
Chapter Fifty One

"Five." Shiro tensed, dropping all humor, this officer was unseasoned, too squirrely, Shiro's shoulders tightened as the gun pointed at your chest nervously shook.

"Tokuyoshi-!" A strained voice called out. "-what the hell are you doing!?"

"They are villains sir-!" Tokuyoshi replied, never removing his eyes from your blank expression. He knew if he pulled the trigger now, you would no longer be a threat freely walking around, there would be no more open cases making his department look like a fool.

If he just pulled this trigger right now, then...

"Give me that-!" The police commissioner yanked the weapon away, quickly flicking the safety on before returning to his officer. "-what the hell are you thinking!?"

"They-They left sir-!" Tokuyoshi pointed. The police commissioner shifts his glare towards you and Shiro, he flickered his gaze to the trembling peeking Tom who had crumbled by Shiro's side.

"Get that villain to lock up-!" The police commissioner snapped as Aizawa appeared in his peripheral vision. "-Seven, Five, you left without your assigned team only to seize this villain who opposed a threat to the safety of those working here, correct?"

"Uh..." Shiro glanced your direction, "...sounds about right."


Shiro turned his head, your team stood behind Aizawa who held his arm out, preventing them from flanking your side.

"I apologize for my officers' disgraceful actions-!" The police commissioner bowed, Shiro was taken back, feeling sweat on his forehead.

"Uh-It's fine-" Shiro waves. "-just stop doing whatever this is."

"-I promise he will be dealt with property."

"Ok." Shiro muttered, feeling all eyes tuned into him and you.

"Please-" The police commissioner gestured towards Aizawa, "-rejoin your team and prepare to enter the city."

"Sure." Shiro handed off the peeking Tom while directing you towards the annoyed Aizawa.

"What happened?" Aizawa questioned, crossing his arms.

"Well, you see..." Shiro trailed off, searching for an excuse as you were no help, to his luck another officer walked over interrupting.

"We are ready for your class." The woman was a welcomed blessing to Shiro as he quickly nodded his head, pushing you forward out of Aizawa's glare.

"You're such an instigator." Shiro muttered as you rejoined your class, he glared spotting the smirk under your mask.

Your group collected around the bus, Kirishima and Ojiro helped in unloading the vehicle. Large boxes rested on the ground, three officers opened them and instantly began clasping a metal bracelet on every student while two others handed out the weaponry approved for Class C1-A.

An officer handed Shiro a Barrett M82 rifle.

"Oh-" Camie eyed the high-power rifle, "-that's a big gun you have there."

"Yeah-?" Shiro smirked, "-you like big guns?"

"Maybe." Camie giggled as she toyed with a strand of her hair.

"Good." Shiro replies as he hands the rifle off to you. "Because it's hers." Camie's jaw drops watching you start your regular checks over the weapon, completely ignoring the conversation.


"I'm just the backup doll face." Shiro shrugged, turning his back on Camie.

"If you're done getting your dick sucked, we have places to be." You called looking over your shoulder.

"I was just-" Shiro went to defend himself when an officer walked up, clasping the bracelet around his wrist. "-hey man-" Shiro pushes him away. "-I'm into this kinda play but not in front of an audience-"

"It's a tracker." The officer rolled his eyes.

"Another one-?" Shiro furrows his brows, glaring at the metal object. "-ours isn't good enough?"

"The one you have is on a different server, this one is connected to ours, so we can track where everyone is, it's a safety measure."

"Oh yeah-" Shiro grumbled, "-I feel safer already. All this GPS shit isn't gonna cause like cancer in my dick or anything is it?"

"Maybe if you had a dick to cause cancer in." You retorted, earning a tight glare from Shiro and a few snickers from the people around you.

"Five-" An officer tossed you a duffle bag. "-Seven-" She tossed him a similar one. "-you can change in that tent over there." She points behind her, "Hurry up."

"A please would be nice." Shiro muttered under his breath.

"Where are they going?" Midoriya turned to Aizawa.

"I don't know." The lazed teacher replied honestly, he wasn't told much about why you had been requested to be here with your class, it was the main reason he reached out to Shiro and Gray.

