
Chapter Forty Eight

The ride in the SUV was silent, Naomasa drove as you sat in-between Bakugo and Kirishima. All Might was beside Midoriya with Aizawa riding shot gun. Naomasa pulled up to the hospital in record time, your group walked through the automatic double doors and was instantly hit with a distinct smell you knew all too well.

The antiseptic was a little bitter, undertones of artificial fragrance from cleaner. The solarium lighting stung your eyes as you looked around the lobby.

"Five-?" A familiar voice called, turning your attention to the opening of the gift shop.

"Mrs. Okino?" A petite woman walked over; you could see the dark bags under her eyes. Her hair loosely tied out of the way; she clung to her purse.

"Five!" The woman cried, tears pricking the sides of her eyes as she hugged you.

"Who is that woman?" Midoriya whispered to All Might, Bakugo tense not knowing who this stranger was or why they were touching you!?

"That-" Aizawa gestured. "-would be GunHead's wife."

"Wife!?" Kirishima and Midoriya gasped, mouths agape. "That guy has a wife-!?" Kirishima's mouth hung open, GunHead had a wife, yet he couldn't get a date, why was life so unfair!?

"I'm so relieved-" Mrs. Okino breathed, backing away. "-I know you were one of the heroes who were at the hotel, and I couldn't imagine what I would do if something happened to you-"

"Hey-" You reached out touching her shoulder.

"-I'm ok."

"I know. I-I just...it's been a long night; I've spoken to so many doctors-"

"Koji is going to be fine." You reinsured her. "You and I both know he's way to stubborn to do anything else."

"You're right." She laughed, "I was just about to head into the giftshop get a few snacks and maybe get some flowers, you know how Koji loves them."

"I do." You nod.

"Would you join me?" Mrs. Okino questions, "Oh, unless you're here for-"

"I would love to buy him some flowers." You flash a smile under your mask, glancing over your shoulder, nodding letting them know where you were going.

"No." Aizawa gripped the back of Bakugo's shirt.

"Why not?!" He bit, wanting to follow you.

"Because I said so."

"Who is Koji?" Kirishima wondered, turning to Midoriya who shrugged.

"Koji is GunHead's real name." All Might replied, looking in the direction of the gift shop. He knew it was good for you to spend some time with Mrs. Okino, you didn't need a group of six men following you around like lost puppy dogs.

"Has Koji woken yet?" You wondered, lightly rubbing a flower petal.

"No." Mrs. Okino huffs through her nose. "Doctors say he should make a full recovery, but they are worried since he hasn't woken yet."

"He always has to be the dramatic one." You smirk, trying to lighten the mood and take the worry off Mrs. Okino's mind.

"I'm worried Five-" She breathed, fiddling with a bouquet of flowers. "-what if whoever is doing this tries to come finish the job?"

"That won't happen." You declare.

"How do you know?"

"Because I am going to figure out who is doing this and stop them."

"I know you will." Mrs. Okino walked over, hugging you tightly as tears drip down her face. "I-I am just so worried." You locked your jaw as your back caught on fire.

"It's going to be fine; Koji will wake up soon. I think after he is out of the hospital you two deserve some time off."

"Oh yeah-!" Mrs. Okino fired up, "-when he can walk, he is taking me on a real vacation-" The determination in her eyes caused you to chuckle. "-and I'm not talking some day trip to a different city, I mean like a real vacation on a beach somewhere!"

"Yeah-" You nod, looking around by habit. You stopped scanning the area, tilting your head to the side, the two workers in dark gray scrubs caught your eye, they were giving you and GunHead's wife a little too much attention.

The muscles in your shoulders tense as they both reached into their oversized jackets. Your eyes flickered to Mrs. Okino bragging about the fantasy vacation. You jumped, arms wrapping around her as you took cover behind the counter from the rainstorm of bullets. The gift shop worker cried, covering her head as she dropped beside Mrs. Okino.

Pulling your gun from the holster on your leg, you stood returning fire at the two. You bit down on your jaw feeling one of the bullets slamming into your side, but you ignored the pressure, the jacket stopped the bullet. With three more shots you took the two hospital impostures down. You breathed, turning to Mrs. Okino you felt a dark cloud cover you, sending a cold sweat over your body.

"GunHead." You breathed, hearing All Might and the others running full force towards you. "Where is his room!?"

"What-?" Mrs. Okino was shaken.

"Where is your husbands' room!?"

"R-Room 204."

