
Mine at First Scent

"Please, His majesty awaits you," the butler stood at the side of the double doors, gesturing for her to go in. He wanted her to come in?!! Elaina gulped nervously. She had gotten a glimpse of the people in there when the butler entered and she could tell that they were all high class, she wouldn't even be surprised if members of the upper echelon were in there too. But, the problem wasn't the people but how she was dressed. Elaina slowly entered the large hall, her eyes trained on the ground. She could feel his intense gaze on her and many other curious gazes. She subtly pinched the sides of her joggers, to divert her attention from the looks she was receiving. She didn't like being the center of attention, it turned her into a nervous wreck! Mael sat at the head of the table his dark hawk-like gaze watched her like a predator watching his prey and when she came to stand beside him, Sit," he ordered. Elaina reached out to the chair on his side and a maid quickly came to help her pull it back when they heard Mael speak, "Who told you to sit there?" he demanded making both Elaina and the maid pause. Elaina turned to look at him, confusion evident in her black eyes. Did he want her to sit on the floor? A smirk curved up his lips then he moved his chair back a little and tapped his lap. "Sit right here," Elaina's and many others eyes widened and the sound of clattering cutlery echoed through the hall. He wanted her to do what?!

Naaomi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs

Kidnapped by rogues

Elaina felt her world stop and she took a step back in shock, then another, her legs lost strength and she fell to the floor. Her eyes moved to the pool of blood surrounding Alex's head that had already reached her feet.

"A-Alex?" her voice trembled.

"Sorry, I'm not into men," the vampire snickered. He licked the remnants of blood on his lips and returned the gun to his back pocket.

Her eyes moved to the vampire who had an evil smirk plastered on his lips, then to his feet where her mother's body lay unmoving in the kitchen. Her heart broke and tears fell from her eyes one after another.

"Oh, such shiny hair," the vampire's voice suddenly sounded in front of her making her heart jump in fear and she turned to him. Her eyes met with his and her breathing turned heavy.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," he placed his hand on the side of her face, "You're real nice, you would sell for a lot," he said before slamming her head into the floor.


Elaina woke up next in a moving van. Her eyes opened slowly as her senses returned to her. Her glasses were still on, she could feel them on her face. Her eyes moved to the ropes tied around her hands and legs. They were tied so tight, it stung if she tried moving them a bit. Her eyes then moved to the people in the van.

They were all young girls of different ages, even kids were in there with her. Some were traumatized while some expressions lacked life but most of them sobbed, her eyes moved to a sister duo where the older sister consoled the younger one.

Her lips quivered, there was no one to comfort her now. She drew her knees close to her chest and rested her head on them. Tears fell from her eyes and her head spun as she wept silently.


Elaina's eyes slowly opened because her head kept hitting her knees. She raised her head slowly, she must have dozed off while crying. Most of them had fallen asleep too, it was the middle of the night after all. She wondered how long they had been driving.

The continuous shaking of the van probably meant they were driving through a rocky forest path. She remembered what the vampire told her before he had knocked her out, 'You would sell for a lot' It seemed they had abducted them to sell them as slaves or something related.

Elaina rested her head on the iron wall not minding how her head kept hitting it. Her chest felt heavy and she found it difficult to breathe. Her thoughts moved to her father and his warm smile flashed in front of her closed eyes, making her eyes water again.

She wondered how he would react when he heard the news, she had never seen him angry before but he sure would be heartbroken. His beautiful wife and son were gone while his daughter was in a van on the way to an unknown place. Whatever his reaction would be, it would take a while since there was no one to inform him.

"Mama, I'm scared," a little girl's sniffles sounded beside her, breaking her out of her thoughts. Elaina turned her head to the little girl who just gained consciousness. She looked no more than six yet they still took her, at least they didn't kill her. She felt pity for the girl but she was in no mood to offer comfort.

The little girl cried harder making Elaina sigh internally. She placed her tied hands on her small head. "Don't worry, everything will be alright," she patted her head.

The little girl looked at Elaina with her teary doe eyes, "Really?" she sniffed.

"Yes. What's your name?" Elaina asked softly.

"A- Athena," the little girl sniffed.

"You have a beautiful name, Athena," she smiled while patting her head, "Everything will be fine, so stop crying and remain calm, okay?"

The little girl nodded her head and Elaina gave her one last smile before moving her hand from her head. Her eyes moved to the rope around her hands and legs. They had tied them to keep them from escaping but they didn't cover their mouths.

It would take some time but she could loosen the knot of the rope with her teeth and then loosen the one around her legs after, but what would she gain from that? Even if she did get out of the ropes and successfully opened the doors of the van, who in their right mind would jump out of a moving vehicle?

There was also a possibility of getting crushed if there was another van right behind theirs. Overall, it was a risky idea. Elaina rested her head back on the iron wall, she also didn't know anywhere other than home. Even if she did make it out, she had nowhere to go.

The van started to slow down and it stopped a few minutes later. They had arrived at their destination! She wondered if they were at the place where they would get sold, wherever they were, it wouldn't be good.

Not long after, the door of the van opened drawing all their attention, and a vampire came into view.

"Out. All of you," he ordered. He noticed that some of them were asleep so he banged his hand on the door. The banging was loud enough to wake the ones sleeping and also disturb the hearing of those awake.

"Move orderly,"

The girl closest to the door tried to stand but it was difficult to do because she couldn't use her hands and her legs were tied.

The girl's continuous struggle irritated the impatient vampire. He pulled her hair causing her to scream and threw her out of the van. Luckily, she didn't fall but landed on the hood of the van behind theirs. Tears fell from her eyes but she quickly regained her balance, afraid of what the vampire might do to her next.

"Make it quick. You can walk with the ropes," the vampire said impatiently.

"Don't be rude to ladies," a decent-looking vampire walked to their van. He picked up the first girl's hands and placed a kiss on them, "Are you hurt?" he asked gently.

"N-no," the girl answered, a little wary of the red-eyed creature.

"Don't drink from any of them. The market is tonight," the first vampire warned.

"But she's pretty," the other vampire moved his head toward her neck which made her tremble.

"Do your job," the first vampire snapped.

"Whatever," the second vampire withdrew his head. "Follow me, ladies," he signaled before turning around.

Elaina got up with great difficulty when it was her turn. She bent so she could walk because of her height then passed a glance at the little girl who stood without any problems, children sure had it easy, she thought in her head.

Her eyes fell on the van behind theirs whose headlights were directed straight at her face. She was right after all. It was just two vans and people were also coming out of the second van, they were all girls too.

The line led to a large tent where all that were abducted were kept. The ropes around their legs were free enough to allow small movements, so they all had to walk carefully to avoid falling and incurring the wrath of the night creatures.

Elaina made sure to walk carefully to avoid falling but the lens of her glasses were foggy because of her dried tears so she did not see the stone right before the entrance of the tent. She stepped on the stone which caused an imbalance, she lost her footing and fell flat on her front. Her feet hit the little girl behind her, making her fall on the person behind her. It was all chaos after that. Her fall was like a butterfly effect that brought the same fate upon the others behind her.

"Oww," Elaina winced. Her knees had scraped the ground and they stung badly.

"Hurry it up," the vampire standing at the entrance of the tent snapped. Not only did she cause a huge commotion, she was still taking her time to stand up.

He bent and yanked a fistful of her hair, pulling her up to his level, his grip on her hair tight. Elaina's eyes shut and she bit her lower lip hard so she wouldn't scream but the pain increased by the second.

The vampire was about to yell when he noticed her glasses, "Hey, why does this one have glasses?" he asked the decent-looking vampire who was in the tent.