
Chapter Sixty Four

Grammar change! (y/n) -> (y.n)


You fought back a yawn walking from the bathroom, hoping a cold shower would wash away the daunting nightmares you had become accustomed too, but as always, your attempts failed—a strong hand gripped your shoulder—you spun, gripping the wrist while throwing a blind punch.

"(y.n)-!" Bakugo ducked the strike, softly gripping your hand. "-I'm sorry, I thought you heard me-"

"I-I-" You shook your head, cutting yourself off you turned to leave but Bakugo would not let go. "-Shiro asked me to come get you-" He quickly explained, "-he made breakfast."

You looked back, instantly frowning, Shiro didn't-couldn't cook.

"What?" You blinked, with a quick shake of your head. "He doesn't-"

"Come on." Bakugo pulled on your hand, pulling you to his side as he moved in the direction of the kitchen. Your throat swelled up, the feeling of embarrassment kept your eyes to the tile, you should not have lost control like that...

"It's ok-" Bakugo said once the sound of your classmate's early morning bickering came into ear shot, he gazed down at you. "-it's my fault, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." He let go of your hand as you two stepped into the kitchen, instantly you frowned at the lost warmth.

As you stepped into the crowd of students eagerly waiting for breakfast, sure enough there was Shiro standing at the stove, you furrowed your brows seeing Shiro wearing an apron over his uniform.

"Here (y.n)." Mina sweetly offered a glass of orange juice, without a word you took it, eyes never leaving Shiro who gave a short wave spotting you had arrived.

"Breakfast is served!" Shiro gestured to the display of eggs, bacon, and toast. Class C1-A jumped over it as Shiro stepped to your side.

"Nesting, are we?" You raised an eyebrow. Shiro only smirked, taking the glass from your hand and replacing it with a new one while offering a plate.


"Am I a damn dog now?" You replied, only for him to swat you away. "Asshole." You muttered under your breath, but moved to sit on one of the stools, staring skeptically down at the plate before you.

"Thank you so much Shiro!" Ochaco brightly grinned.

"Yeah-!" Kirishima agrees, "-it was so cool of you to cook us breakfast!"

"Well-" Shiro sighed, "-I feel like you guys got the wrong impression of me these past few days and I just wanted to make this little peace offering to clear the air." Shiro raised his glass in the air.

You stare dumbfoundedly, knowing damn sure he did not give two shits what about your classmates or what they thought of him.

"Consider the air clear!" The class toasted, you switch glances from Shiro to the people around you, mouth opening about to ask Shiro what the hell crawled up his ass when--

"Ugh-!" Kirishima and Kaminari spat the orange liquid onto the floor while Mina and Momo spat the liquid into their glasses.

"Awk-!" Toru forced the cold substance down her throat.

"Aaugh!" Kirishima wiped his mouth.

"What the fuck is this!?" Bakugo wailed, whipping the glass at Shiro's head who easily side stepped it.

"Hahaha-!" Shiro doubled over in laughter, "-you-you should see the look on your faces!"

"What is this!?" Kaminari stared into the strange orange liquid rolling around in the glass.

"I-It's fresh-freshly squeezed-" Shiro struggled to breathe, "-mac n cheese!"

"What!?" Midoriya blinked, looking at his glass then to Kirishima. You leaned on the counter, the laughter spilling from your chest pulled Bakugo's eyes instantly.

It had been the first time he heard you laugh since you returned to him.

"(y.n) your laughing!" Mina pointed out; jaw dropped to the floor.

"I didn't think it was possible anymore." Jiro added.

"Your faces-!" You laughed.

"What the hell!?" Bakugo slammed his hand on the island.

"It's just a prank." Shiro sheepishly waved, "Don't get your All Might knickers in a twist-"

"I will fucking kill you!" Bakugo growled, fingers flexing.

"Don't get your what?" Midoriya tilted his head, glancing from Shiro to the fiery blond.

"Nothing!" Bakugo bit.

"Aw he's embarrassed!" Shiro fuels the fire.

"You know-" Kaminari sips the liquid, "-knowing what it is, it's not that bad."

"Your disgusting!" Jiro scrunches her nose.

"Seriously Shiro-" Kaminari sighed, rubbing his face. "-this is the third time now, after the flour incident-"

"The what-?" You turned to Shiro.

"Nothing-" Shiro waved you off, "-just a harmless little prank."

