In her eyes , I saw she likes me . I don't know what she will decide . I don't bother about her decision . I want her that's all .

Author pov ,

In the evening , the party is going on , Different varieties of flowers are arranged . The pub is decorated with different coloured lights , red carpet welcoming . Aarav is wearing a black armani suit and his guest are surrounding him to congratualate but his eyes are longing to see Saranya . When she came . He is stunned at her beauty . She wears western attire

Aarav pov,

In modern attire also she looks nice . All are eye raping her . She is looking like a goddess . I want her so badly . She came with her friend . Her friend also looking good but not worth of her . She greeted me and left the place . She went to the bar counter and asks juice and drink . She won't drink alcohol. She is sitting and chitchat with her friend .I speak to my guests but my full gaze on her . I asked Anchor to announce the open competition for singing and asked her to announce that best singer will be rewarded by me . She announced , This is some of fun to encourage people . I saw her . She is chitchatting with her friend . Her friend ask her to sing but she refused . I don't know she will sing . I randomly put this game but I don't know she will sing . She came to the stage and starts singing

you are mine, in this moment, you are mine,

tomorrow, things may or may not remain the same,

maybe something happens that you don't remain yourself,

maybe something happens that I don't remain myself.

maybe our paths diverge,

and we get lost while walking.

but I'll still love you,

I'll still love you.

I'll die for this love,

but I'll still love you.

O my life, in every silence,

I'll sing the songs of your love.

and I'll still love you,

I'll still love you.

I'll die for this love,

but I'll still love you.

You are necessary for me,

like air for breathing,

I look for you

like feet look for the earth.

whether I have to laugh or cry,

I look for you like someone crazy.

whether you are in love with me tomorrow or not,

whether I have the permission tomorrow or not,

with the pieces of my broken heart with me,

I'll stick to your door only.

but I'll still love you,

I'll still love you.

I'll die for this love,

but I'll still love you.

All are encouraging her . She is amazing singer and this is my favourite song . I decided to propose her know . She is the winner . I am going to give her prize of Rs 1,00,000 . She will be so happy . Her eyes glittering makes me to fall . She is a goddess . I wanted to worship her . I give her prize .She smiles at me . I asked her to dance with me . She come with me . We two are dancing . I will be happy if this time struck forever .