
Chapter Fifty Two

"Are you serious right now?" Shiro placed a hand on his hip, watching Kirishima and Midoriya drag themselves over the last step. "I thought your group was supposed to be the best?"

"I-It was so many stairs!" Kirishima rolled onto his back. "I-I think I-I am dying."

"I can promise you that is not what dying feels like."

"And you know!?"

"Yes." Shiro turned, opening the roof door leaving the stunned students to gather themselves before scrambling after him.

"(y/n)!" Midoriya breathed a smile spotting you at the corner of the building, looking through the rifle propped up on the ledge. You gazed over your shoulder at the sweaty group hobbling over.

"You look like hell." You commented.

"We all can't walk through shadows asshole!" Shiro points, you roll your eyes returning to looking through the scope.

"So..." Kirishima looked around. "...what are we supposed to do all the way up here?"

"Guard her." Shiro gestured with his head at you. "Duh."

"Why are you such an ass!?" Bakugo bit, flexing his fingers as he did so, he was tired of Shiro's sarcastic attitude.

You ignored the bickering behind you, pulling the trigger taking down one villain scurrying below after another. You pondered why you and Shiro were here, both injured and held grounded status, you narrowed your eyes, feeling there was something you weren't being told, and you hated being left in the dark.

After an hour of baking in the blazing sun, the cool air offered little relief, the U.A. students were feeling disquiet.

"Why the hell are we up here!?" Bakugo snapped; controlled explosions ignited in the palm of his hands. "We should be down there killing those damn villains!"

Shiro smirked, having stationed the four U.A. students at the other corners of the building to make sure no one could sneak up behind. He turned to you, having shot three more rounds.

"You good?" He questioned, already knowing what your response would be, it was always the same.

"I'm fine."

He nodded, knowing those words should be tattooed on your forehead.

"You gonna tell me what you're really doing here?" Your question took Shiro by surprise, he surveyed the four heroes behind him, on the other side of the roof looking down itching for a villain.

"I told you this already." Shiro hummed his response.

You didn't reply.

"I'm really just here to guard you."

"Mhm." You didn't buy it. "Any leads on those shoes you lost?"

"Yeah." Shiro nods, picking lint off his glove, after a still moment he glanced over seeing you had been watching him. "But you're not getting it."


"You need to rest-"

"Shut the hell up." You sighed.

"You're not fine-" Shiro stood up. "-you lie all you want to those kids, but you can't lie to me. You got a tell Five, and I saw it when you rode us over to catch that peeking, Tom."

"I don't have a-"

"Your eyes." Shiro steps closer. "They flicker when you're running on 'E'."

You shot him an annoyed expression, ignoring the fact he couldn't see it you knew the point got across.

Bakugo grumbled from deep within his throat, stomping back and forth along the ledge like a lion trapped in a cage.

"This is boring as hell!" He bit.

"Kacchan." Midoriya sighed.

"Hey man-!" Kirishima walked over, "-it's fine-"

"All those damn extras are having all the fun while we are stuck up here!"

"But wouldn't you rather be where (y/n) is?" Todoroki questioned.

"Shut up Icy Hot!" Bakugo barked, not wanting logic thrown at him right now. The explosive blond's ranting was cut short spotting the round bot floating in the air beside them.

"What is that?" Midoriya pointed at the object.

"I don't know-" Todoroki was interrupted, the bot projected a picture, projecting a mask figure with a cloak draped over half their face. Their words handed out your location for all to who cared, you furrowed your brows as the bot moved, a camera zoomed onto you, after a moment your figure was on the projection.

"Son of a bitch." Shiro cursed as the price tag on your head was revealed to every villain in this entire damn city.

"What is happening!?"

"We need to destroy that thing!" Kirishima called out, as the U.A. men switched their gears, Shiro leaned against the ledge.

"Gezz-" He sighed; watching. "-they act like they have never been used as live bait before."

"They haven't."

"Oh yeah-" Shiro hums, "-they had a stable childhood...I wonder what that's like?" You glanced over as Bakugo and the others targeted the HPSC's bot.

"Your guess is as good as mine."


"Sorry to interrupt your group session-!" Shiro's grating voice caught the group's attention after twenty minutes of mindlessly staring out into the smoking city. "-but what the fuck are you doing!?"

"What the-!?" Midoriya gasped, Shiro was suspended in midair, glaring down at the group. "-how are you doing that right now!?"

"Who the fuck cares-!?" Shiro spits, gesturing ahead. "-you gonna stand there with your dicks in your hands or fucking help me!?" The group confusedly turned, spotting you struggling against three villains flying away with you.

"How the hell-!?" Bakugo spun around, seeing only your rifle discarded on the ground.

"How did they get the jump on us!?" Kirishima cursed.

"How didn't we hear any of it?" Todoroki added into the melting pot of questions.

"Who the hell cares-!" Bakugo cursed, "-let's go!" He propelled himself off the roof with the others shortly following.

Shiro stood, arms crossed over his chest while you remained kneeling behind your firearm watching your team randomly jump off the roof with a string of curse words following them.

"Uh..." Shiro blinked, looking at you then back to where the guys vanished. "...did they just have a mental break down or something?" You rose to your feet.

"Do they not see us?" You raised an eyebrow; your eye caught a glimmer in the air. "There's a wall-" You pointed, it covered half the roof, "-how-?"

You didn't get to ask questions for the ground began to shake and crumble under your body.

"What the fuck-!?" Shiro cursed, feeling as if gravity itself placed its claws around your shoulders and pushed, it was an all too familiar sensation. You felt Shiro gripping your arms, then the next thing you knew, you blinked, lying on your side staring up at the distance dot of light.

