
Chapter Seventy Three

Bakugo stood in his kitchen, aggressively scraping the eggs across his pan, the lack of sleep digging at his brain.

"Look at you-!" Shiro cheerfully enters the room, causing Bakugo to cringe. "-being a good little housewife!"

"Fuck off." Bakugo snarls.

"Aw-!" Shiro plops down on one of the stools, "-are you still salty I crashed your little sleep over?"

Bakugo glared over his shoulder, wishing in this moment his quirk could kill with looks. The blond turned, putting his back to Shiro, his chest felt like someone had filled it with wet cement.

"Do you love her?" Bakugo swallowed back his emotions.

"Huh?" Shiro blinked, a blue haired beauty flashed through his mind. "Who?"

"(y.n)-" Bakugo finally turned, facing Shiro. "-do you love her?"

"What kind of question is that?" Shiro tilts his head, much like you do. "Of course, I do."

Bakugo nods, slowly turning around feeling as if he had been shot through the chest.

"Oh, you saucy boy-!" Shiro belts, throwing his head back. "-she's my fucking sister!"

"What?" Bakugo pulls his brows together, facing Shiro.

"Mm-" Shiro hums, "-pretty and dumb, my favorite kind."

"Fuck off-" Bakugo snarled.

"She's my sister." Shiro strained all amusement from his tone. "I raised her, I'm the one who taught her about the birds and the bees, it wasn't Puzzle who was there when she got her first period, it was me." Shiro exclaims, "So when I walk into a room to see some churlish prick groping her, I take offence."

"I wasn't-!" Bakugo goes defensive.

"You want to have sleepovers with (y.n)-?" Shiro stands, "-you need to prove to me, you're worthy of her, cause as far as I see it, she's out of your league. Get it, got it? Good." Shiro nods, spinning on his heel to exit the room, he halts spotting your classmates beginning to sleepily enter the kitchen.

Toru's hair was a mess, her oversized shirt hung off her shoulder while her shorts hugged her thighs, Shiro looked her up and down as she passed him.

"Jailbait." He muttered under his breath. "Don't do it."

"Morning Bakugo!" Toru brightly smiles, picking the stool closest to him.

"Shiro-?" Midoriya rubs his eyes, "-when did you get in?"

"Huh?" Shiro turned.

"We waited for you." Kirishima added in.

"Why?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Because we wanted to invite you out with us today!" Kirishima brightly chirps.

"Why?" Shiro twisted his face.

"We are all going to the Star Festival today-!" Midoriya picked out a coffee mug, Fumikage walked in, we were going to invite you and Gray to come along with us."

"You only want the two of us to go so (y.n) will be forced to tag along." Shiro crosses his arms.

"Wh-What?" Midoriya nervously laughed, "N-No, of course not!"

"Mhm." Shiro rolled his eyes as Jiro and Momo entered. "We're already going."

"You are!?" Kirishima's lips parted, eyes dazzling.

"Yeah-" Shiro nods, "-Gray's baby momma and kid are coming and so is my brother."

"Is (y.n)...does she...um..." Midoriya nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as Todoroki and Sero strolled in, already dressed for the day.

"She's coming with Aizawa I think." Shiro scratched his chin.

"O-Oh really?" Midoriya looked up, Shiro shrugged as Kaminari tried sneaking into the kitchen, weaving through the crowd.

The room fell into dead silence, Shiro blinked, making a 360 degree turn of the room.

"Why's it so fucking weird in here?" Shiro gazed around.

"Because Kaminari confessed his love to (y.n) at my birthday party but she turned him down." Todoroki explains, sipping on his mug.

"What-!?" Shiro bursts into laughter, "-hey sparky, how'd she do it?"

"Shiro." Kirishima frowned.

"What?" Shiro turned to the redhead, "Not my fault the moron blabbed about it to the entire class."

"I didn't." Kaminari sighed, thumbing the edge of his plate.

"It seems Mineta overheard the conversation and told everyone in the class." Fumikage explains.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, sneaking past the group—cup in hand—he made his way upstairs to his room, tip toeing into the darkly lit room, he softly pulled open the curtains, letting the sunlight pour into the room.

The blond hero turned, a soft smile growing in his face as he watched your sleeping composure before placing his knee on the bed, gently shaking you awake—you snapped around throwing a blind punch—you hissed at the pain screaming inside your shoulder.

"Good thing for me your full range isn't back yet." Bakugo smirked, holding your hand from colliding with his face.

"You wanna see full range?" You sneer, making him smile wider.

"Maybe after breakfast-" Bakugo smirk, "-for now you need to get up and take your medicine."

"No." You went to roll over, but Bakugo's pulled your arm in his grip, you blinked, hanging just inches from his face.

"I wasn't asking." Bakugo smirked, "You have ten minutes to get dressed before I come back up here and help you get ready." Bakugo smiled, "-and here I thought you were gonna be good so you could have this." He holds up the mug in his hand.

"What that?" You try to peek over the rim.

"Not yours." Bakugo stands, placing cold space between the two of you.

"But-" You blink, pouting.

"You can have it when you come downstairs." Bakugo chuckles, turning as he swiftly moves to the door. You lay in bed, still pouting. "Come on beautiful." Bakugo calls over his shoulder, your heart skips as you catch his scarlet gaze before he exits the room.

Bakugo walks down the stairs a familiar voice scratches at his ears, sending a cringe down his spine as he enters the living area, familiar blond hair catches his eye.

"What the hell-?" Bakugo blinks, spotting his mother standing in the middle of the living room, showing his classmates a picture of young Bakugo running around his house wearing nothing, but little All Might underwear. "-what are you doing here hag!?"