
Chapter Sixty One

Shiro's heart pulsated in his chest, feeling like his battery just couldn't charge. The thought of walking into another fight churned his stomach, and not in the fun way he enjoyed.

Taking a wild guess, you maneuvered through the shadows to the fourth floor, where you now used the shadow cast from lockers to survey the hall.

Five people dressed in uptight suits crowded around room number 407. Shiro tapped your shoulder, turning your head he offered a thin piece of metal connecting to his hand, you took it before he let you go, floating off on his own you return to scanning the hallway, deciding the best course of action.

It felt off with these suits, they didn't showcase any weapons but then again neither would you if you wanted a job done quietly.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a tug on your hand, you turned, with no sound in this vacuum sealed space, you had to rely on body language.

Shiro waved at you, with an eye roll he reeled you in as if you were a damn fish on a hook. When you reached his side, he didn't waste any time, quickly gesturing to the small dinner plate size window, he wiggled away trying to give you space, you gazed through, it was a small peep hole into the conference room

Your heart skipped, spotting Aizawa sitting back in one of the chairs, arms crossed over his chest with a perplexed expression scribbled over his sleepy face. Three more suits were in the room, their backs faced you.

Shiro waved his hand in front of your face, he pointed to the window you were just at, then patted his chest signaling he would go first.

You nod in agreement at this plan, with your eyes glowing yellow and Shiro grabbing your shoulder you two returned to the hallway, taking a quick glance at one another before you nod, telling him the window was open.

Shiro stepped into his strike, being as nonlethal as possible, knowing a bunch of dead bodies on your hands would make things more...messy.

He used his quirk to knock down three of the five suits, you stepped behind him, using a sheet of ice to cover the floor, freezing the fallen to the ground.

"What the-!?" A suit cursed, scrambling to his firearm on his belt.

"Duck!" Shiro called, without hesitation you leaned forward, feeling Shiro's arm rest on your back he fired two rounds into the struggling suit. He cursed under his breath, not knowing how many suits were lurking around, he just rang the damn dinner bell!

You stood, feeling Shiro on your back you turned, only to be met with a soccer punch to the side of your face, your head flew sideways.

You quickly recovered, an instant glare in your eyes as you turned to the last suit standing before you. Her light brown eyes widened realizing what she just did, and who you were. A little dripple of pee came out of her as you lifted your stronger leg, with a swift kick you sent her flying through the conference room door.

The wood shattered into beautiful confetti, you stepped beside her, Shiro on your left, clearly pouting, he wanted to break the door down.

"What the hell-!?" Three suits pulled their firearms, pointing directly at your heart.

"It's ok-" Shiro slides in front of Aizawa who rose to his feet. "-stay behind me sloth man-!"

"What did you just call me?" Aizawa questioned.

"There's a lot of you ok-!?" Shiro defended, "-it's hard keeping track of everyone's name!"

"What is the meaning of this-!?" Naomasa barked; "-everyone drop your guns!"

"Why are there so many weapons in a school?"

"Five, why are you attacking my employees?"

"Your employees?" You turn to the suits on the ground, groaning in protest of their harsh treatment. "You sent us the code?"

"What code?"

"Code 77!" Shiro threw his arms in the air.

"Code...a-ambush?" Naomasa blinked, pinching his brows he turned to the woman curled up in the corner holding her laptop to her chest, having taken cover when the door exploded. Her glasses clung to the tip of her nose, her perfectly sleeked back hair now had pieces falling in her face.

"Kei?" Naomasa turned; the woman blushed feeling the attention pull to her. She used her finger to push her glasses up her nose.

"I-I thought it would get them here faster."

Silence cycled around the room, that is until Shiro rebooted.

"You know-!" He holstered his gun. "-I have never been one to enjoy hitting women, but I might just reconsider-!" Aizawa pulled the feisty Bullet back with his scarf, wrapping it around his head, muffling his voice.

"Kei-" Naomasa sighed, rubbing his temple. "-why don't you head back to the office?"


"Please-" Naomasa interrupted. "-just do it." Naomasa wanted her gone, mainly for her own safety, he could see the steam coming from Shiro's ears. The room remained still as Kei scooped her belongings, Naomasa called for medics to come gather up his staff.

After the medics hauled away the officers and Kei was safely in her car, Aizawa released Shiro who instantly sucked in a deep breath, he snapped around glaring at lazed teacher and pointed.

"We don't have a safe word, so don't-!"

"Alright." Aizawa moved past Shiro who huffed.