You ripped your jacket from your body, draping it over her you shoulders before jumping over the counter. Bits of glass crunched under your boots.


"Watch her!" You pointed to GunHead's wife, unsure of who was the target in this situation as you bolted past them.

"What-!?" All Might called, Bakugo kicked himself off his heel, running after you.

You slammed open the door to the stairwell, taking them three at a time your gun tightly gripped in your hand. Once you reached the second floor, you about ripped the door off its hinges, you turned the corner, seeing the room number and an empty chair sitting outside the room. Where was the guard!?

A sickening feeling slid into your gut; the adrenaline pumped through your veins as you slid into the room. The tv was low, lights dimmed. You exhaled seeing GunHead lying in his hospital bed, still sound asleep with no one else in the room but you.

"Where the hell is his guard?" Bakugo asked, looking around, the low beeping of his heart monitor mixed with the mutter of the tv. Bakugo was about to slide past you, to check out the bathroom but stopped feeling your hand grip his shoulder. His eye snapped down at you, you kept your head low as your breathing was ridged.

"(y/n)?" Bakugo placed his hand on your lower back. "You ok?" You didn't respond, the medication long wore off, and with the adrenaline washing away, it allowed you to feel every bruise and cut on your body throwing a fit. "Alright-" He breathed, guiding you to the recliner he sat you down.

Aizawa, All Might came running into the room, Bakugo stood, hand never leaving your shoulder.

"Where's the wife?"

"Midoriya and Kirishima are with her." Aizawa answers, "Is she-!?"

"She's fine." Bakugo said, looking back at you who stared at GunHead, Aizawa and All Might looked from you then to the fellow hero. It was hard to see him like this, he was always so full of energy and life, it was odd to see him just lying there so motionless being held together by medical tape and IVs.

Hours dragged by after the incident in the gift shop.

Naomasa had the place flooded with officers within twenty stretched out minutes. They checked every worker's identification and arrested the two villains you took down. Mrs. Okino was shaken, but unharmed. After Aizawa and Bakugo questioned the villains, they discovered they had come here and tried to finish someone's job to collect the bounty on GunHead. You chewed out the guard who wasn't at his post, even had him replaced by an officer you knew and trusted.

You sat in the recliner just staring at GunHead, you felt sick with worry, but you would never tell him that, it would give him an ego boost. GunHead's wife sat across from you playing a mindless game on her cell phone, Bakugo and All Might stayed with you in the hospital while Aizawa took the others back to the dorms. There couldn't be too many people in the hospital room, the nurses staff lectured the lot of you.

It was the middle of the night when GunHead finally stirred, opening his eyes his wife jumped up, All Might scrambled to find the night nurse.

"Koji!" Mrs. Okino cried, throwing her arms around his neck as tears poured down her flushed cheeks.

"I'm alright." GunHead breathed, wrapping his free arm around his wife. Bakugo looked away from the heartwarming scene to you.

"Five?" GunHead spotted you, you looked up from the floor. "You're here."

"I am." You nod. "Because I don't spend enough time in hospitals." Bakugo smirked at your still intact sarcasm.

"I didn't ask you to come here." GunHead huffed,

"We both know you would have cried if I didn't show." You replied, leaning against the dark green recliner.

"I would not have!"

"Oh, so I can take these back?" You pointed up and over at the large bouquet of wildflowers.

"No, you cannot-!" GunHead lectures as the nurses and doctor entered, "-you can't take back a gift, that is rude!" You rolled your eyes, but Bakugo could see the smile under your mask. The doctor declared GunHead to be fine, he needs a few weeks of rest, but he would make a full recovery.

"You know she saved me." Mrs. Okino smiled at you as GunHead dug into the hospital mush having been caught up with what happened downstairs.

"You did?" GunHead turned to you, you shrugged brushing off the compliment after you were confident, she wouldn't say anything about you getting nailed by a bullet while in the gift shop. The last thing you wanted to deal with was the gushing emotions from All Might just hearing the word bullet. "You always got my back-" GunHead flashed a smile, he didn't know what he would do if something happened to his wife, he didn't even want to think about it. "-don't you?"

"I do-" You grinned, "-pain in my ass."

"I am the best pain!" He points his fork.

After a couple more hours, Aizawa and All Might kept pointing out how Gunhead needed to rest and so did you. Mrs. Okino hugged you tightly causing Bakugo to frown, but you shot him a 'shut up' look before he said anything to ruin the moment.