
Chapter Forty Five

The next two days were identical yet simple, Bakugo made you sleep. Thanks to the weekend there were no classes, and with your status being grounded you had nowhere you needed to go. When alone by yourself the little voice in the back of your head lectured you for falling asleep outside of your scheduled time. It cursed you for not being battle ready around the clock, like when Bakugo took it upon himself to remove your shoes and curl you up in his sheets and blankets. But when you were with him, that voice vanished. You didn't know if it was the drugs or if it was him...

Like for instance on this Sunday morning, you laid in Bakugo's bed in a dead sleep after Bakugo felt you having nightmares in the middle of the night. He could feel your muscles twitch in your legs, as if you were running from something. What set him off was the small whimper that escaped from your lips, the melancholy sound felt like he just had been stabbed in the chest.

So here he laid on his side; with you tucked into him so close air couldn't wedge itself in between you. Your leg safely in between his, your face snuggled into his neck stealing his warmth, his eyes were closed listening to the sound of your breathing. This moment right here made his heart feel full, he could feel the connection you two once shared resurfacing and he knew you felt it too.

Bakugo hated this mask resting on your face, he wanted so badly to remove it, but he didn't want to push you too far, for now he just wanted you to get used to his touch again.

Bakugo opened his eyes hearing the buzzing behind him. Lazily he reached around fishing for the object. Slowly he repositioned you in between his arms, he unlocked his phone reading the message.

Starburst: When (y/n) wakes up you want to go training with a few of us? Aizawa gave us permission to use the field.

Bakugo thought about it, it would be good for you to reconnect with your friends and this training session could be a step in that direction. He knew it was selfish, but he just wanted this time alone with you. With a sigh he messaged Aizawa, asking if he could somehow approve you to leave U.A. grounds to go over to the newest Cafe which was two blocks down the road. When was the last time you left U.A.?

Aizawa messaged soon after and said he will see what he can do. Bakugo rolled his eyes; he felt the ankle monitor brush his leg. It's not like they wouldn't be able to find you.

Bakugo messaged Mina, agreeing to join but only when you woke up on your own account. He could practically hear her squeals of delight, he rolled his eyes but held a soft smile, looking down he placed a soft kiss on your temple. Bakugo was quickly realizing his love language was touch, and it didn't take a genius to figure out why.

You woke up a few hours later.

Bakugo didn't tell anyone you were up, sleepily you ate the sandwich Bakugo made and you willingly took the pills Bakugo handed you after he again threatened to 'help' you take them himself.

After you ate and got some time for the medication to numb your body, he offered to join him. He could tell you didn't want to go stand in the damn sun on your injured leg watching them have all the fun. That's why he offered to take you to the café afterwards, finally having approval from Aizawa. This made you get up and straggle your way to the training field where Mina and a few others lingered. The moment the Pinkette saw you she hopped on cloud nine.

As they began their training you felt instantly bored standing on the sideline. The only thing you found distracting from the never moving clock, was observing Bakugo. The way his hips swayed, how defined his biceps were when they flexed. You tilted your head then you heard someone clear their throat. You jumped, not having heard them come up, fucking drugs.

"See something you like?" Mina coyly asked, you remained silent. Mina weakly smiled; you felt her eyes. You flickered over to her then back to the fight. You sucked in a breath, feeling the social pressure, but you didn't know what to say or do.

"Who are you going up against?" You questioned Mina who about exploded with joy seeing you take the initiative to keep a conversation going.

"Kaminari-!" Mina gleefully replied. "-he wants to practice his moves!"

"He has moves?" You retorted with honest confusion making her snort in laughter.

"What are we laughing about?" Bakugo came walking over, the triumphant smirk from beating Sero still on his face.

"My turn!" Mina bounced to the field.

"Did you see my fight?" Bakugo questions, sweat glistened on his forehead, sticking a few strands of hair to it, you raised an eyebrow.

"I'm standing right here." You gestured.

"Yeah, well..." Bakugo muttered lightly scuffing the ground with his foot. You rolled your eyes.

"You did fine."

"Just fine-!?" You smirked seeing he was still so easy to rile up. "-just wait until you heal up!" The blond pointed, holding a cocky smirk as he leaned in dangerously close to your face.

"Oh yeah?" You taunted him.

"Yeah-!" Bakugo hyped, "-I can go a few rounds with you-" Bakugo smirked, looking you up and down. "-in the ring." He added on.

"You wanna get your ass kicked again?"

"I told you I let you-!" Bakugo was cut off by the large vines snaking around his torso. "-what the-!?" Bakugo instinctively looked at you, betrayal in his eyes but he stopped his thought process.

