
Chapter Sixty Six

Dressed in your bullet uniform you followed Shiro and Gray through double doors leading into the banquet hall where Fuyumi Todoroki booked for her little brother's birthday.

You stepped into the main room, flashing party lights greeted you, blaring music penetrated your body, and the dozens of people littering the floor caused your blood pressure to spike.

To many people—you squeezed your eyes, trying to ignore the words—get out!

"Damn-!" Shiro laughed looking around the crowded room. "-I was not expecting this!"

"What were you expecting?" Gray wondered, eyeing the dancing bodies swaying to the beat of the music, most of the tables and chairs went ignored.

"I don't know-!" Shiro shouted over the music. "-a fucking crochet class or some shit." Shiro turned, "I didn't think the emotionally constipated fuck had this in him!"

"His sister and Mina planned this." You pointed out.

"Well, that explains it!" Shiro let out a heartly laugh, lightly hitting Gray's back. "You ok man, you look like you're trying to not shit yourself?"

Distance yourself—another sharp order shot through your skull—you could be exposed!

"There's-There's a lot of people here." Gray mumbled shrinking into himself, Shiro furrowed his brows, twisting over to you, Shiro saw right then how uncomfortable the two of you were, and how deep Shooter still had his claws in your backs.

"Alright..." Shiro sighed through his nose, eyes scanning the room until they landed in the corner of the banquet hall. "...perfect!" Shiro gripped Gray and your wrist, pulling the three of you through the crowd of people towards the open bar.

You turned your head while Shiro waved the bartender over, seeing the prying eyes quickly advert away as you stood behind Shiro, form tense.

"Here-!" Shiro shoved a shot into your chest, you were about to hand it back—one of you had to stay sober enough to get everyone back to the dorms—but Shiro wouldn't have any of it. "-this will help with that feeling."

"Feeling?" Gray tilts his head.

"The feeling of everyone's eyes on our backs." Shiro smirked, craning his neck to gaze behind him, where three heroes snapped around, acting as if they hadn't just had their eyes glued to your group.

"I'm regretting so many things right now." You muttered into the glass before throwing it back.

"Ha-Ha-!" Shiro laughed, ordering another round. "-like what?"

"Hang on-" You replied, accepting the second shot glass. "-I'll start counting."

"Careful now-" Shiro warned, welcoming the burning sensation crawling down his throat as he downed the second shot in one take. "-that might take you all night!"

"Oh, just one night?" You smirked, signaling the bartender for another round.

"Look at you Five!" Shiro smiled widely, you were beginning to loosen up.

"You're so lucky I don't have my gun right now." You retorted, causing Shiro and Gray to laugh.

You turned, scanning the crowd wondering where All Might and Aizawa were, the two of them had agreed to attend the party—they acted as if they were not already—and guard so Shiro and Gray could partake in the drinking.

"Look-!" Mina excitedly grabbed onto Bakugo's forearm, instantly causing him to scowl, glaring down at his arm. "-they came!"

Bakugo's eyes instantly snapped in the direction Mina was staring, his heart skipped spotting you sitting in the middle of Shiro and Gray, throwing back the shot glass while laughing at something Gray had said.

"They aren't wearing masks!" Ochaco pointed out, her voice spiking three octaves.

"You're right!" Midoriya breathed, a bright smile painting itself over his face. "Guys-!" Midoriya spun around, Kaminari, Kirishima and Todoroki stood behind him.

"Hush-!" Mina quickly wrapped her hands around Midoriya's head, muffling his voice, her yellow irises flickered over to you, confirming you had not heard the outburst.

Ochaco frowned watching Mina so casually touch Midoriya.

"-we aren't going to make a big deal about it, right!?" Mina finished, removing her hands. Bakugo rolled his eyes, knowing damn well she almost had a coronary last night when you removed your mask.

"R-Right!" Midoriya tightly nods, swallowing the lump in his throat he turned back around, quickly following Mina who was practically skipping towards the open bar.