Shiro coughed, rolling onto his stomach having placed himself under you to cushion your fall, taking in the dark surroundings, all he could make out were the large clumps of rubble which had once been the ceiling above.

"What the fuck-!?" Shiro cursed, pulling himself up. "-we fell all the way through!?"

"Seems like it." You glanced around the dark room, it smelt musty like a basement. Why was it always a basement, why couldn't it be a nice sunroom, what did villains have against vitamin D?

"How did this go to shit so fast?"

"Have you met us?" You wondered but didn't have long to pounder. A slow irritating clap echoed around the two of you. You looked 360 degrees around the room but couldn't make out anything father than three feet from your face, a slow deep chuckle seeded its way through the darkness.

"How fucking original-!" Shiro snapped, shoulders tensing. "-the slow menacing clap and laughing from the dark. I can tell you've probably watched every villain movie ever made. Why don't you get out here and face us, stop being a fucking coward!"

"Very well-" A surprising feminine voice replies, a tall curvy woman stepped into the dim light, she gave a quick clap and light explodes around the room, revealing the dozens of villains surrounding you and Shiro.

"Well shit." Shiro muttered. "Never mind-!" He waves, "-you can turn off the lights again!"

"Who the hell are you?" You sighed, you didn't know this person, her round face didn't ring any bells, but she did, however, look slightly familiar.

"I suppose you wouldn't know." The mysterious woman sneered in your direction.

"Who pissed in her cereal?" Shiro muttered, "What did you do to piss her off?"

"I didn't do anything." You whispered back. "What did you do-?"

"How about I give you a hint Five-" Clearly, she knew you. "-you killed my sister."

"What now?" You blinked, shaking your head as you were taken back. Your brain instantly racked itself, trying to recall the villain who this person could be referring to, but from your memory, you came up empty handed.

Shiro began picking a fight as you tried to recall the countless files you had to write up to make Shooter's operation look legitimate, you went through similar builds, faces, eye shape, everything you could think of it didn't help you couldn't see freaking color right now.

"Kaina-" You breathed, looking up from the ground, the two held similar faces. You recalled something about them being orphaned at a young age, Kaina being the oldest. "-you're her sister."

"I'm surprised you even knew she had a sibling."

"Don't give me too much credit-" You called; "-I read her file."

"Why would you add that in there?" Shiro's astonished tone drowned out by laughter.

"Atsumi, I believe?" You guessed; you could see the blurry file in your head.

"I can see why your still alive after all these years." Atsumi smirked, uncrossing her arms from over her chest. "Your brains kept you alive."

"I didn't kill your sister." You called over to her, "I wasn't even in the same room when that fight went down-"

"You-" Atsumi sneered, taking a step forward, the handful of villains surrounding her followed suit. "-if it wasn't for you, my sister would have had the backup she needed to win her fight!"

"How...How is that my fault?" You tilted your head, earning a light smack from Shiro.

"I know how my sister likes to get her revenge; she wants it on every villain inside that forsaken hotel-!" Atsumi bared her teeth. "-and justice is what I will help her get-" You frowned, Atsumi's words weren't adding up.

You turned your head in time to watch the figure be lowered, its limbs attached to string and its dead eyed stare ripped through your core.

"What in the actual fuckage!?" Shiro breathed, taking a step backward, his hand reaching out to yours, bringing you with him.

Your eyes were widened, there wasn't much in this life left to shock you but watching Kaina be lowered beside Atsumi, left you feeling unsettled. Your lips parted, her paled skin, the way her limbs were stiffly moved, the way her head slumped slightly off to the side felt inhuman...her body shape seemed off as well, almost as if she had been hollowed out.

"You turned your sister into a fucking puppet?" Your tone was breathy, feeling Shiro's sweaty palm on your wrist, keeping you beside him.

"If you paid someone to do that-" Shiro pointed, "-I would definitely get your money back."

"I have to hand it to you heroes-" Atsumi waved at the term. "-if you can call yourselves that. You got here a lot faster than I thought you would-" You and Shiro glanced at one another. "-but I suppose you're saving us money in the long run-"

"Hold on-" Shiro held his hand up, stepping in front of you. "-hang on, hold up...you're the one who has been paying the tags on the hero's head!?"

"Well...yes, isn't that why you're here?"

"Wait-!" Shiro couldn't stiffen his laughter. "-wait, and this place is your hideout, you-you really thought you could hold up inside the largest building while your rookies try to take over an entire city!?" Shiro broke out into a fit of laughter, bending over while clutching his stomach. "And you thought-you thought we were here tracking you down!"

"That's why you-"

"You dumb bitch-!" Shiro cackled. "-we didn't know anything about you until now! Your plan sucks ass!" You smirked, pulling your lips into a thin line trying to hold your chuckle in.

"It doesn't matter to us how you got here-" Atsumi turned to her sister, caressing her stiff cheek. "-you saved us the trouble of personally hunting you down."

"Oh-" Shiro's stomach soured. "-that's just upsetting." Atsumi turns her head, pressing the side of her face against her big sister's chest, you could hear a cracking sound, you pinched your face as your stomach churned.

"For making my sister look like a fool-" Cold eyes met yours. "-today Five, you'll die."

You glanced at your surroundings again, then to Shiro as you swallowed down the bile fighting to rise, you both knew there was only one way to end this, and it was going to be bloody.

"Good luck with that-" You left Shiro's gaze, sternly locking onto Atsumi, "-you're not the first nor will you be the last to say those words to me."