"I don't have it anymore." Your voice echoed, if this wasn't your earth quirk, who the hell was it!?

As the vines grew trying to give Jack and his magic bean stock a run for its money, Kirishima jumped in front of you, activating his quirk in time to block Tank from repeating his previous attack on you.

You watched in confusion as thick beefy vines flourished before you, snaking around Mina's leg, lifting her into the air next to Sero.

You turned; heart instantly dropped into your gut as the familiar jester's mask filled your vision.

"Hello little sister. " Puzzle exclaimed, "It's time to go-" Her voice dropped into an almost ghoulish tone.

Just then a round of explosions echoed through the air, you felt the heat radiating, knowing fully well it rocked the nearby building windows.

Bakugo drops in front of you, hand extended, the crackling filled your spinning sight as Bakugo blasted your sister a safe distance. He sneered in her direction watching her get up.

Bakugo would be damn if he broke another promise to you, nothing and he meant it, nothing was going to get past him and touch you. If your siblings wanted you, they would have to kill him first.

"The guard dog." Puzzle rolled her eyes not taking Bakugo seriously.

"The pathetic bitch of a sister." Bakugo bit back, Puzzle frowned against her jester's mask.

"That's quite rude young man-" Puzzle went to lecture.

"Shut the fuck up-" Bakugo bent into a defensive position, he quickly glanced to Kirishima who was holding Tank back with his quirk. "-I don't have any interest in talking to a piece of garbage like you!"

"That anyway to speak to your girlfriend's family?" Something about Puzzles words didn't sit right with you.

"That damn goat-" Bakugo referred to Shiro, "-I'll tolerate him, but you, not a chance in hell."

"Goat boy?" Puzzle didn't understand.

"Shiro-" Bakugo clarified, "-the only family (y/n) has."

"That ridiculous walking tin can is not her family!" Puzzle roared; Bakugo didn't understand why this was a nerve. He looked back towards you, ensuring your safety.

"Well, you sure ain't." Bakugo wanted your sister to focus on him, not you.

"What do you know about our family you damn fly!?" Puzzle sneered, "You know nothing of us!"

"I know all I need to-" Bakugo replied, tiny explosions crackled in his palm. "-how this is gonna go down is simple. If you want (y/n), you'll have to go through me first."

"Why didn't you say it was that easy?" Puzzle waved her hand, before kicking herself forward racing towards the unmoving Bakugo. He held a neutral face as she neared, pulling a blade, Bakugo's speed through Puzzle for a loop.

He grabbed her wrist, harshly twisting as he threw her backwards.

"I forgot to mention-" Bakugo stepped forward, "-I made your sister a promise. I told her I'd let nothing ever touch her again, so if you really want to die today, I'm game."

"Annoying pest." Puzzle growled, eyes locking onto the explosive hero, particularly forgetting about you, which is exactly what Bakugo wanted.

"And if you're planning on your brother helping, I wouldn't count on it-" Bakugo smirked, "-Shitty Hair would rather die than let him anywhere near (y/n)."

"Why are you pests so annoying?!"

"Because-" Bakugo replied, "-just like that shitty goat, (y/n) is our family, and we never back down when it comes to them."

Bakugo sounded a lot like a certain greenette you know, you wondered how much time they were spending together.

"I'm going to slice you wide open, and water my quirk with your blood!" Puzzle hysterically laughed, sounding full-fledged delusional. "Does it look familiar (y/n)?" Puzzle wondered, letting a vine wrap up from the ground and around her wrist.

"You're the one who took it?" You breathed, instantly feeling sick to your stomach. Your lungs tied together, it felt like you forgot how to breathe, how to think.

You recall the times you had your earth quirk; you closed your eyes remembering every excruciating detail when it was forcibly removed. It was like someone held you down and cut your arm off with a butter knife as if you were nothing but a discount bin down at the local store.

"Enough!" Bakugo belted, sending explosions towards your twisted version of a sister.

The two danced off into battle together.

The earth shook, pieces of it broke sending you rolling down a hill. You landed on your left leg; you bit your jaw gripping your thigh as the shattered pain filled your head.

Kaminari turned from trying to get Mina down, he bolted in your direction. Sliding on his knees, he jumped covering you with his body as bits and pieces of earth rained from Bakugo and Puzzles fight.

"(y/n) are you alright!?" Kaminari noticed you couldn't respond to busy dealing with your injury. The blond scanned the situation, Kirishima looked as if he was getting tired, slowing down. Katsuki and Puzzle continue their dance.

Kaminari frowned, having no idea how to get Mina and Sero free before that psycho decides to crush them to death.

"Wait-!" An idea pops into his head, "-(y/n) you can't create lightning right now cuz' your injured right!?"

