
Chapter Twelve

"Five." A feathery voice pulled at your consciousness. You felt twisted sheets around your legs, the creases in the material offered comfort against your skin as you swallowed, feeling the burning scratchiness of your throat. Slowly you began to surface, recalling the fact you were attached to a broken-down body.

Your brain sloshed around inside your skull as you tried to recall the last thing you remembered only to come up with blurry fragments that made no sense. Your body felt like it was filled with hardened metal and the hospital bed you lay in was a magnet holding you captive.

"Five?" Another voice opened your drowsy eyes, greeted with white tile, you rapidly blinked the stinging sensation away from your eyes. You filled your lungs with oxygen burning the tissue as you looked around the hospital room. Two people you didn't know stood beside you, looking down onto you with a locked expression.


"You're in U.A." The woman officer answered, "Do you remember coming here to U.A?" You stared at her for a long moment, she glanced at her partner before looking back at you. "Five?"

"Where's Three and Seven?" Your voice cracked; your face twisted in pain, but the officers held no remorse towards you.

"In their rooms." The male officer answered, you glanced to their name tags, but your eyes were still blurry, the letters melted together spitting at you.

"Why...Why am I here?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" Your voice strained, almost refusing to come out as you thirst for a tall glass of ice-cold water.

"You attacked this school." The male officer pointed, following his gaze you saw your left arm was rested inside a dark blue sling and the other handcuffed to the bed.

Why does this feel all too familiar?

"I...what...?" Your hazy brain could only kick up dust when you tried to recall what he was telling you.

"She is still pretty out of it." The female officer muttered.

"I don't care-" The male officer snipped; the door opened just then. Your nurse walked in, instantly frowning, seeing the bright room with two strangers.

"Who are you?" Her high-pitched voice sent a sting through your ringing ears, what the hell happened to you?

"We won't be long." The female offered a stained colored smile as they flashed their badges, the nurse frowned but walked over to the counter beside the sink allowing them to continue.

"Who are you?" The words barely climbed from your lips as you felt out of breath, like you just ran a marathon.

"We are with the HPSC." The male officer pulled a white business card from his jacket pocket, holding it between his two fingers for you to take. You blinked, the two of you stared at one another for a moment before he cleared his throat, placing it on the tray table beside you.

"What do you want?" You wondered, ready for them to toss you in jail and throw away the key for the things you've done.

"We want Five." The male answered, cramming his hands into his pockets.

"What?" You furrowed your brows, not understanding.

"It doesn't matter what we think-" He explained further, "-if you're innocent or guilty, the victim or the offender. The public wants you, they fully believe the Seven Bullets were victims in this situation."

"You don't?"

"Not by a long shot." He replied barely masking the disdain in his voice. "I believe it's only a matter of time before enough evidence is found to finally lock you away."

"Do you know Eizo Tanuma?" You wondered out of the blue.

"Brilliant man."

"That tracks." You muttered with a sore nod.

"Anyway-" The female officer stepped forward, shooting her partner an annoyed expression. "-the HPSC wants you."


"Yes-" She nodded, the nurse eyed the pair from the corner of her eye, something didn't feel right, she tossed your chart down as she exited the room in search of your doctor. "-your reputation with the public is fantastic, people like you. Even with you having almost no contact with people, you and your comrades were voted seventh in the popularity charts."

"Your hero license has been suspended." The male officer interrupted. "You cannot practice hero work with your foraged licenses."

"My what?" You frowned, "I don't have a fake license."

"Of course, you do." The male officer shook his head, "You never finished school at U.A. you-you couldn't get a license without a degree-"

"I have one." You answered, "Just not under my name."


"Shutazu Kugutsu-" You replied, "-is the name Shooter gave me."

"Gave you?"

"You think he could forage a hero license for multiple hero's and not get his agency flagged?" You chuckled, "Nah, he wasn't taking chances where he didn't have too. We were required to finish school; get a degree so we could legally get a hero license."

"Hm..." The male hummed, "...we will investigate this. In the meantime, you are expected to assist a pro-hero if you're needed."

"Expected too?" You locked eyes with the officer, who shifted uncomfortably under the cutthroat gaze you held.

"It would be appreciated-" The female officer corrected, "-if you would do that for our heroes, it would be a shame for your hard work and skills to go to waste." She shot another glare at her partner.

"What are you doing in here!?" Dr. Shuzenji came flying into the room, "You're not allowed to be in here, no one is!"

"We were just leaving Doctor." The female officer nodded.

"You bet your ass you're leaving." Dr. Shuzenji snapped.

"We will be in contact with you." The male officer brushed off his partner and Dr. Shuzenji. "In the meantime, you are on probation."

"Probation?" You frowned. "What for-?"

"You really have to ask that?" He dryly replies, you rolled your eyes, "Your guardian-"

"I'm not a kid." You cut in,

"This is not the time." Dr. Shuzenji walked closer. "(y/n) needs rest, not this bullshit. You two leave before I have you escorted from this building!"

"I don't need a fucking babysitter." You muttered under your breath feeling your blood pressure bubble.

"Apologies Doctor." The female nodded, glancing to you before walking out of the room. The male officer shot you a dirty look before following his partner.

"(y/n)-" Dr. Shuzenji breathed as a smile flourished along her tight features. "-how are you feeling?"

"That a trick question?" You wondered.

"I know..." Dr. Shuzenji weakly smiled, "...you must be exhausted. Rest for now, we can talk about everything else later, ok?"

"Ok." You stiffly nodded as she pressed a few buttons, giving you a dose of pain killers.

"No one is allowed in your room, so you can get plenty of rest." Dr. Shuzenji took one last look before closing the door behind her. You laid your head against the starchy pillow, allowing your heavy eyes to close.

The clock on the wall ticked away without a care.

"I never thought they would leave." A deep voice opened your annoyed eyes, your head rolled to the side seeing Shiro and Gray sneaking into your room.

"Oh shit-!" Gray flashed a grin, "-your awake!"

"You look like hell." Shiro gestured with his head towards you.