
Chapter Forty Six

You were placed on the couch of your dorm living area while the worried classmates were shunned upstairs, giving your group a moment to breathe and time to decompress after the fight.

Aizawa and Midnight remained shockingly quiet, that was until All Might came bursting through the doors, panic carved on his face with Naomasa in tow.

All Might dropped on the couch beside you, pulling your stiff body into a tight embrace

Aizawa sighed, pitching the bridge of his nose.

"All Might her arm."

"I'm so sorry-!" The retired hero belted, quickly checking you over. "-did I hurt you!? Are you alright!? Are you hungry, do you need anything-!?"

"How about I ask the questions from here on out?" Naomasa warmly smiled.

"You're the one in charge of my case?" You questioned, wondering how many strings All Might had to pull for this to happen.

"I am." Naomasa nods, taking a seat on the coffee table across from you. Bakugo tensed, he didn't know why, he knew Naomasa was a trusted friend of All Mights but something in his gut told him something was off by the pinched smile pressed against Naomasa's face...

"I was going to hold off on this conversation a few more days to give you more time to recover but due to the circumstances we cannot wait." Naomasa pulled a small recorder from the inside of his jacket pocket, placing it beside him on the table.

"I am in the middle of going over everything which was handed over to me. I am not only in charge of your case but Gray and Shiro as well. I am currently reviewing all the documentation, interviews and statements taken."

You nod, understanding his words but found it oddly difficult to care. This was your life on the line, you could be shipped off to jail if this case falls apart and yet here you sit, not a single fuck to give. You crossed your arm over your sling, maybe the realization you came to during the attack on the hotel wasn't just a heat of the moment thing.

Maybe, just maybe...you were still fighting for a life you didn't want. You ran your tongue over the right side of your top row of teeth. The new question was it the hero life you didn't want...or something else...?

"So-" Naomasa clicking his pen while adjusting his note pad pulled you from your thoughts. "-I do have a few more questions for you (y/n)."

"Awesome." You breathed, tired of all the questionnaires.

"There's not many-" Naomasa promises, "-this shouldn't take too long, I am sure your eager to get some rest after today's events."

"What else do you need to know-?" You breathed, shifting in your seat, feeling stiff and uncomfortable. Your jacket's weight felt like gravity itself was sitting on your shoulders pressing you to the earth. "-I mapped out the last four years of my life for you people. I'm pretty sure you even got my blood type somewhere in that file of yours."

Naomasa chuckled at your humor, choosing to ignore how it was a defense mechanism.

"Your siblings are a good place to start-" Naomasa's tone was formal while sitting in front of you, his mind focused solely on the job. All Might was appreciative for his good friend picking up your case on top of his already busy workload, this was a good thing having Naomasa here...Right? "-where would they have gone-?" Naomasa dug right in. "-how are they getting through the school's security, what are they here after, they claimed you have something of theirs, what is it?"

The questions poured from Naomasa, overwhelming even Aizawa. You just leaned back against the couch, slowly rotating your sore shoulder, your lightning quirk really did a number on your body, but you didn't feel like you did much. Bakugo was true to his word, he didn't let anything, or anyone touch you.

These where all fair questions Naomasa was asking, questions, would you love nothing more than to have answers for, but the truth was you simply didn't.

"I don't know." You replied. Naomasa looked up from his notepad.

"To which question?"

"All of them."

Naomasa didn't hide the shock on his face, neither did Kirishima or Kaminari.

"I don't know who my sibling are-" You clarified your previous answer. "-I don't think I ever really did."

"What do you mean by that?" Naomasa tried to coax you into elaborating further.

"All my interactions with them were always through metal bars." You replied. "I don't know about you, but I don't think that cultivates very strong relationships."

"I don't know about that." Naomasa hummed. "Look at your relationship with Gray and Shiro."

"That's-" You gazed off to the side, "-more complicated."

"Hm." Naomasa hummed. "So, you have no idea where they could have gone, where they would possibly be hiding out at?"