"Hey-!" Mina waved once she came into view. "-you guys came!"

"We were lured here by the free booze-" Shiro shrugged, "-but I don't see the free food we were promised?"

"It's over there." Todoroki gestured over his shoulder.

"Happy birthday man!" Gray waved; face flushed. "Your gift is our presence here tonight, you are welcome!"

"Thank you." Todoroki nods, eyes flickering to you.

"Yeah-" Shiro nods, resting his arm on your shoulder, "-I didn't think you had this kind of party in you, I pictured more of a...what did I say earlier?" Shiro hic ups.

"How many have you had?" Bakugo stepped behind you, your heart rate instantly spiked feeling his chest brush up against you.

"Not that many." Gray waved at the dozen discarded shot glasses before him. "Hey-Hey bartender why are you sl-slacking!?"

"Um..." Ochaco glanced at Midoriya.

"We need another round over here!" Gray smacks the bar rail.

"Are you sure you need another?" Kirishima gently smiles.

"He's fine." You leaned back, unintentionally pressing yourself more against Bakugo. "He just needs to eat."

"I think all three of you should eat." Bakugo corrects, hands in his pocket while looking down at you.

"Why are you so close?" Shiro furrowed his brows at Bakugo, "You're built like a damn furnace, I can feel you from here!"

"Jealous?" Bakugo smirks.

"Maybe." Shiro puckers his lips.

"How about we get you three something to eat?" Midoriya suggested, uncomfortable with the two men glaring daggers at one another.

"Yeah." Mina nods.

"How are you three here anyway?" Kaminari questioned. "I mean, Shiro how are you guarding (y.n) if your drunk?"

"I'm not drunk!" Shiro points his finger.

"Here you are." The bartender interrupted, placing three cups down.

"Yay!" Gray cheers.

"All Might and Aizawa picked up his job for the night." You filled them in.

"Really?" Mina blinked, "They are guarding you, then where are they?"

"I don't know." You shrugged, taking your cup from Shiro who tried double fisting them. "We came right from our meeting with Naomasa, I haven't seen them yet."

"They are probably patrolling." Kirishima holds an arm out, ready to catch Gray who stumbled from his chair.

"Wait-" Kaminari turned, visibly looking you up and down.

"-the fuck you looking at!?" Bakugo glares.

"-do you-" Kaminari whispered, leaning into you. "-do you still have your gun on you?"

"Six feet-!" You push him back. "-and no, we gave up our weapons before getting here, how stupid do you think we are?"

"I-I was just asking!" Kaminari defended as you strolled past him.

"How are you fee-"

"My previous comment still stands." You cut Mina off, "Whoever asks me how I'm doing, I will cut their damn tongue out."

"But you don't have any weapons." Ochaco points out, you smirk pulling your cup to your lips walking away from the group.

"Ghuahh-!" Shiro dramatically places his hand to his chest, reaching your side. "-you kept a knife!?"

"You think I'm gonna walk in here naked?" You shot back, "You did?"

"Fuck no I still have one!" Shiro laughed, throwing his head back causing you to join in as Shiro wrapped an arm around you as you made your way over to the food stands.

"They are so drunk." Kirishima sighed.

"Yeah." Mina nodded. "But it's refreshing to see though."

"That it is." The sharp toothed hero grinned, turning to the pinkette causing her to blush.

Reaching one of the food stands Gray desperately wanted, your group had to wait for fresh food to be prepared.

"We could have totally stayed at the bar." Shiro sighs, remorsefully staring into his empty cup. "This will take like a year!"

"They said five minutes." Todoroki turned.

"Can't we go to another one?" Shiro groaned.

"No!" Gray whined, holding onto the edge of the stand. "I want this one!"

You smirked, lips resting against the rim of your glass. "-toddler."

"What was that?" Gray sharpened his eyes.

"I said I told you so, you're a fucking toddler!" You shot back, Mina and her friends were stunned by the sudden outburst.