"Harmless-!?" Momo growled, "-you put flower in my hair dryer!"

"Yeah-!" Mineta butted in, "-I tried brushing my teeth this morning only to find you had placed super glue on the bristles so I couldn't it!"

"Uh-" Shiro tilts his head, "-you're just figuring that out?"


"I did that two days ago."

"Ew!" Ochaco gasps.

"That's nasty man." Kirishima shakes his head.

"We can't keep living like this-!" Sero gestures, moving to your side, "-we are being terrorized in our dorms!" He placed a hand on your back, "-(y.n)-"

"Touch me-" Your balmy voice sent a chill up his back. "-and I'll set you on fire in your sleep."

"Ok then." Sero instantly removes his hand. "But come on, I do have a point here!"

"You do." Midoriya sighs, turning to your comrade. "Shiro, why are you doing all these pranks?"

"Because I'm bored!" Shiro throws his head back, "I am a trained killer, I am a warrior-"! He puffed out his chest, "-we have been forced to sit on the sidelines with our thumbs up our asses, it's driving me insane!"

Shiro had an annoying point, you glanced at your classmates. You and Shiro were forced to live a fast-paced life for years, and to just stop now felt...unnatural, it went against every instinct the two of you had.

"Well..." Midoriya hummed, trying to think of a solution. "...how about...you come to the gym with us, work off some of that extra energy you got!"

"Yeah!" Kirishima nods, "We were gonna go after breakfast."

"What?" Shiro crosses his arms. "This place has a gym?"

"Of course!" Kirishima smiles, "It's a real nice one too!"

"I would love too-" Shiro shrugs, "-but I can't."

"Huh?" Midoriya and Kirishima glance at one another. "Why not?"

"Hello-" Shiro waved, pointing to you. "-did you forget the price tag on her head?"

"Oh yeah-" Kirishima hums, looking at Bakugo then to you. "-(y.n) why don't you come-"

"No." You instantly cut in, crossing your arms over your chest.

"But-" Kirishima weakly smiled.

"I'd rather choke on sandpaper." You replied.

"...ah..." Kirishima felt himself sweat, turning to Midoriya for help.

"Why don't you hang out with me-!?" Mina butted in. "-I-I am just gonna stay in my dorm doing homework and catching up on some shows, I'm sure you'll be ok while in the dorms, right?"

"She would be." Shiro hummed, looking at you then to the pinkette. "What do you say (y.n), let me tap out for a while?"

"I don't need you as a babysitter to begin with." You countered.

"Give me the peace of mind then." Shiro retorts, "Either you hang out with cotton candy over here or I continue to terrorize the dorms-"

"No!" Kaminari and Kirishima shouts.

"Fine." You sighed, sorely standing.

"W-Wait really?" Mina blinked, spinning around as you walked past her, before the excited pinkette could scurry after you, Shiro caught her shoulder.

"Don't fuck this up-" Shiro pulled Mina's eyes to him. "-make sure she takes her meds, and if the shadows start to move, run."


"Wa-Wait what!?" Mina's eyes widened.

"You'll be fine!" Shiro waves before spinning around, clapping his hands. "All right, whose ass am I kicking at the gym today!?"

"Yeah right." Bakugo rolled his eyes, Shiro points to him.

"You and me, we're going at it all day long!"

"Don't-Don't say it like that." Midoriya exhaled, following his classmates out the door.

"How come?" Shiro wonders as the door closes, Mina glanced to the floor before turning around, jogging her way to the elevator.

When Mina reached her room, you were surprisingly already there.

"(y.n)-!" Mina's heart skipped a beat. "-you're here!"

"Yeah?" You turned from looking at her dresser. "Isn't that what was agreed on?"

"Well yeah..."

"What's uh-" You turned back to her dresser, then glanced at the small table by her bed, you picked up one of the dozens of bottles. "-with all the lotion?" You held it up, "I thought for a moment I walked into that short stacks room."

"Short stack?" Mina muttered, furrowing her brows. "Oh, you mean Mineta!"

You shrug, Mina grins, seeing how much of Shiro reflected in you.

"I uh-" Mina cleared her throat. "-my acid keeps getting more corrosive, and with that, my skin dries out a lot faster."

"Mm." You hummed with a nod.

"Yeah-" Mina chuckles, "-I made a comment about it in my last interview and people just send me brands to try, it's super sweet-" Mina was interrupted by her cell phone buzzing, she pulled it out frowning, seeing a text from Bakugo.