It didn't take long for you to emerge from the tent.

"What the hell-?" Bakugo turned fully facing you walk out in your old bullet uniform, mask and all.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Aizawa barked at the nearby officer who handed off the duffle bags.

"I-I don't know-!" They swore. "-I was just told to hand them those!"

"(y/n)-" Aizawa waved you over as you slung the rifle on your back. "-go change-"

"You all need to get to your positions." The police commissioner called, walking past.

"Why the hell are they wearing those!?" Mina pointed at your uniform.

"Please-" The police commissioner breathed through his nose, "-we are on a tight schedule, get to your assigned places."

"Hey-!" Aizawa stepped forward, chasing after the police commissioner but you walked right past your team with Shiro hanging tightly on your side.

"Where you going!?" Midoriya called, "We have to wait for-!"

"You heard him-" Shiro craned to look over his shoulder. "-out here Aizawa is not in charge. We each have our own places to be, so get there."

"But we don't know where we're supposed to go!" Kirishima informed.

"We do." Shiro glanced over his shoulder without halting his march forward.

"Bakugo-!" Mina worriedly turned to the blond, grabbing his arm before he got to far.

"Don't worry-" He grunted; jaw locked, his gut stirring. "-we got her."

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Kirishima mumbled.

"I don't either." Todoroki agreed. "But we must follow her."

"Yeah." Midoriya sighed, glancing at the rest of his confused classmates before following Bakugo.

"Deku-!" Ochaco jogged after him.

"Don't worry." Midoriya flashed his cheerful grin. "We will be alright, look after each other and we will meet up after this is over!"

"A-Alright..." Ochaco sighed, holding her hands to her chest watching the greenette catch up to his team who entered Deika City.

"Where's Gray?" You finally ask the burning question swimming around your head.

"Last I talked to him-" Shiro yawned. "-his kid was sick, like hospital sick."

"Why wasn't I called?" You turned to look at him through the black and white screen.

"The kid's fine." Shiro shrugged. "She's in the clear, but I figured he'd want to be with her, and I knew whatever was being thrown at us, we could handle it alone so calling him didn't seem necessary."

"Hm..." You hummed, knowing Shiro was right to not bother Gray with something stupid such as an overrun city. "...still surprised he's a father."

"Yeah!" Shiro chuckled. "Makes me scared for the future generations!" You smirked, allowing silence to filter the space, even though you and Shiro poked fun, you both knew Gray was going to be the best father he could be.

Shiro glanced over his shoulder at the group trailing behind, he viewed Bakugo and the others as little baby heroes tucking along. He smirked, turning around to face forward.

"The little tater tots are soggy they didn't get invited to the fun." Shiro says. You furrow your brows, looking over your shoulder you could read the pouting expressions on their features, you knew Shiro was right, Midoriya, Bakugo and the others are usually in the heart of the drama, this time they weren't, and the disappointment showed.

You face forward, it served them right, they could stew in their displeasure for a while, maybe then they could get a taste of the rancor you were forced to choke on when you found out they got a paycheck for—wait no. You furrowed your brows, glancing over your shoulder, they didn't get a paycheck...they didn't put those knives in your back; you turned around feeling your head start to hurt.

"Tater tots?" You question Shiro's terminology.

"I don't know-" He huffs. "-I'm hungry."

Your group arrived at the central tower, Midoriya and Kirishima craned their necks to gaze upon the skyscraper reaching towards the clouds.

"Tell me we can just hangout on the first floor." Kirishima nervously laughed.

"Nope." Shiro popped the 'P', "They want us on the tippy top."

"Why?" Todoroki questioned, Shiro shrugged.

"See you on the top." You went directly to the nearest shadow.

"Wait-!" Shiro held a handout, "-you're going to at least take me right!?"

"Rude!" Kirishima butted in.

"I don't got the juice for that." You replied.

"Your fucking lying!" Shiro accused.

"Better get a move on." You smirked, dropping into the shadow leaving your team behind.

"We are supposed to stay together!" Midoriya called, but you ignored his voice, needing a little space to figure things out.

"Ugh!" Kirishima groaned gazing up the fifty flights of stairs he had to climb.