"I-I am not a toddler!"

"Mhm." You hummed, returning to sipping your drink, ignoring Gray who barked at you.

"Are you sure?" Ochaco's worried tone turned your head, she was pulling at her dress while stealing quick peeks around the room.

"Of course!" Mina nods, "You look amazing!"

"I feel like everyone is staring." Ochaco whispers, you rolled your eyes, half the damn hall could hear her. "Maybe this dress isn't you know...appropriate for this occasion."

"It does kind of feel like we are being stared at." Kirishima agrees, shoving his hands into his dress pants stealing peaks around the room.

"Can you blame them?" Kaminari smirked, "It is us after all!"

"I don't like it!" Ochaco blushed, hiding her face in her hands.

Your eyes slowly drifted down then back up Ochaco's body, she wore a tight pink dress, a slit was on her right leg, and it showed a little cleavage, clearly, she wanted attention from someone.

You moved on numb legs, Ochaco madly blushed when you stepped right into her personal space, you lowered your lips to her ear.

"Relax-" You say, "-no one is looking at you."

Ochaco blinks as you pull away, finishing off your drink you spun on your heel, heading back to the bar.

"Where you going?" Shiro questioned, you responded with a wave of your empty cup. "Fuck yeah-!" Shiro hopped up, "-watch him." Shiro lightly swatted Kirishima's arm as he dashed through the crowd to follow.

"Wait..." Kirishima frowned, watching as the crowd's gaze leave the popular U.A. heroes the moment you and Shiro stepped away. "...they're not watching us..."

It was then the group realized all eyes had not been on them or Ochaco's questionable dress, they had been on you and the other survivors from the Seven Bullets.


"How long has everyone been watching you three?" Kirishima wondered, turning to view the group behind him.

"Huh?" Gray blinked, sliding down onto the floor, fresh plate of food in hand.

"Did you know you were being watched?" Mina added, trying to fish for answers from the drunk Bullet.

"Well yeah-" Gray snorted, "-we knew from the moment we stepped foot in here."

"That's crazy-" Kaminari's voice drifted away from Bakugo's ears, having weaved through the alcohol laced crowd, his carmine eyes scanning each person as he drifted past.

A yawn forced itself on you—holding the chilled drink, free hand resting in your pocket—while waiting for Shiro to finish flirting with the new bartender.

After a few seconds of watching your elder brother flirting you scrunched your nose, turning on your heel figuring he could find you whenever he was done—you smacked right into a sultry wall.

You blinked, feeling your drink swiftly being removed from your hand you looked up, body too numb to register how you remained pressed against him.

"There you are." Bakugo smirked, looking over to you, holding the cup away from his person as the contents finish dripping down the sides.

Your heart danced, gazing falling to his chest while your brain forgot how to produce wording.

"You're staying in my dorm tonight to watch our show?" You heard him ask causing you to furrow your brow.

"No?" You gazed upward, your body swayed, Bakugo wrapped an arm around you, keeping you tucked into his side.

"I wasn't asking a question." Bakugo corrected.


"You think I'm going to let anyone but me take you home tonight?" Bakugo questioned, leaning forward until his nose brushed against yours. "You're drunk (y.n)."

"Uh-" While you nervously licked your lips, Bakugo watched your tongue dip from between your lips before quickly retreating into your mouth.

"What a shame." Bakugo hummed, wondering if you tasted of whiskey and coke.

"What?" You turned; Bakugo shrugged. "Where are Shiro and Gray?" You wondered, returning to looking around the room, not feeling Bakugo's arm wrapped around you, or the prying eyes of the heroes whispering.

Bakugo sighed, knowing you would hyperfocus on your two missing comrades, and not on him until they were found.

"Come on-" He pulled on your ragdoll body, he sits you at a table, pulling a bag of chips from his jacket pocket. "-do not move-" He ordered, his sharpened carmine orbs burned holes until you caved, giving a small silent nod. The blond exhaled through his nose, wanting to get this chore over with as quickly as possible. "-I'll find them and be right back."