"So, there was no point in coming here." You turned to Naomasa, "We didn't need to waste our time because of your staff-"

"I'm sorry for the confusion." Naomasa butted in.

"There was no confusion!" You turned to face him, "You need to teach your staff the difference between dealing with civilians and dealing with heroes. You're lucky our firearms were loaded with tranquilizers and not live ammo."

"There was no threat."

"We didn't know that!" You bite.

"You should have-"

"I did!" You bare your teeth, "We scouted, all we saw was a bunch of random people standing in U.A who don't belong, Aizawa in a chair-"

"You should have seen me and knew-" Naomasa threw his hands up.

"Your back was to me." You growled, "I don't have time to wait for a villain to turn around, when there is an ambush, if you're not quick people die, and when we are in the deep, we have limited-"

"About that quirk-" Naomasa pointed out.

"Fuck off." You glared, Naomasa nodded, knowing now wasn't the time.

"I am exhausted-" Shiro breathed; "-you people exhaust me." Shiro rotated his shoulder. "Since there is no danger here-" Shiro wrapped an arm around you. "-we are going to bed. No, we aren't going to classes, or detention or whatever the hell your about to say, we are going to bed."

"You can't." Naomasa replied as you and Shiro turned to exit.

"The fuck we can't-!" Shiro snarled whipping around.

"I need to speak with Five!" Naomasa reached out.

"Speak to her when she's-"

"We found your siblings!" Naomasa blurted, causing you to freeze in your tracks, every muscle tensed, Shiro threw his head back groaning, feeling your tense form. He knew there was now nothing he could do to get you to leave.

"Come on." Shiro grumped, turning on his heel stomping to the nearby chair. "Spit out what you got to say."

Naomasa waved one of the last three officers over, he placed a laptop down beside you and Shiro. You glanced over, people were beginning to clean up the mess as Shiro clicked play.

A video of Puzzle and Tank sneaking through an abandoned building was played. It was only a few seconds long, but Naomasa seemed to think his team has narrowed in on where their hideout could be located. It was played twice, the second time it concluded you turned to Shiro, sharing the same skeptical look you did.

"No." Was all you replied, closing the laptop.

"No?" Naomasa frowned, glancing at Aizawa who just shrugged. "What does 'no' mean?"

"It means no." You repeat, pulling over a pair chair, slowly propping your braced leg on it, the ache becoming almost impossible to ignore.

"Obviously it's a trap." Shiro gestured to the closed computer.

"There's no way they would have known about this camera-" An officer tried to defend their findings.

"Shiro's right-" You sighed, frowning at your words, feeling a need for mouthwash. "-they aren't stupid enough to let their hideout be caught on a camera."

"How do you-?"

"I didn't get caught." You interrupted, leaning back while crossing your arms. "In all the years under Shooter or even under Shadow Jack, you never caught any of us on a camera if we didn't want to be, who do you think taught me how to do that?"

"B-But-" Naomasa and his team scramble through their paperwork, you sighed locking gazes with Shiro, it had become abundantly clear there was no way in hell these people were going to hunt down your siblings let alone Shooter.

The two of you were on your own.

"I don't know why they did this-" You waved, feeling your leg and shoulder protesting every movement. "-but it's because they wanted you to see them, probably to fuck with me-"

"Language." Aizawa corrects, you furrowed your brows.

"I don't know how to fix that sentence." You turn to Shiro, knowing your grammar was correct, Shiro just laughs, shaking his head he leaned forward.

"This is what you paged us for, a fucking half-baked video?"

"We were hoping Five would have a feeling of where they might-" Naomasa rubbed the back of his neck.

"How many times do I have to tell you!?" You snapped uncrossing your arms. "You act like I know them-!" You pull your brows together, "-up until a few days ago, I thought they were fucking dead, so you acting as if I would have some insight of what's going through their fucking psychotic heads, is mind baffling to me!"

"(y/n)-" Aizawa reaches out, but you pull away.

You hadn't had the chance to fully process how Puzzle tricked and played you for a fool, let alone how your siblings have been alive after all this time, how they sold you to Shooter...you shook the thoughts away.

"I think that's enough for today." Aizawa turned to Naomasa.

"We didn't get anything done." One of the investigators on Naomasa's team muttered, earning a tight knit stare from the dry-eyed teacher.

"You two can return to class." Aizawa dismissed you despite Naomasa wanting to continue the conversation. "I believe All Might is training class C1-A outside right now."

"Awesome." Shiro tasted the sarcasm on his tongue as he followed you out of the room, glancing behind him at the school's staff chipping away at your ice on the floor, still clinging to its three victims.