"What?" You read the puzzled expression on her face.

"Shiro says to clean your gun it's a disgrace, and Bakugo says if you need help taking your medicine, he will come back...I wonder what that means?" Mina tilts her head as you seethe.

"Assholes." You hiss, turning to the pinkette, "Will you go get my cleaning kit out of my dorm?" You ask. "It's on the table."

"Sure!" Mina hops at the opportunity to help, practically skipping out of the room, you turned, swiping two pill bottles off her desk, and the bottle of water.

Fucking Shiro planned this, the metallic bitch.

Mina scanned your room. "Ha-!" She spotted the black case neatly resting on the two-person table in your dorm room.

As she turned to leave, she paused, scanning your bedroom, noting how you only had the fitted sheet on your bed, and nothing else, while Shiro's cot reflected the same thing, he at least had a neatly folded blanket and pillow placed at the foot of the bed, she wondered why this was.

"I think I got it." Mina said walking into the room. You turned, nodding, the pinkettte sheepishly grinned at her small victory.

"You mind?" You asked, gesturing to her desk.

"N-No of course not!" Mina waves, you took a seat while pulling your gun from its holster. Mina's eyes dazzled watching you fluidly take apart the piece of equipment. "Wow-" Mina breathed, "-you're really good at that."

"Mm." You hummed a response; Mina was just thrilled you were acknowledging her presence.

"Do you care if I watch?"

"It's your room." You replied.

Mina sat on the edge of her desk, stealing quick peaks as you began to clean the gun, you felt annoyed with Shiro and his schemes. Mina's eyes fell onto the chain peeking out from your shirt.

"Hey..." Mina scratched her cheek. "...I-I was wondering why you wear a necklace now; you never did in the past?"

"Why is your class so fixated on a piece of metal?" You wondered, glancing over to her.

"We-I-I am just curious is all!"

You sighed, looping a finger around the chain you pulled it out.

"It's just dog tags."

"Dog tags?" Mina pinched her brows, leaning in closer.

"For if we need to be triaged-" You explain. "-it holds our number, agency and blood type."

"Oh?" Mina blinked.

"At the time-" You sighed, seeing the confusion still on her face, "-the world only knew us as the Seven Bullets, so if something was to happen where we couldn't be identified, these would at least help the first responders in treating us."

"Oh-!" Mina understood, "-that's so smart!"

"Mhm." You replied, letting the conversation die, glad she did not ask why you were made to wear them. Mina kicked her legs, gazing around her skillfully placed room.

"Hey..." She said after a while, causing you to sigh. "...I do have another question."

"Shocker." You mumble under your breath.

"What did Shiro mean when he said if the shadows move, run?"

"He was just fucking with you-" You replied, with a shrug. "-mostly."

"Mostly?" A shiver was sent down her spine. "While we are on the topics of shadows...I have been meaning to ask you about that place..."

"Place?" You raised an eyebrow, eyes sliding over to her.

"Yeah...that place you took us during the attack on the hotel..."

"I call it The Deep." You answered, returning to the task at hand.

"The Deep?"



"Don't know." You shrug, "Had to call it something I guess."

"What is it?"

"Don't know." You replied,

"How don't you know?" Mina retorted, "It's your quirk!"

"It's not." You answered, "It was someone else's."

"Wha-!?" Mina gasped.

"Why does that surprise you?" You leaned back in the chair. "You know I was only born with my wind quirk; how else did you think I got the others?"

"I guess I never really thought about it much..."

"All I know is..." You exhaled, "...when I got it...no one else knew anything about it, I have searched for years and found no answers, no one has ever seen a quirk like this."

"I see, so you go into shadows."

"It's not that simple." You replied, beginning to reassemble your gun. "It's not...I don't go inside the shadows, their more like a door—or window—is what Shiro calls them. I can open and close them; I know I am the only one who can maneuver around them. You'll just float like you are in zero gravity."

"Why wouldn't you let me breathe?"

"Because the space is filled with a toxic gas." You replied, "Breathing that shit in burns like a bitch."


"Really-?" You turned; gun task completed. "-you're really going to ask me how I know?"

"I guess that was a stupid question." Mina hummed.

"Are you done with the questions now?" You wondered, "Are we on the same page?"

"On-On the same page!?" Mina stood, "We aren't even in the same library!"