Bakugo reached down, opening the bag before returning it to you.

"Just stay right here." He repeats, "If you do, I'll bring you more food, alright?"

"Ok." You hummed, your focus soaking into the salty goodness in your mouth causing the red eyed hero to softly smile, he cupped the side of your face.

"You look so beautiful." He breathed, licking his lips before walking off to collect your drunken brothers. You blinked, his words scrambling around inside your brain, shaking your head you allowed your attention to fall onto the food in your hand.

"Hey (y.n)-"

You looked over, Kaminari was walking up, giving a small wave as he did so.

"-can-can we talk?"

"Talk?" You frowned.

"Y-Yeah." He shyly grinned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What are we doing right now?" You questioned, leaning back in the chair. Kaminari chuckled, cramming a hand in his pants pocket.

"Can we (y.n)-?" Kaminari gulped, "-please?"

You frowned, glancing off to the side Bakugo said to stay right here and he will bring food...

"Please-" Kaminari took a step closer, clearing his throat. "-it'll be quick, I-I promise."

"Mm-" You sighed, your sloshed brain giggling, "-alright." It was Kaminari, what's the worst that could happen?

Kaminari led you through the dancing crowd, holding open the door leading into the hallway where the bathrooms were located, once the door closed, it almost sealed off the blaring music.

Your eyes darted around the empty hall, instincts screamed this was a trap, but you turned to the blond fiddling with his fingers.

"Why-" You went to question.

"I think I-I like you (y.n)!" Kaminari blurted out.

"Ok?" You slowly comment, "Cool, was that it?"

"No, (y.n)-" Kaminari stepped forward. "-I think I like-like you..."

"What?" You knitted your brows together, slowly your tippling brain began to piece together what he was saying.

"I'm in love with you (y.n)-!" Kaminari exclaimed, taking more steps closer to you. "-I have been since high school, the day we were told you were dead, I-I-My heart shattered! Now your back and I finally have the chance to tell you how I feel!"

Kaminari sucked in a shaky breath, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his chest, he opened his puppy dog eyes and stared at your unmasked face.

You blinked.

Your eyes flickered around the empty hallway.

"Guffaw-!" You burst into laughter, placing a hand against the wall to keep you up as the tears pricked the side of your eyes. "-that's-that's a good one." You chuckled.

"I'm-I'm not joking (y.n)-" Kaminari frowned, "-I really do love you."

Your lips parted; your eyes pixilated.

"Wh-Um-What?" You cleared your throat, tilting your head to the side.

"I love you (y.n)." Kaminari shyly smiled, lightly scuffing the floor with his foot. "I think you're amazing, and awesome and I would really love to take you on a date-"

"No." You cut him off, snuffing out the gleeful glamor in his eye. "Just...no." You shake your head, moving to walk past him but Kaminari dangerously stretched his arm out, tensing knowing you could fully well break his arm in two.

"(y.n) please-"

"I said no-"

"Why!?" Kaminari pleaded with his eyes, already knowing the answer.

Silence filtered through the hallway as you studied his face through hazy orbs.

"There was a time..." You stared into his eyes. "...where I looked at you as a friend, but now...I look at you and all I feel is...nothing."

"You don't mean that-!"

"I do." You sternly declared. "I-" You cut yourself off, a sound catching your ear.

Kaminari and you slowly twist around.

Mineta stood behind the two of you—a balled-up paper towel in his hand—staring dumbfoundly in front of the men's bathroom.

"Do you want to die tonight?" You question, realizing he was not moving.

Mineta flinched, dropping the paper towel before sprinting through the doors back into the party.

You sucked in a breath, turning back to Kaminari—you could almost see his ghost leaving his body—you pulled your brows together, shaking your head you spun on your heel, exiting the hall, leaving Kaminari alone to pick up the pieces of his shattered heart.