"No." You shake your head. "All of Shadow Jack's locations were burned down."

"How can you be so sure-"

"Because I'm the one who striked the match." Your dead tone voice cut into Naomasa, reflecting how you didn't want to be sitting here, getting questioned again right after getting attacked, again.

"Well-" Naomasa stood, believing it be best to leave you be for a few days, let you deal with the emotional turmoil you had to be swimming in due to your deceased villain siblings coming back into the picture. "- that's all I have for now. You have my number, if you think of anything else, please give me a call."

"You'll be the first." You nod, Naomasa picked up the recorder, turning it off as he turned to leave Aizawa stepped forward, seeing the little device was off.

"What about the gun?" Aizawa gestured to the weapon laying on its side on the coffee table.

"What about it?" Naomasa frowned, not understanding. "Whose is it-?"

"It was on (y/n)'s person during the attack-" Aizawa grungily admits, "-she pointed it at Puzzle, there are witnesses who saw it. So, what kind of repercussions should we be expecting?"

Naomasa's eyes flickered to you then back to Aizawa as he paints a pretty smile.

"There won't be any."

"There won't be?" Aizawa frowns, looking at All Might who was equally confused.

"No." Naomasa shakes his head, inching his way to the door trying to leave.

"I know your All Might's friend-" Aizawa steps in front of him, foiling his escape. "-but we need a strong case here and-"

"(y/n)'s probation conditions have been...altered." Naomasa released a little information against his will, knowing he had to cough up a few crumbs or he wasn't going to get out of here.

"Altered?" Bakugo pinched his features.

"Yes." Naomasa nods, "She is permitted to carry her issued weapon which is a-" Naomasa opens the top file on the stack he carried. "-M1911?" Naomasa looks to you, who nods confirming that is indeed your gun.

"She-Wait-What-!?" All Might stood, not liking the idea of you carrying around any form of weapon, ignoring the fact you yourself could be considered a weapon.

"Why weren't we told this?" Aizawa questioned.

"Forget that-!" All Might waved, "-why was the probation changed, what called for it!?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Aizawa directed at you, putting you on the spot. Naomasa sighed, not wanting to drive a wedge between your fragile relationships with the people in your life, he adjusted the stack of files.

"(y/n) has been instructed to not speak on the issue." Naomasa turns the incredulous attention onto himself, saving you.

"What the hell is going on!?" All Might demanded.

"I am sorry my friend." Naomasa looks to the floor. "I am also not permitted to speak on the issue."

"What issue!?" Kaminari belted.

"We are her caretakers-" Aizawa butts in, ignoring the blonds outburst. "-don't you think it's in her best interest to bring us up to speed?"

"The HPSC says no." Naomasa replied, "They do not feel it is necessary, so you were not informed. Now, if there are no further questions I will be on my way-"

"I have a million other questions!" All Might was fired up.

"Questions I can legally answer." Naomasa counters, the work week catching up to him. Just then the front door bursts open, a panting Midoriya and ochaco come running into sight.

"What happened-!?" Midoriya shouts, looking from face to face. "-we-we heard the school was attacked and people are injured! I-I am so sorry I wasn't here to help I-I just-"

"It's alright Midoriya." Aizawa places a steady hand on his shoulder. "Just take a deep breath."

"Wh-What happened-!?" Midoriya's brain was in full panic mode. "-was-was it the league of-"

"Nerd." Bakugo's deep voice pulled the greenette out of his spiral. Bakugo nodded for Midoriya to come over, quiet down and once Naomasa was gone, he would be filled in on everything later.

Naomasa bowed as he took his leave, placing a hand on the doorknob he hesitated. He turned around, glancing at you before looking at your two guardians.

"Aizawa-" Naomasa called, "-All Might...for (y/n)'s safety, I strongly advise you not to go digging on this matter."

"What-?" Midoriya was officially confused and behind on what was going on.

