
Chapter Forty Seven

There was nothing on this earth quite as nice as a hot shower, your hair damp as you slid on a clean black shirt—having learned your lesson with light colors. Due to Puzzle showing up at the school again, classes were canceled today as U.A. installed a new security system. You were buckling your belt when your cell phone rang.

"Hello?" You called monotonal, flopping the device on the plain bed on speaker as you pulled on your boots.

"You need to get to a tv." The familiar baritone voice of Edgeshot filled the empty space of your dorm room.

"Did you say a tv-?" You looked at the phone, face twisting in confusion. "-why-?"

"Just do it Five!" Edgeshot cracked.

"Fine." You sighed, picking up the phone pulling him off speaker there weren't any other short words exchanged as you made your way downstairs to the living area of the dorms.

Most of your classmates were already sitting around on the couches, eyes sucked into the news channel. You rolled your eyes, thinking how this must be the longest they have ever paid attention to the news in their entire lives. You were just about to question Edgeshot on the odd request, but the news anchor shut you up.

"There has been yet another string of assaults on Pro-Heroes-" The woman was seldom, you walked closer to the tv flash to a list of the fellow heroes who you stood beside for years, pictures and names were plastered for all to see, your eyes narrowed onto your picture.

"-it has just been released by reliable sources that every hero who responded to the attack on the Park Hyatt Hotel has been made a target-"

"Who made this public?" You sharply questioned into the phone, your voice turned the worried lot of U.A. students, Bakugo stood.

"We don't know-" Edgeshot breathes, "-but this isn't good-"

"No shit-" You bit, turning as the front door opened. All Might, Aizawa and Naomasa entered.

"-Pro-Heroes Clair and GunHead have been reported to be the two heroes who were attacked last night on their patrol-" You snapped your attention back to the tv, but the only thing on the screen was the menu of heroes. "-both are reported to be alive but in critical condition-"

"(y/n)-" Naomasa was instantly worried, seeing you on the phone.

"It's Edgeshot." You shot him an annoyed expression.

"Oh." Naomasa nodded, relaxing a bit. "Is he packed?"

"Packed?" You furrowed your brows.

"I am leaving town for a while." Edgeshot commented, "My family hasn't been on a vacation in years, and this seems like a good time to allow things to die down."

"Yeah." You hummed, he was tucking tail and running leaving the other heroes to deal with the mess? No, you shook the thoughts away, he had a family to look after, this was the best decision for him to make. "Take a shot for me."

"Will do." Edgeshot ended the call, you tucked your phone into your pocket, looking over to Naomasa.

"I know this bad-" His hands held up, defensive.

"No shit it's bad." You turned, "Who the hell leaked this-!?"

"This is what you couldn't tell us?" Aizawa stared down Naomasa who slowly nodded. It all made sense to Aizawa now, why you had been showing up to classes in full gear and why you also had your gun hidden from sight.


"Why-!?" All Might stepped in, "-this is something we needed to know-"

"No, it's not." You cut All Might off, shocking the room. "This had nothing to do with you."

"But-But you-"

"I am not some kid-" You didn't allow their words to get far. "-I have been a fucking hero for years. This isn't the first time I have been tagged and I'm sure it won't be the last."

"Tagged?" Bakugo looked at Aizawa who turned to Naomasa.

"The heroes who stopped the attack on the hotel are not just being targeted by these unknown villains."

"What are they?"

"Well-" Naomasa nervously rubbed his hands together.

"I got a fucking price tag on my head." You cut to the chase. Taking a seat on one of the stools by the island, removing one of the body pins from your braid purposively kept there.

"(y/n) ..." Naomasa sighed shaking his head.

"What?" You shrug, "It's already out." You lifted your leg to your chest fiddling with the ankle monitor.

"What do you mean a price tag?" Bakugo walked over to the teachers.

"Someone is taking hits out on the heroes-" Naomasa answers, voice slowly getting higher. "-we don't know who or why, but we do know from our moles that the hit is..."

"Is what-!?" Bakugo snapped,

"For dead or alive." You finished for Naomasa. "Someone wants our heads literally on a silver platter."

"(y/n)-" Naomasa hated your blunt honesty.

"You're taking to fucking long." You defended walking over.

"You don't have anywhere to be-"

"Actually, I do." You cut him off.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're taking me to the hospital."

"I-I can't just take you-"

"Yeah, you fucking can." You stepped closer. "Or I'll go myself."

"I-I have to get approval from the board."

"You don't need to-" You replied, tossing the monitor at him. "-they won't know I left."

"How-How did you remove this!?" Naomasa all but freaked out.

"Your joking, right?" You raised an eyebrow.

"This-This entire time you-you could remove this!?"

"Yeah-" You smirked, "-it's not that hard."

"Then why have you been-?"

"Playing your little game?" You tilted your head.

"Y-Yeah..." Naomasa mummbles.

"Because we knew if we didn't your HPSC would get...squirrelly."


"Shiro and Gray?" All Might guessed.

"We can talk in the car-" You crossed your arm over the sling. "-or you can meet me at the hospital."

"(y/n) you leaving U.A. grounds right now isn't a good idea-" All Might softly replied.

"Take me to my fucking friend-" You glared, "-or I'll go myself." The rim of your eyes glowed a ghostly yellow.

"Get your jacket." Naomasa breathed through his nose, you turned on your heel.

"You can't be seriously letting her leave."

"I don't think any of us have a choice in the matter." Naomasa replies.

"She has a fucking price tag on her head!"

"This is also another reason we didn't tell you." Naomasa muttered, knowing how Aizawa and All Might were overprotective of you.

"I'm going." Bakugo demanded; no questions allowed.

"I know." Naomasa nods, "I would also like Kirishima and Midoriya to come as well."


"It is now public about the hit-" Naomasa grimly turned to Aizawa. "-it won't be just the hired hitmen coming after (y/n), it's going to be every villain on the street looking for a quick buck."

"We can't be letting-"

"And Five knows this." Naomasa softly replies. "She just doesn't care."


"I assume it's due to GunHead being the one in the hospital."

"They are close?" Aizawa wondered.

"Yes." Naomasa nods, "They have had quite a few assignments together in the past."