"What are you talking about?" You hissed through the pain.

"Could you absorb my lightening!?" Kaminari blurted his half-assed plan. "Could we then free Mina and Sero!?"

You looked over at the two bounded by a mess of vines, suspended in the air, unable to reach by foot.

"I can make that work." You say, turning to him, he flashed a goofy grin, feeling for the first time, useful in a fight, even if he was just the battery pack.

"When I get them down do you think you'll be able to reach them in time?"

Kaminari nods, giving a thumbs up that did not reinsure you at all.

"You can count on me!"

You sighed, what the hell, what else you got to lose right now?

The two of you climbed over the rumble, standing upright, you balanced yourself taking a deep breath knowing this was going to hurt.

The rim of your eyes glowed, lightly flicking as you turned to Kaminari who nodded, allowing his quirk to leak to the surface you felt your body absorb it leaving a foul taste in your mouth.

You assessed the situation, deciding on how to do this you reached out, directing the forest green lightning in an almost perfect path towards the base of the vines holding Mina and Sero.

Kaminari watched in bewilderment how you used your once weakest quirk so fluidly. You didn't need the aid of pointers like he did, Kaminari wondered if maybe after you recovered a bit more, could you teach him to get a better grip on his quirk?

"Go!" You barked; he hadn't been paying attention as Mina's vines began to unravel.

"On it!" Kaminari sprinted forward, much to your surprise he was able to catch both Mina and Sero before they hit the ground. Turning your head, the echo of Bakugo's explosion caught your attention. You watched as Tank threw Kirishima backwards, slamming him into Bakugo the two went rolling.

Puzzle waved her hands, sweeping logs wrapped around the two powerhouses from U.A.'s hero course, firmly trapping them in place. You stared at Puzzle, who was too focused on Bakugo to notice your pensive gaze.

The dozens of sleepless nights you curled into a ball feeling a hole inside your chest no one could fix because someone had bought your earth quirk hit you like an out-of-control truck sliding across black ice. Your chest heaved as the anger simmering inside your chest melted into a molten rage blinding you.

You stepped in her direction; forest green lightning crackled and crawled its way from your body over the earth as you were locked in a tunnel vision with only one goal in mind.

"Damn-" Kaminari breathed, the hair on his arms rose feeling the static from your quirk affecting him, he could feel the rage seeping off you, he had no intentions of stepping in your way and God help the poor soul who does.

Puzzle curled her lip over her teeth, feeling you coming up.

"It's time little sister-" Puzzle called out, "-let's go-"

"I don't know what the hell you think I have that's yours-" Your voice leaked with malleolus intent. "-but whatever it is if you think I am going to willingly hand it over, then your stupider than I thought you were."

"Now is that anyway to speak to your big sister?"

"We may share blood-" You shake your head, "-but you don't deserve the right to call yourself my sister."

"Aren't we being just a little bit dramatic?" Puzzle chocked her head to the side; you could read her posture. She didn't think you would attack; she still viewed you as the timid little sister who cried during thunderstorms. Puzzle always won her way by turning your deepest vulnerabilities against you, but you weren't a scared little kid anymore. You lifted your hand ready to prove her wrong.

"Are you sure your up for this fight?" Puzzle taunted, for a split moment you questioned if she sounded dare you say, nervous to go up against you?

"Let's find out." You felt the smirk grow on your face, feeling the tables turn. Puzzle was now the sheep, and you were the lion. You stepped into a march stripping the sling off your arm feeling the lightning tingling your skin; the sound of chirping birds echoed with each step you took.

"(y/n)-!" Bakugo struggled against the trunks, Kirishima punched and kicked but it wasn't getting them anywhere. "-don't-!" He shouted but he knew you had fallen down a rabbit hole, you couldn't hear him. The adrenaline pumping through your veins blurred any feeling of your body from your mind, the effects of the drugs seemed to take a step back as all you could focus on was making Puzzle pay for what she stole from you.

Before you could collide with Puzzle, a loud concentrated explosion nailed the masked jester kicking up a thick cloud of black smoke.

You snapped around scanning very direction unable to see two feet in front of you.

Bakugo dropped down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist preventing you from going further.

You moved to slam your elbow upward into his nose, but his steaming hand wrapped around your forearm stopping the assault. He then pulled your left side into his chest, covering your injuries with his body.

"What the hell are you doing!?" You barked in his face, for a moment the explosive blond was taken back.

