
Chapter Twenty Four

C1-A walked onto the field outside spotting Aizawa standing in the middle waiting for his students, you stood off hanging on the sidelines to not be in the way.

"She's here!" Mina excitedly shook Midoriya's arm.

"She is." Midoriya brightly smiled, "Maybe we can get her to spar with us."

"Yeah!" Kirishima hopped beside Katsuki's side. "She used to love to train, maybe that's our way in!"

"You guys want to fight the trained killer that played pro-hero for years?" Camie cocked her head to the side, eyes scanning over you sizing you up.

"Yeah!" Kirishima toothy smiled, Camie rolled her brown eyes, she didn't see why they all cared so much about you, you weren't that great.

"You're late." Aizawa called, ending all conversation.

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa-!" Kaminari laughed rubbing the back of his neck, "-we were all kinda...talking-" He glanced over to you. Your hands rested inside your jacket pockets as you listened to the music blasting in your ears ignoring the people staring as if you were a side show attraction. Well...you kind of were.

"What are we doing today?" Ochaco questioned. You glanced over to the group listening intently to Aizawa talk, his lips moved but music filled his lips. You heavily ignored his spiky blond hair, and her soft pink skin.

It was the hardest thing you ever had to do, and it took you years to unlove them.

You felt a buzz on your leg, you looked down at the pager you were given. Your eyes glanced over to Aizawa, the app on his phone which was connected to the anklet tagged on you had shown you were transferred to another pro-hero. You two locked eyes as you pulled the headphones from your ears just in time to turn to hear him drop beside you.

"You?" You frowned.

"Hey-!" Hawks waved, "-you're using the player I got you, how is it?"

"Is this why you wanted me to continue hero work?"

"What?" Hawks blinked, reading the accusing expression in your sharp eyes. "No!" He waved his hands with a nervous laugh. "I just figured if you had to be stuck with another hero besides Aizawa you would want to kind of be able to tolerate them, so I volunteered!"

Class C1-A watched the interaction between you and Hawks, looking to Aizawa for clarification. Camie blushed seeing the number two hero.

"Where too?" You questioned with a sigh, knowing the chance for sleep has evaporated.

"Well, we have to make a quick stop first." Hawks flashed a quick smile, "Don't worry I will get us there quick-"

"No." You shook your head.

"Huh?" He asked watching you walk away. "Where you going?"

"My fucking leg hurts." You muttered, not feeling like being a rag doll today. You glanced over your shoulder to him, he gasped seeing the rim of your eyes glowing a ghostly yellow.

"I didn't know your eyes do that." Hawks followed.

You rolled your eyes stepping onto the shadow cast from the school's building. "Hold your breath."

"Huh?" Hawks turned but it was too late, he felt himself sinking into the shadow until he was swallowed alongside you.

"What?" Mina blinked, staring at the empty shadow. "What just happened!?" She gushed, turning to Aizawa.

"It's part of her probation." Aizawa simply answered.

"What does that mean?" Katsuki wanted to know more.

"The HPSC took her hero license but left her permit intact, she can practice hero work alongside a pro-hero, it seems they sent Hawks because they know she will work with him."

"What was that all melty into the shadow stuff!?"

"I don't know." Aizawa shrugged, "(y/n) has said very little about her time under Shooter, or what she was put through."

"The experiments." Mina whispered, shivers rocking her body recalling the blood painted room found inside the compound.

"Neither I nor All Might agree with this deal-" Aizawa continued, staring where you previously stood. "-but Naomasa seems to believe her aiding heroes in their work will reflect positively on her when it comes time to close this case."

"But-" Mina shook her head, "-But shouldn't she be recovering!?"

"Yes." Aizawa nodded, "But that isn't my call."

"Well, how do we get her back?"

"There is nothing we can do until she is returned to me."

"She isn't a pair of old shoes!"

"This is just how it has to be for now."

"I don't like this Mr. Aizawa!"

"I don't either." Aizawa muttered, an uneasy feeling stirred inside his gut.


Days passed and everyday Class C1-A would arrive early in hopes of seeing you sitting in your seat, staring out the window, but each day they were met with disappointment. They turned to watching the door, waiting for you to walk in with Aizawa, but when he showed up to class alone, once again they were left in despondency.

On the fifth day, Mina sucked in a deep breath. Staring at your empty desk questioning herself why she hadn't done more when you were here. Why hadn't she jumped up, hugged you, and cried tears of joy? Why had she been frozen in place the moment she saw you?

Aizawa looked at his phone, since you weren't assigned to him, he didn't have access to your location. He had no idea where you were or what you were doing. He messaged Hawks a few times who only replied telling him you were fine.

"Hey-!" Toru ran into the room, "-you guys seen this!?" She questioned, holding up her phone.

"See what?" Kaminari yawned; it was too early for her high spirit.

"It was posted a few hours ago!" Toru walked over hitting replay on the screen.