With the cryptic message still lingering in the air, Naomasa ducked through the open door before All Might or anyone else could get any more questions off their tongue. The group stared dumbfounded at the door before snapping around remembering you were still here.

Your eyes remained expressionless, giving no hints on what Naomasa wouldn't discuss. Your famous neutral gaze filled your features as you felt their prying eyes and fervent questions burning a hole through the thick tension in the room.

"Well, I am gonna go-" You went to get up, but All Might stopped you, touching your leg with a feather touch.


"I can't." You stopped him in his tracks, turning to meet his gaze. "I really can't..." The issue on hand didn't have to do with just you, if it was then you wouldn't have cared, but there were other lives attached to this problem, so you had to remain silent even against All Might's puppy dog pout.

Bakugo sat on your free side; arms crossed as he leaned back against the couch a deep scowl held his handsome face hostage. Before this, he felt high on cloud nine, having finally been able to keep his promise to you, but now he felt like he was just kicked in the gut. He thought he and you had been reconnecting, getting close again but had that not been the case?

What were you hiding?

Why couldn't you talk to him of all people, you used to tell him everything.

Tired of being under a microscope you stood, ready to be alone, sorrowed in silence and where there were no watchful eyes glued to your every move. As you stood, you didn't feel the pain in your body per say, you were stiff and sore but mostly you just felt drained, like you had been shoved back inside Shadow Jack's machine and was left with nothing.

You did something you couldn't believe; you unzipped and removed your twenty-pound jacket, letting it flop on the couch. Your senses spiked feeling exposed and naked, but you couldn't bear the pressure on your body for one more second.

"Oh my-!" Ochaco gasped, stopping in her tracks halfway to the kitchen. "-(y/n)-!" She pointed, instantly alarming the men in the room, they hopped to their feet looking around. "-your back!"

Bakugo snapped around, grabbing your wrist, he spun you to. The slash across your back you received from saving the chief of polices wife had soaked the back of your shirt in a deep red color. You rolled your eyes at their inane faces, thinking maybe today wasn't a good day to wear white.

"It's just a cut-" You went to crush off.

"Just a cut my ass-!" All Might threw his hands up, fishing for his phone for Recovery Girl's number.

"Come on (y/n)-" Midnight extended her hand, "-I'll help patch you up."

"But Recovery Girl-" All Might held his phone.

"She had to see a lot of people today-" Midnight reminded, "-she is probably home, exhausted. Come on (y/n)." Midnight guided you to the bathrooms, which you allowed because you were tired of the satirical gazes.

Aizawa sighed, feeling the tension headache brewing to life.

"You kids go change and wash up-" All Might cram his phone into his jacket pocket. "-I'll order some food and we can discuss any questions then, alright?"

"Alright..." Midoriya and Ochaco look at one another but did as instructed by following Kirishima and Bakugo. While you were busy with Midnight the crimson eyed hero didn't mind changing out of these sweaty clothes.

Once the two teachers remained alone, they looked at one another and both let out a breath they didn't know they had been holding. All Might sulked down on the couch as Aizawa rubbed his temple.

"Maybe we should pull (y/n) from the upcoming exercise." All Might suggested.

"No." Aizawa shook his head, that wouldn't do anything but piss you off. "We can't keep separating her from the class, how can we expect them to bond with her just sitting on the sidelines.

"But she is hurt-!"

"She is fine." Aizawa waved, "Midnight is right, her back is just a cut. She probably twisted to hard and reopened it."

"We shouldn't let (y/n) off U.A. grounds." All Might shakes his head, his chest filling with a cold dread. "We have no idea what they aren't telling us."

"If it was that important-" Aizawa was always the reasonable voice. "-then I am sure Naomasa would have said something, given us a hint or a clue to not let (y/n) leave these grounds, but he didn't."

"I don't know Aizawa-" All Might breathes, looking up. "-I have a bad feeling about all this."

"I do too-" Aizawa admits with a nod of his head. "-that's why I have already taken extra precautions."

"You have?"

Aizawa nods while All Might frowns.

"Like what?"