

PROLOGUE : Hey who are you ? why are you blindfold me ? please leave me " A girl is screaming while she is tied in a chair with handcuffs and blind folds . She is crying and tears are stained in her eyes . The door opened sound is heard by her. She alerted and start screaming . " JAAN ! why are you wasting your energy by screaming?" , a man is speaking to her . " Who are you ? " , she asked him " Don't you recognise me JAAN ?" " I can't recognize you ? Who are you ? Why are you doing this to me ?" He removed her blindfold and she saw him . " Have you remembered me JAAN?", he asked her " Who are you ? , I can't recognise you ?", she told him . She didn't understand . Who is he ? why he kidnapped her . What are the consequences are to be going to faced by her " JAAN , Have you not remembered me ? How can you so reckless . I am the one who proposed you 3 years back . You rejected me that day " " Sorry , I can't remember you " " Your rejection made me this JAAN , I waited for you for 3 years . I have changed for you into complete ruthless and arrogant . I need you . You are my life JAAN . I can made you mine with any extent " " This is wrong sir . I already engaged to someone . So please leave me " she pleaded him . " JAAN ! you are mine . I can't let you to meet him . I will kill him don't worry " he told her " How rubbish you are talking . I will kill you If you touch him ." she shouted at him . " O my JAAN , you are so brave but be aware of the situation . Do you know who am I ? " she nodded her head negatively . " Jaan , I am Aarav Singhania , CEO of Singhania industries . The most eligible bachelor in India " She shocked at his relevation . '' JAAN , NEXT WEEK IS OUR MARRIAGE . BE READY TO BE WIFE "

Arthi_S_6992 · Ciudad
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21 Chs


Preethy pov ,

A man is claiming me as his sister Janani . I don't know who is he . Before a week , I am an orphan . Today I am the wife of top most billionaire . he claims me as his wife . There is another one claim me as his sister . He also called me Janani . Whether he is my brother . I don't remember anything about my childhood . I am an orphan .

My life is full of confusing . What I did to this difficult life . I loved a person , he betrayed me . The top billionaire is lusted over me and forced to marry me . Then today one man came to claim me as his sister . I don't know what will happen in future . My life is like a serial drama . Different characters entering and claim me .

I sit in my cabin and doing my work . Here, all the people are friendly . I am loving them . I think Meha and I become good friends in future .

I am doing my work . Suddenly a girl is coming inside the office . She is wearing very revealing dress . I don't think she is coming for work . She asked the receptionist to see Aarav . But Meha told her that whether she having appointment or not . The girl told her that it is not necessary for her because she is his girl friend

I am shocked what she said . She is his girl friend . Then what the hell he married me . He is cheated on me . But it didn't make sense . If she is his girlfriend , he can easily marry her . He can't get anything from me . I am waiting to see what is going to happen .

Then Meha got frustrated and call Aarav to told about that girl . He asked her to allow her to his cabin . Is he going to make out with him . No this can't be happen . I don't love him but he is not allowed to affair with anyone . I am not jealous but our bond is sacred which is not love but it is respectable

She went inside . I can't do my work . I am thinking about him and her . What they must do . I went near reception to see Meha . She scolded that girl by bad words . She told me that she is a bitch that wearing slutty dress to seduce the boss and they are thinking office as a stripper club . Speaking blaw blaw . I am so sad that he leaves me . One day he claims by body and quench his thirst and leave me dump.

Then suddenly the door of lift is opened . I saw that girl is dragged by a security guard outside the building . She is cursing him that he ditched her . I am shocked by her word . I don't know what was happened in his cabin

Then Aarav came . His face shows full anger and hatred and he is very angry at her . Just when he saw me , he suddenly smiled . He then smirked at me and told facing her , " Bitch , I am not the one who seduced by your slutty acts . Even if you wandering naked in front of me , I am not going to see you or touch you . My heart , soul and my life , the air I breathe which is belong to the only woman whom I loving . You can think anything . You can gossip anything but my heart belongs only to her "

I am strucked . Is he is speaking about me ? .

Then he went to his cabin . Meha and I are gossiping about today's event . She asked me to join evening cup of coffee in canteen . I had gone with her . Then some colleagues also joint . They are gossiping about today's event and told that the girl who he loves is very lucky . I am happy to hear that . Then I went to home .

Aarav pov ,

I asked her to join in my firm . I had visited that firm before six monthes . Now I am visiting for my Jaan . I don't know if she come or not . If she came , I will be happy . Then the interview started . Girls are wearing revealing dresses and grabbing attention from pervert interviewers . I thought what she wears .

Then suddenly she came . She is looking ravishing and dazzling . She is wearing traditional kurti , wearing dupatta . She is looking like a goddess . I completely mesmerized by her beauty . I can't take my eyes from her . She is brilliant , she is answering perfectly . I am staring at her head .

She put vermillion very small which can't see by anyone . One who closely observe her can see . Then I saw slight black coloured chain hiding inside her dupatta . She is wearing nuptial chain ( Mangal sutra ) . I know she didn't love me but she respected our relationship .

Then after sometimes that bastard manager teases her dressing and mocking fun of her . She is scared and she sees me with a tear rolling down her cheeks . My heart is aching to see her . I will kill him for mocking my Jaan but I have to control .

Our relationship is secret . She feels sad if it revealed . I told her that her job is confirmed and asked her to leave . She wiped her tears and went away .

Then the interviewers are gone . I asked that bastard to stop and asked him to come to my cabin . He came and told about my Jaan and why I selected her . That is waste and not my type just like that . This is the limit . I slapped him and punched him .

He is going to be suffer more . I asked my secretary Bavan to issue resignation letter for him and black list him from the fashion industry . My anger is not controlled .

He mocked my Jaan . If any one other than my Jaan , I will punish him but my Jaan . I asked him to leave . I will torture him for a single tears of my Jaan .

I saw the CCTV camera . My Jaan is speaking to Meha and crying . I thought she told about that incident . She is crying very bad . My heart is aching and I wanted to console her by taking her in my arms but it is not possible . Meha is consoling her . Then she is working . I completely watch her . Her different expressions make me chuckle . She is adorable .

Then Meha came and ask her to take lunch with her . They are going to Cafetaria . For the first time , I am entering our office cafetaria . All are shocked while my Jaan's expression also shocked . All are gossiping . I don't know what they said but my jaan smiled .

Her smile is the most beautiful thing in my life . For that single smile , I can do anything . Suddenly she saw me . I smile at her .

Her expressions are adorable . Then she went to cabin and work . After sometimes Meha called me and told Ms. Shanaya came . She is the fucking bitch . I asked to let her in .

I saw my Jaan's face fade . I know she is little bit jealous but she is composing . I made the bitch to sit outside my cabin for 30 minutes . I saw my Jaan's expression .

She is watching time and profusly sweating and very sad . I wanted her to barg inside my cabin and held my collar and fight with me for allowing her but she is stubborn .

She then went near Meha and talking . I don't know what Meha said . Her face show shocked and little bit relieved . Then I ask my security guards to drag her outside .

That bitch is cursing me . I went outside . I saw my Jaan's confused look. I know what she thinks of me . I cleared her doubt my confessing my love for my girl , how much I love her and she is my only woman . I know she is happy . I saw her face which shows different emotion .

There is no fear or hate . It is something love but I am not yet sure .....

I finished my work and went to see my Jaan . I know she is having lot of questions . I want her to ask her doubts . I know she is having some small feeling for me . My whole life is only for her . My whole life time is to make her fall for me .

I can't imagine her love . If she loves me , I am the most happiest person in the world .