"A bank robbery was foiled early this morning thanks to the number two hero Hawks-!" A news reporter talked into his microphone, looking at the bank behind him still surrounded by police. "-and former pro-hero Five-" This caught the attention of Katsuki, his heart fluttered turning around. "-the controversial hero-" The screen flickered away from the reporter back to the newsroom where four people were sitting around talking.

"I see the HPSC has given Five a makeover-" One politician pointed out.

"You can't slap paint and call it something else." Another replied, "Five is still a villain, no matter how hard the HPSC tries to rebrand her."

"How can you call her anything but a victim?" A woman on the screen came to your defense. "She and her colleagues wore collars as if they were animals and forced into being a front for FireArms."

"After a few short messages we will be right back talking about the controversial hero group-"

"Controversial my ass!" Mina cursed, tired of reading all the articles about the Seven Bullets, were they truly heroes or villains?

"Enough." Aizawa lazily replied walking into the room.

"(y/n) is on the-"

"I know." Aizawa waved, "We have all seen it, she and Hawks stopped a massive robbery this morning-"

"She saved people from getting seriously hurt, how can people call her 'controversial' when she-"

"There are mixed feelings about her and the Bullet group." Aizawa understood their anger because he held it too. But there was nothing they could do about it; people were going to have their opinions. "Everyone head to the locker rooms."


"We are headed outside today."


"Would you rather stay inside and-"

"Nope!" The class jumped up, scrambling to get outside the room. Aizawa chuckled lightly amused, he glanced at his phone, still no update on you. He sighed, following the dust his class left behind.

Outside the sun was carefree shining brightly from above. Mina blocked the rays with her arm looking up to the clear sky.

"It's such a nice day!" Toru spun, "I'm so happy Mr. Aizawa is letting us outside all day!"

"It's not like him." Kaminari muttered, "I wonder what hell he has planned for us."

"Mm-" Momo rubbed her chin knowing the blond was right, this had to be a trap of some kind. "-I'm sure whatever it is we can handle it!"

"Yeah!" Toru agreed, turning when they heard footsteps behind them.

"Mr. Aizawa-!" Toru waved, "-what are we doing today!?"

"Sparring-" Aizawa went to answer but froze hearing the familiar beep. He instantly pulled out his phone, seeing you had been transferred back to him. He breathed, feeling relieved, the pit in his stomach subsided. "-one on one."

"Cool." Kaminari nodded; it had been a while since they had all gotten to spar with one another.

"First up will be Shoji and Sero." Aizawa announced, the two kicked themselves off the grass jogging to the middle of the field. The class watched as the two began, showing off the ways they have improved.

The crunch of dry grass pulled eyes from the match; Katsuki's heart dropped seeing you walking towards them. You did indeed get a new uniform due to the HPSC not wanting to associate you with Shooter, they were hopeful you could pull away from his name and become your own hero.

Your group's battle dress wasn't altered much; the HPSC still wanted you to be associated with the old Seven Bullets. Your cargo pants were tighter, the number five was brightly painted on your leg, arm and jacket. Your once baggy jacket was now form fitting. The new mask they designed hadn't come in, so you still sported a black medical mask. It brought you comfort to know you would soon be getting a new mask to wear.

"Damn she looks good." Kaminari muttered, seeing you stand off to the side lines once again not to get in the way of their training.

"She always did." Mina agreed, you crammed your hands into your pockets and allowed music to fill your ears. The more you could ignore the fact Class C1-A was present, the better off you were, Aizawa pulled the class back to the training session and had the two boys restart their match.

The sun was hot, getting sucked into your dark uniform as your eyes avoided the seventh match. The faster these fights got over, the quicker you could leave. You felt the lack of sleep weighing on your shoulders and staring off into space can only pass so much time, boredom began overly filling your being.

You didn't hear them dropping down next to you, the flash of their shadow across the grass caused your brows to pinch together. Lazily you turned but quickly pulled yourself back barely getting out of the way of the sword slicing the into earth. But they didn't stop with one strike, the familiar dressed villain spin swinging the blade, you jerked your shoulder to the side, feeling the ache of the bullet wound.

The villain dressed in the Jester outfit was back and pushing you closer to the class. You blocked the Jesters arm, pulling your elbow upward you slammed it into its white mask, hearing a small crack. Its head flew backwards causing them to stumble backwards.

"What the fuck-?" You breathed but didn't have time to process anything. You blinked and found yourself staring up at the sky. A behemoth of a man towered over you; he had tackled you from striking the Jester. He brought his arms up, locking them together before bringing them down onto your chest.

You locked your jaw as the air was knocked from your lungs. The behemoth didn't stop, he brought them up slamming them against you again and again! Your eyesight went black from the force, you couldn't draw air into your burning lungs as your brain flatlined from the exhaustion.

The behemoth raised his arms about to repeat the attack but was blocked by a large explosion, causing him to fly backwards. You felt the heat brush against the side of your face as hands quickly gripped your jacket pulling you to your side.



Caution: Plot Twist up ahead 😈