"What-What the hell do you mean what am I doing-?" He bit back, eyes scanning the smoke infused grounds, his muscles tightened, where was she? You moved to get out of his grasp, but his hold was iron tight, you couldn't feel the weakened tissue on your back crying out as it broke open from his secure grip. "-what the hell are you doing!? You can't be out in a fight right-"

Bakugo didn't get to finish his statement, you reached to the back of your waistband, pulling out the stainless-steel colt m1911 you locked eyes with Puzzle. Your gun inches from her face as her hands hovered a foot from Bakugo.

"Tell me little sister-" Puzzle sneered as the smoke began to clear. "-who do you think can do it faster? You pulling that trigger, or me impaling your little man toy here?"

"You think you know me so well-?" You pulled the hammer down, "-then you remember I never have my safety on."

After a still moment in the standoff Puzzle chuckled, lowering her hand, quirks out of reach.

"Impeccable timing-" She turned, "-Eraser Head." You didn't dare remove your eyes from her as the teachers poured from the building; Puzzle swiveled her attention to you, she remained silent, seeming to be chewing over her options as she was surrounded by U.A. staff, she glanced around looking for an out.

"But can you, do it?" Puzzle wondered, trying to buy sometime. Your eyes narrowed, knowing her game.

"I suppose I should thank you-" You shifted off your left leg.

"Oh?" Puzzle felt intrigued by your words.

"-for messing me up the way you did-" You glared at her painted mask. "-because it made me nothing like you."

"We are more alike than you think." Puzzle replied, you shrugged, feeling the adrenaline slowly draining from your body.

"No, you're not-" Aizawa stepped in front of you, not wanting anymore words exchanged between you and your psychotic sister who was one screw to lose. Aizawa instructed the teachers to secure the area, to call the police so your sister can get a taste of the medicine she gave you: cell life.

Snipe held Kirishima by his arm, the red head smile brushing off the concern. The heroes relaxed feeling the fight was over, but you didn't remove the fixated gaze locked on Puzzle, and Bakugo didn't release his hold, unsure of how unpredictable you could be.

"Bakugo." Aizawa gained his attention, Aizawa silently nodded over to you, Bakugo furrowed his brows following the gaze. The gun remained locked in your hand, leveled with Puzzles skull.

Aizawa didn't understand why GunHead had returned your weapon, he couldn't understand why you had it on your person since it violated your parole. The dry-eyed hero exhaled, he could only deal with one issue at a time, he turned to Midnight.

Bakugo's fingers, still warm from the fight, sent shivers through your tense muscles as they slid down your arm.

"She's not worth it." He whispered in your ear, reading the contemplating conflict in your eyes.

"It'd be easier." Puzzle taunted her own death, "Then you wouldn't have me running around-"

"You're not going to be running anywhere." Bakugo spats derisively.

"Are you sure about that?" She cocked her head to the side; Bakugo didn't understand, and he didn't have the time to.

Tank had come sprinting towards the group.

"Shit!" Kirishima cursed, having believed he was KO'ed. Tank propelled himself through the air, using his massive hands in a fist he slammed them against the ground.

The sheer force of his strength rocked the earth, the shock wave sped towards your group; the ground crumbled. Puzzle snickered as she grabbed this opportunity and spaced herself away from the heroes.

Bakugo grabbed you, jumping back out of the way of the sinking earth, it placed you yards from your siblings.

Tank moved to stand behind Puzzle, thick purple smoke spilled from the mouthpiece of his mask, revealing he was the one with the portal quirk.

The thought of them slipping away again made your stomach turn, but Bakugo's grip was locked tight, you knew he wouldn't let you take a step after them. On some level you knew he was right for this behavior you weren't in a fighting condition. You only could imagine the soreness you were going to be greeted with when this was all over.

The smoke bubbled and popped, slowly crawling over Puzzles legs.

"Puzzle-" you called out, taking a step only for Bakugo to pull you right back. "-don't come back here." You warned.

"Making threats are we now sister?"

"I don't make threats, I make promises-" Your voice was callous, "-when I find you again, I'm going to kill you."

Puzzle smiled under the mask, as the smoke caused her to begin to fade, she took a bow before vanishing from sight.

"Well shit." Midnight sighed, seeing another man hunt coming soon.

"I'm sorry-" Aizawa turned to you. "-but there's no leaving U.A. grounds today."

"Aw come on-!" Kirishima and Kaminari protested. Aizawa glanced at Mina and Sero being placed on stretchers and hauled off to Recovery Girl. He then turned to Snipe.

"You think you can handle it from here?"

Snipe gave a silent nod, not thrilled to be spending his Sunday cleaning up this mess and the mountain of paperwork that follows, but he knew what it meant to be on a team, and right now Aizawa needed to get you inside, out if the line of fire and figure out how the hell your twisted siblings keep getting on U.A. grounds without setting off the alarms!